30 September 1980


Indifference reigns supreme in my life.

My body is indifferent

To the dynamic urge of my vital.

My vital is indifferent

To the deserving rest of my body.

My mind is indifferent

To the soulful cry of my heart.

My heart is indifferent

To the inquisitive quest of my mind.

My soul is indifferent

To the slow efforts, slower success

And slowest progress of my life.

Even my Beloved Supreme, it seems, is indifferent

To my supreme realisation.

Had He flooded my entire being

With His Concern Supreme,

I am sure I would not have been waiting

For millennia for my realisation.

Alas, alas, O my Beloved Supreme,

Do tell me why You are indifferent to me,

And why the rest of the members of my family

Are indifferent to one another.

“My sweet child, I am not indifferent to you.

Dive deep within and you will see

That Constant Concern is My only name.

And about your body, vital, mind, heart and soul,

I wish to tell you that they can be freed

From the fatal disease of indifference.

They can be cured of this fatal disease

Only by using the medicine: oneness-concern.

When oneness-concern plays its role within and


Satisfaction at every moment shall loom large

In the seeker’s life, in your life.

The indifference-flow will be found no-where.

Only the oneness-flow will be found all-where. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-6, No. 9, September 1980, Vishma Press, 1980
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_144