Interviewer: At the United Nations, Sri Chinmoy has been leading meditations for delegates and staff for the past twenty years. He has also held meditations at the United States Congress and at the British Parliament. Sri Chinmoy, what do you think the role of the U.N. is in today's turbulent world?

Sri Chinmoy: The role of the United Nations is to be more conscious and more dedicated to its supreme cause. The United Nations has a most significant role to play on earth and it has to bring to the fore its inner courage, inner strength, inner will and inner determination and make the world feel that this can be a world of peace, a world of oneness and a world of satisfaction. We pray and meditate at the United Nations. Again, the politicians, delegates and diplomats try to bring about peace in their own way. We are striving to achieve the same goal. In a tug-of-war, if you have four or five friends on your side and only one individual on the opposite side, naturally you are going to win. So if four or five friends try in various ways to create harmony, their harmony will enter into the vast world.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Aspiration-body, illumination-soul, part 3, Agni Press, 2004
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