Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 58

5701. The concept of impossibility


The concept of impossibility

My Lord does not accept,

So how can I?

My life will be changed totally.

I just have to be patient.

It is only a question of time. ```

5702. A self-controlled life


A self-controlled life

Will guarantee salvation.

A self-giving life

Will guarantee liberation. ```

5703. Happiness follows


Happiness follows him

Who follows the footsteps

Of a God-intoxicated lover.


5704. Your new-made friendship


Your new-made friendship

With your conscience-life

Will save you,

Perfect you

And finally illumine you.


5705. Watch your sincerity


Watch your sincerity

And pray for your purity.

You will never fall into the abyss

Of temptation-night. ```

5706. The modern age of electronics


The modern age of electronics

And the age-old life of inner poise

Deliberately want to be ignorant

Of each other. ```

5707. Obey His Commands


Obey His Commands

If you want your life to be soulful,

Your heart to be fruitful

And, finally, your breath

To be supremely useful

To your Lord Supreme. ```

5708. My heart's silence-poise


My heart’s silence-poise

Is not only my life’s confidence

But also my Beloved Supreme’s

Satisfaction-Delight. ```

5709. God proudly treasures


A soulful heart,

A self-disciplined mind

And a practical life

God proudly treasures on earth. ```

5710. Walk with the Eternal God


Walk with the Eternal God.

Fleeting time

Will not be able to torture you.

Adamantine will-power

Will descend from Above

And make you a real member

Of God’s Heavenly Kingdom on earth.


5711. Cherish your friendships


Make friends

And cherish your friendships,

So you can stop making

Once and for all

Any kind of warship.


5712. Heaven's Compassion-Sky


It is Heaven’s Compassion-Sky

And not earth’s eloquence-flood

That has illumined my heart

And transformed my life. ```

5713. If you pray for the wrong thing


If you pray even for five minutes

For the wrong thing,

You may suffer unimaginably

For the rest of your life. ```

5714. The faithfulness of my life


The faithfulness of my life

And the fruitfulness of God’s Heart

Are always extremely fond of each other.


5715. I need only one thing


During the day

I need only one thing:

God’s Vision-Eye

To guide me.

During the night

I need only one thing:

God’s Compassion-Heart

To illumine me. ```

5716. Success cannot hide


Success cannot hide

Its futile emptiness,

But progress can hide

Its soulful fruitfulness. ```

5717. Be happy, be happy!


Be happy, be happy!

Unless you are happy,

Your outer life will not succeed

And your inner life will not proceed. ```

5718. A life of unhappiness


A life of unhappiness

Is a contagious disease.

The world is already full of misery.

Allow not your unhappiness

To increase the world’s misery.


5719. A heart of magnanimity


A heart of magnanimity

Carries at once

The beauty and the power

Of divine electricity. ```

5720. Our heart must weep


Our heart must weep

And our eyes must smile

If we want to totally transform ourselves.


5721. The silence of the sea


The sound of the sea

Inspires me to become

Something great.

The silence of the sea

Aspires in and through me

To make me good.


5722. An infallible truth


An infallible truth:

A heart of genuine aspiration-cry

Is God’s proudest possession.


5723. Your life's future-tower


Your soul has built

Your life’s future-tower today.

Now it is high time

For your heart to stand

Smilingly and soulfully

On its summit-height. ```

5724. Outer and inner blindness


The difference between

The outer blindness and the inner blindness

Is this:

The outer blindness unfortunately

Cannot see the light.

The inner blindness deliberately

Does not want to see the light.


5725. You have everything within


You have everything within.

To find your true self

Just love more

Your heart’s soulful cry

And your eyes’ powerful smile.


5726. A new philosophy


A new philosophy:

To teach is to learn.

To learn is to reveal constantly

One’s inner perfection. ```

5727. He is a real discoverer


He is a real discoverer.

