Shashi Kumar Ghosh

Shashi Kumar Ghosh

Shanta nayan bishal hiya

Nitya paritosh

Taba sata barshiki aj

Paramanande saj ar baj

Ekadhare tumi guru gambhir

Shakti sadhak karuna sheha nir

Langhi moru langhi pahar

Durbar manush dosh


Shashi Kumar, Shashi Kumar,

Shashi Kumar Ghosh —

Tranquillity-eyes, vastness-heart

Always in satisfaction-light.

Today we celebrate a hundred springs

From the core of your Eternal Life

With stupendous sound-life

And auspicious silence-soul.

In one form you are a power-worshipper

Immensely self-poised in your central being

And a compassion and affection-flooded nest,

Covering the desert-vast

And transcending the mountain-foibles

Of your feeble fellow travellers and compeers

Here on earth


14 April 1982

From:Sri Chinmoy,My Father Shashi Kumar Ghosh: Affection-Life, Compassion-Heart, Illumination-Mind, Agni Press, 1992
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