My seven eyes

I have seven eyes. Two eyes, my physical eyes, I need to see the outer world.

I have one eye in between and a little above the eyebrows. This inner eye I use to see the farthest, the highest and the deepest regions of consciousness. Whatever I see with this eye, I can eventually become. Whatever particular expression of the highest divinity I see with this eye, I can grow into.

I have one eye inside my heart. This eye tells me that merely seeing the Truth is not enough. I also have to feel that the Truth has to be realised. I have to feel that the Truth is verily mine and that I belong to the Truth.

I have two eyes inside my feet. These eyes tell me that to see is to believe. These eyes tell me that to see the past is to see the backward race. These eyes tell me that to see my unfulfilled past is to see the goals of frustration, limitation, bondage and death all waiting for me.

I have one more eye, inside the crown of my head. This eye tells me that to believe is to see. To believe the highest Truth is to see the future, my forward race. If I believe in the highest, ultimate, transcendental Truth, then I will see the golden All, the place where Infinity, Eternity and Immortality play together and where I can grow into the Song of absolute Fulfilment. This is what my seventh eye tells me.

All of us have these seven eyes. I wish to say that these seven eyes are real eyes. If we enter deep into our inner being, we will see that these seven eyes really exist. Let us try to open them with our aspiration. Then we shall use only the eyes that are necessary for the fulfilment of our realisation and for the fulfilment of our manifestation. We shall aspire, but we shall offer our aspiration at the Feet of the Lord Supreme. Each individual seeker has to offer his or her aspiration at the Feet of the Supreme. Then it is up to the Supreme to open our inner eyes. It is He who helps us in our forward march, in our inward and upward journey. Naturally, if He feels that it is not necessary to open our inner eyes right now, then by other means He will lead us to the Highest.

From:Sri Chinmoy,A hundred years from now, Agni Press, 1974
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