He has discovered that

His life’s teeming weaknesses

Are all inside the Compassion-Heart

Of his Beloved Supreme.


5728. Pray soulfully


Pray soulfully.

You will be able to wash away

Your worries.

Meditate silently.

You will be able to create

A totally new life

For yourself. ```

5729. What God clearly needs


Man’s perfection-life:

This is what God clearly needs.

God’s Satisfaction-Heart:

This is what man sleeplessly needs. ```

5730. I confess


I confess that I have done

Many foolish things in this life.

But why do you have to revive them

And torture me infinitely more

Than I actually deserve?


5731. One soulful cry


One soulful cry of the heart

Can not only lighten

The weight of sad depression

But also enlighten

A God-searching mind.


5732. In supreme secrecy


O Heaven, please remember

That all I have told you

About weak earth

Is in supreme secrecy.

O earth, please remember

That all I have told you

About indifferent Heaven

Is in supreme secrecy. ```

5733. Once I start fighting


O ignorance-night,

So far I have not fought with you

Either sincerely or vehemently.

But once I start fighting,

I will neither expect nor give

An iota of compassion. ```

5734. All your soulful needs


If you are sincere

And your needs are essential,

How can God be unreasonable?

God will tell the whole world

That all your soulful needs

Are only for His Satisfaction-Light. ```

5735. Two thoughts so futile


Two are the thoughts so futile:

I can live

Without the world.

I can find mistakes

In the life of the cosmic gods.


5736. Death's tremendous nearness


When you see

Death’s tremendous nearness,

Can you not immediately unveil

Your inseparable oneness

With God’s Omnipotence?


5737. Without an instant's hesitation


Without an instant’s hesitation

I shall tell earth

How miserable it looks

Without the blessing-smile of Heaven,

And I shall tell Heaven

How unimportant it looks

Without the aspiration-cry of earth.


5738. Grant me Your sovereign Will


O my Lord Supreme,

Do grant me Your sovereign Will

To obliterate my earth-bound needs

And liberate my impurity-bound self-doubts. ```

5739. The clutch of evil thoughts


In the morning

The clutch of evil thoughts

Makes me blind, totally blind.

In the evening

The clutch of evil thoughts

Compels my death, unavoidable death.


5740. Far above morality-bound truth


I need the courage that is far above

The so-called morality-bound truth,

So that I can serve my Lord Supreme

In His Life’s Vision Transcendental. ```

5741. His Weight is as light


My Lord Supreme,

Out of His infinite Bounty,

Tells me that His Weight is at once

As light as my heart’s aspiration-cry

And as heavy as my life’s ingratitude-frown.


5742. My heart shall be smitten


I refuse to become

A victim to untold miseries

Simply because

I did not think of my Lord Supreme

Centuries ago,

Or even yesterday.

But my heart

Shall be smitten to pieces

If I do not think of my Lord Supreme

From today on,

Forever and forever.


5743. The stiff mind questions


The stiff mind questions:

Is God-realisation worthwhile?

The flexible heart answers:

It is never worthwhile

To answer a question about God

From the wrong person. ```

5744. Our aspiration is accountable


Our aspiration is accountable

To God’s Vision-Light.

Our dedication is accountable

To God’s Reality-Delight. ```

5745. To be absolutely perfect


To be absolutely perfect,

Yesterday I needed a heart of beauty,

Today I need a life of purity

And tomorrow I shall need

A smile from Heaven’s Divinity.


5746. Only a perfectly liberated soul


Only a perfectly liberated soul

Can meet with the extraordinary demands

Of unaspiring human life.


5747. Once again I wonder


Once again I wonder

That I still exist.

Once again I wonder

That God still forgives me. ```

5748. Your life's richest fulfilment


The measure of your life’s

Richest fulfilment

Depends entirely on your heart’s

Fullest enlightenment. ```

5749. Be careful with your success-life


Be careful with your success-life.

