Summary of events

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.

17-30 March

Exhibit of C.K.G. reproductions and copies

Jharna-Kala Gallery, N.Y.C.

31 March-28 April

Exhibit of over 2,000 C.K.G. originals

Bonwit Teller, Eastchester, N.Y.

Month of April

Display of C.K.G. copies

The Little Gallery, New Rochelle, N.Y.

Month of April

Display of C.K.G. reproductions

Manhattanville College, Library, Harrison, N.Y.

April and May

Exhibit of C.K.G. reproductions and books by Sri Chinmoy

Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass.

16 April, Lecture by Sri Chinmoy ‘Heaven vs. Earth”

23 April, Lecture by Sri Chinmoy “With Knowledge, How Far?”

Columbia University, McMillan Theatre, N.Y.C.

12 April, Public Meditation with Sri Chinmoy

City College of New York in Manhattan, N.Y.C.

21 April-5 May, Exhibit of C.K.G. reproductions 28 April, Lecture on C.K.G.’s art

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-2, No. 4, 27 April 1975, Vishma Press, 1975
Sourced from