Sri Chinmoy meets the Consul General of India1

Sri Chinmoy: Which country do you like most?

Mr. Nevile: I love every place. Where I am, I like that place, because there is good everywhere. If you want to find fault, you can find fault everywhere. It is your own attitude of mind, your own outlook, which determines your attitude toward a country.

Sri Chinmoy: I am so happy to hear that. That is the sign of a very noble soul, spiritual soul. Our own reflection we see in the world. If we lead a good life, moral life, religious life, spiritual life, then we try to see those very things inside others. But if we live a corrupted life, then we try to observe that very thing inside others.

Mr. Nevile: We see our own reflection in everything around us. So I take your leave. It is a great honour for me to be here with you today, and I certainly will try to come tonight.

The Consul and two of his aides attended the concert of Sri Chinmoy’s music that evening. Sri Chinmoy invited Mr. Nevile to meditate with him on the stage, and presented the Consul with a garland. The two leaders exchanged thanks in the following words.

Sri Chinmoy: My students and I are very grateful to you for your kind presence. This afternoon I had the opportunity to discover, when you visited our Centre, Mother India’s heart of simplicity, majesty and purity blossoming in you in a striking manner. My heart of gratitude I wish to offer to you most soulfully.

Mr. Nevile: Thank you very much. It has been a unique experience for me to be near such a great soul, who is carrying the message of my country to people far away from my homeland, who is an enlightened soul, and who is doing so much for mankind. My heart is really feeling something which I can’t express — some blissful moments for me. It is a unique experience for me to be in your presence.

Sri Chinmoy and Consul General Mr. Pran Nevile meditate at the University of Chicago.

At the Chicago Sri Chinmoy Centre on Saturday, 29 July 1978, Sri Chinmoy met with the Consul General of India in Chicago, Mr. Pran Nevile. They spoke together for fifteen or twenty minutes about their life's work and about mutual friends and acquaintances in the Indian consular service. At the end of their conversation the following soulful exchange took place.

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-5, No. 7,8, July-August 1978, Vishma Press, 1978
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