Your success-life may hide

Many precious things,

Even your most precious progress-delight. ```

5750. A moment without a soulful cry


A moment without a soulful cry

For the ever-transcending Beyond

Is undoubtedly an age-long

Failure-life. ```

5751. The harvest of silence-peace


You are telling me

That your life is committed to the future.

How do you then expect

To collect the rich harvest

Of today’s reality’s silence-peace?


5752. I sail all day


I sail all night

In my aspiration-boat

Towards Heaven.

I sail all day

In my dedication-boat

Towards earth.


5753. When my inner flames ascend


When my heart’s inner flames

Soulfully, quickly and powerfully


God’s Compassion-Flood

Lovingly, cheerfully and unreservedly

Descends. ```

5754. A self-appointed dictator


The human mind

Is a self-appointed dictator.

The divine heart

Is a God-appointed lover. ```

5755. A moment of self-indulgence


A moment of self-indulgence

May throw you

To the ferocious and devouring tiger,

Death. ```

5756. God's express arrival


If you are ready today,

I shall announce

God’s express arrival.

If you will not be ready until tomorrow,

Then I shall announce

God’s slow and cautious arrival. ```

5757. Spirituality is like climbing


Spirituality is not like coasting

But exactly like climbing —

Climbing ten thousand Himalayas.


5758. Go and talk to God


When your mind’s determination is low,

Go and talk to God immediately.

He is always there inside your heart.

No appointment is necessary. ```

5759. Reformation means


Reformation means

A new powerful promise.

Regeneration means

A new soulful achievement. ```

5760. The message of satisfaction


Heaven has given my mind

The message of transformation.

Earth has given my heart

The message of perfection.

God has given my life

The message of satisfaction. ```

5761. The earliest invitation


A happy heart

Receives the earliest invitation

From God.


5762. You want to see God's Face


You want to see God’s Face

To satisfy yourself.

God wants to embrace your heart

To satisfy Himself. ```

5763. Your self-praise


As your self-praise

Does not need God,

Even so, God’s Vision-Reality

Does not need your great contribution. ```

5764. In perfect harmony


Mine is a little cry.

God’s is a big Smile.

Yet they live in perfect harmony.


5765. When there is no other way



When there is no other way

For Him to convince me

Of His Love for me,

God gently strikes me.


5766. I dance with my soul's Infinity


I cry

With my mind’s poverty.

I smile

With my heart’s plenty.

I dance

With my soul’s Infinity. ```

5767. May I be reborn every day


My Lord,

May I be reborn every day

With a gratitude-heart,

A surrender-life

And a perfection-soul.


5768. God does not want to punish us


God does not want to punish us

By blessing the heads

Of our countless desires.


5769. The inevitable God


My mind is fond

Of the visible God.

My heart is fond

Of the invisible God.

My soul is fond

Of the inevitable God. ```

5770. They do not know each other


Fear and faith —

They do not know each other.

Doubt and love —

They do not know each other.

Aspiration and failure —

They do not know each other. ```

5771. Pray and pray


Read and read

And see how many things you need.

Pray and pray

And see what God has to say

About your needs.


5772. A visible ally


A visible ally:

God’s Compassion-Ocean for me.

An invisible ally:

God’s Faith-Sky in me. ```

5773. God is under no obligation


I must know that

God is under no obligation

To listen to my emergency prayers

Since I do not pray daily,

Faithfully, soulfully and unreservedly.


5774. If you have faith


If you have faith in the world,

You will be able to lead the world.

If you doubt the world,

You will be forced to follow the world. ```

5775. Be careful


Be careful

When you tell the wrong person

About the right Person: God.


5776. Panoramic views


Singing a soulful song soulfully

Is exactly the same

As enjoying a ride on an express train:

Panoramic views on either side. ```

5777. Not only for special seekers


God’s Transcendental Height

Is not only for special seekers

But also for ordinary human beings

Like me. ```

5778. God may fulfil his Promise


Since God is always more than ready

To deal with my problems,

Why do I not let Him,

At least for today?

