Balarama conquers Pralamba17

Once there was an athletic competition that many athletes participated in. Kangsa, the hostile force incarnate, sent the asura Pralamba to join in the competition against Krishna and Balarama. Kangsa told Pralamba, “Please defeat these two brothers. If you can defeat them, I shall gladly and unreservedly give you anything that you want. I would hate to see them become victorious. You must defeat them.”

Pralamba said, “Do not worry, my Lord. I shall defeat them badly. I give you my word of honour.”

Kangsa said, “Nothing will please me more. If you defeat them, you will offer me a world of happiness. Certainly you can and you will.”

“I can and I will,” said the demon Pralamba.

The athletic competition commenced, and everyone was showing their prowess. It was said that the winner of each event would be carried on the shoulders of the loser. Pralamba deliberately lost in one of the games so he would get the chance to carry Balarama on his back. When Balarama got on his back, the demon suddenly expanded his form, becoming very huge, and he ran away with Balarama.

Krishna was surprised and shocked. He cried out, “What are you doing? What are you doing?” Krishna was about to fight Pralamba, but instead he said to Balarama, “Brother, Brother, bring your immortal nature to the fore. Why are you allowing yourself to be carried away? If you do not listen to my request, I shall have to fight this demon and kill him.”

Balarama laughed and laughed. “Krishna, my brother, you know who I am. Why are you worrying? Let him carry me as far as he wants to.”

Krishna said, “No, no. I do not want him to carry you any further. Please, please use your powers and destroy this demon. Otherwise, I shall.”

Balarama gave a hearty laugh, summoned his divine strength and became infinitely, infinitely more powerful than the demon, squeezing Pralamba to death.

Balarama was strength incarnate and indomitable courage incarnate. When necessity demanded, he acted. But he never misused his strength, never!

GIM 116. 29 January 1979

From:Sri Chinmoy,Great Indian meals: divinely delicious and supremely nourishing, part 6, Agni Press, 1979
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