Remarks by H.E. Eamonn Kennedy

Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations

I have had the pleasure of knowing Secretary-General Waldheim for over twenty-five years. Our paths first crossed in Paris in the early fifties where we were both comparatively junior diplomats. The Austrian and Irish Embassies (they were only Legations then!) traditionally had a close and valued association in Paris and our contacts there reflected that warm friendship. At that stage neither Austria nor Ireland had become members of the United Nations but we joined at the same time in December 1955.

Our membership in the world Organisation brought us even closer together. Our two countries have much in common. Like the great majority of member countries, both are comparatively small and both pursue independent foreign policies. Ireland was able to be of assistance in the UN in connection with the Alto Adige problem, which concerned both Austria and Italy, and our independent position helped us to play a constructive role which was, I think, appreciated on both sides.

I managed to keep in touch with Dr. Waldheim during his tour of duty as Ambassador of Austria in Ottawa, where I had also served. Accordingly, when I took up duty here in April 1974, as Permanent Representative of Ireland, meeting with the Secretary-General was in fact the renewal of an old and valued friendship.

That friendship was even further strengthened during the first official visit of the Secretary-General to Ireland in April of this year. Accompanied by the charming Mrs. Waldheim and members of his cabinet, the Secretary-General met with the President of Ireland and with our Prime Minister and the members of the Government and Opposition. The meeting provided his hosts with a most useful opportunity to discuss with the Secretary-General the international situation as seen from the United Nations, and a constructive and practical result of the visit was the decision of the Irish Government to send a contingent to serve in Southern Lebanon with UN I Fl L. Throughout the visit the Secretary-General and Mrs. Waldheim displayed that Viennese charm and courtesy which all who have known them so much appreciate and which have never left them throughout their arduous years here at the United Nations.

It is a pleasure to pay this tribute to the Secretary-General and to wish him many more successful years in his leadership role of the World Organisation.

From:Sri Chinmoy,A soulful tribute to the Secretary-General: the Pilot Supreme of the United Nations, Agni Press, 1978
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