Who knows,

God may fulfil His Promise

And make me really happy.


5779. God the Question


God the Question and God the Answer

Do not live separately.

They live together

Inside my small, secret

And sacred heart-room.


5780. God asks me to help myself


Before I meditate,

God places His Compassion-Drink before me

And asks me to help myself.

After I have meditated,

God places His Satisfaction-Feast before me

And asks me to help myself. ```

5781. Enough real sufferings


You have enough real sufferings.

Why are you adding imaginary ones

To them, you fool?


5782. Only if I can dream


God tells me

That I can touch His Feet

Only if I can dream of seeing the truth

Deep inside my heart. ```

5783. Human curiosity asks


Human curiosity

Curiously asks.

Divine authority

Authoritatively answers. ```

5784. You can criticise me


If you have the heart

To help me,

And if you have the soul

To illumine me,

Then you can criticise me,

You can even punish me,

To your heart’s content.


5785. A sleepy onlooker


Because your mind

Does not aspire,

You are forced to become

A sleepy onlooker.

Because your heart

Aspires and surrenders,

You have cheerfully become

An expectant uplooker. ```

5786. But not ingratitude


Even jealousy and insecurity

Are curable,

But not ingratitude.


5787. Stupid mind, wise soul


During his meditation

His stupid mind thinks of

His body’s position,

But his wise soul is concerned about

His heart’s condition.


5788. The valid passport


The valid passport

To enter into the inner world

Is not what your mind has

But what your heart is. ```

5789. God does not want to delay


God does not want to delay

His Vision-Plans for you,

But if you desert His Compassion-Heart,

Then naturally He has to delay. ```

5790. The task of a lifetime


To succeed triumphantly

Is the miracle of a moment.

To proceed unconditionally

Is the task of a lifetime. ```

5791. Gladly God will give to you


Soulfully give to God

What you have:


Gladly God will give to you

What He is:



5792. Your heart is full of faith


Your mind is full of questions,

But do not worry.

Your heart is full of faith,

Which will answer

All your mind’s questions

Most satisfactorily. ```

5793. Believe in God for a minute


Believe in God soulfully

For a minute,

And you can receive

For a full year

What God offers you

Cheerfully. ```

5794. What has happened to me?


What has happened to me?

I have become a sincere seeker.

What has happened through me?

A satisfying experience for God. ```

5795. Your achievements are proud


You may not be proud

Of your achievements,

But your achievements

Are extremely proud of you.

If you do not believe it,

Then give them a chance

To prove it to you.


5796. Your heart's oneness-smile


Before you allow others

To speak to you,

Give them lovingly

What you have for them:

Your heart’s oneness-smile.


5797. No harm if you misquote


No harm if you misquote

What you have read

In your mind-book

About God.

But if you misquote

What you have read

In your heart-book,

You will be in very serious trouble. ```

5798. Start your sacred journey


O my mind,

Stop your mad and helpless rush.

O my heart,

Start your sacred and soulful journey. ```

5799. A miracle


Every leaf is a miracle.

That is what my aspiring heart feels.

But even if God Himself

Stands right before me,

My doubting mind

Will not consider it a miracle. ```

5800. O my gratitude-flames


O my gratitude-flames,

Every day you are newly reborn

Inside my heart.

I see it and I know it.

It may not be known to anybody else,

But as long as God, the all-loving

And all-judging Witness, knows it,

You and my heart can remain

In perfect satisfaction-delight.


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the fifty-eighth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy greets H.E. Mr Yehuda Z. Blum, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, at a programme sponsored by the Meditation Group in observance of Albert Einstein’s centennial on 20 March 1979. Ambassador Blum also joined Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations on two other occasions: the commemoration of Human Rights Day in December 1979 and a programme in tribute to the late Olympic and human rights champion, Jesse Owens, in April 1980.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 58, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_58