In the amusement-enlightenment Heart-Garden of the Lord Supreme

Author's preface

The questions in this book were asked by children between the ages of six and ninety-nine.



My Lord Supreme,

You defeat me in everything.

Will You not allow me to defeat You

only in one thing?

Please give me a longer life than You have.

— Ashrita Furman




My Lord Supreme,

They say that imagination is

the strongest power both in

Heaven and on earth.

Therefore, I do not know how

You can be taller, stronger

and deeper than my imagination.

— Chidananda Burke




My Lord Supreme,

How unlucky I am that I have

so many bosses to please!

You have no boss.

You do not know

how lucky You are —

but somehow I do not envy You.

— Sagar Levin




My Lord Supreme,

When we are sick, we go to see a doctor.

Since, in Your case,

there is no doctor for You,

I wonder how You get cured

when You become sick?

I think, You enjoy remaining incurable,

as we, Your children,

enjoy remaining incorrigible.

— Hiyamallar Shalom




My Lord Supreme,

I pray to You to give me Your Light.

Lord, let us be even.

Let me pray to You for Your Light.

and You can pray to me for my darkness.

— Dhrubha Hein




My Lord Supreme,

I have heard that You are suffering

from our ignorance-food.

Tell me, in whom do You have faith

to cure You, as we have faith in You

to cure us?

— Unmesh




My Lord Supreme,

Be frank with me once and for all.

Do You enjoy being alive

forever and forever?

— Ranjit Swanson




My Lord Supreme,

On earth You are always busy

caring for our perfection.

Do tell me,

what do You do in Heaven?

In Heaven how do You

keep Yourself busy?

— Agraha Levine




My Lord Supreme,

You tell us to love our enemies,

but do You truly know

how bad they are?

I do not think You know,

since You have no enemy.

— Abedan Solomon




My Lord Supreme,

My mother passed away a few months ago.

I cry and cry for her every day, every hour and every minute.

Can You not bring her back to me?

Can You not take me to her, wherever she is?

Can You not find a place halfway where my mother and I can meet together, at least for a few hours a day?

Since You perform countless miracles every day, can You not add one more?

I am sure it will not hurt You.

— Databir Watters




My Lord Supreme,

I love You because I need You.

Do You have any specific reason

to love me and need me?

If You do not have any as yet,

please have one as soon as possible.

— Chirantan Serlin




My Lord Supreme,

I do not want to be as perfect as You are.

I do not want to be as good as You are.

I do not even want to be as great as You are.

I just want to be a constant dreamer like You.




My Lord Supreme,

Why have You created so many bad people?

Is it because You are tired

of creating good ones?

— Kalyan Farrington




My Lord Supreme,

Do send Jesus back.

But do not forget to give him

a longer than the longest life this time.

We need him all the time

— forever — here on earth.

— Kalatit Baker




My Lord Supreme

I cannot believe that You have lost

Your Passport to visit earth!

Is it not one of Your fibs

that You so deeply enjoy?

Please come back to us.

We may not appreciate You

but we do miss You.

— Rupantar La Russo




My Lord Supreme,

Waiters and waitresses are quite often so bad.

Since You are the Supreme Waiter,

can You not instruct them to become excellent in their profession?

— Mahiyan Savage




My Lord Supreme,

I am at the mercy

of life-force and death-force.

When I am in Heaven, after some time the life-force brings me down to earth to enjoy the power of sound.

And when I am on earth, after some time the death-force pulls me up to Heaven to enjoy the beauty of silence.

Can You not find a third place for me where I can live permanently and independently and where I can be eternally beyond the hunger-satisfaction of both life-force and death-force?

— Sunil Davidson




My Lord Supreme,

You want us to read

all the scriptures of the world.

How do You know

that they are going to help us in any way when they deal so much

with fighting and killing?

— Boiragi Podell




My Lord Supreme,

Which is more important in my spiritual life, the inner beauty or the outer purity?

Since it is a very difficult question,

I do not expect an answer from You immediately.

You may take Your time.

— Savyasachi Brown




My Lord Supreme,

Some people think they can do

everything on their own.

They do not need Your Help,

while others think that they can do nothing without Your Help.

Are You not proud of those who do not waste Your precious Time and precious Energy?

I am sure You are.

— Shambhu Vineberg




My Lord Supreme,

Quite often we are forced to love You

at Your choice Hour.

Since Your real Philosophy does not believe in strictness, can You not give us extra capacity to love You happily and unreservedly at Your choice Hour?

— Prabesh Liske




My Lord Supreme,

Do You have a good sense of humour

like I do?

In my case, my love of humour saves my life.

Without a sense of humour, by this time

I would have been in the land of nowhere!

— Sudheya Rosenberg




My Lord Supreme,

There was a time when You wanted me to meditate inside my mind-forest to conquer my enemies, the destructive forces.

But now You want me to meditate inside my heart-garden to increase at every moment my love, devotion and surrender to You.

May my heart's gratitude-flower always rest at Your Feet of Compassion infinite.

— Bipin Larkin




My Lord Supreme,

Do give me the strength

to hate people more than I possibly can.



Because they cut jokes with You, instead of praying to You sleeplessly and breathlessly, like me, in their heart-gardens.

— Pujari Schaeffer




My Lord Supreme,

We are starving for Your Smiles.

You are starving for our tears.

We are determined to work very hard

to please You as soon as possible.

Can You not also be determined

to please us in the same way?

— Kanan Roberts




My Lord Supreme,

I have been trying to love You

since my very birth.

Can You not love me only for a day?

If it is too difficult, just let me know.

I shall not bother You anymore.

— Maral Siegel




My Lord Supreme,

Do tell me what I should tell the world.

Are You planning to come back, or are You never going to come back?

Do come back.

This time I shall not beg You to perform many, many miracles.

I shall beg You only for one miracle:

You will play my role

and I shall play Your Role.

If this miracle is too difficult for You,

I shall fully understand. ```



My Lord Supreme,

I do not mind

whether You love boys more or girls more.

I just want to hear from You secretly

that You love me most!

— Ketan Tamm




My Lord Supreme,

Have You not learned or

have You forgotten

mathematics and science?

Unlike me, why do You

need a computer?

— Kripalu Baertsch




My Lord Supreme,

I describe myself as a complete failure.

Do You have the same opinion of Yourself?

I am sure You do not, since You have not given up playing Your Cosmic Game.

— Nayak Polissar




My Lord Supreme,

When I say I love You only,

I am pretty sure

that You get tremendous joy.

Can You not play the same game with me?

— Narada Walden




My Lord Supreme,

I have been loving

my imagination-toy for a long time.

You have been loving

Your Intuition-Toy all the time.

Do You not think that the time has come

for us to exchange our toys?

— Premik Tubbs




My Lord Supreme,

Here on earth we all enjoy

the sunrise and sunset.

Since there is no sun in Heaven,

do You not miss the beauty of the sunrise

and sunset?

— Pravin Mimms




My Lord Supreme,

Your Kindness has made me

the champion of champions unparalleled,

the champion undreamt of

and champion supreme.

In making me so,

have You used up all Your Power?

If not, give me the Power

that You still have.

With that Power,

I shall command the world

to be extremely proud of You,

the way You have commanded the world

to be proud of me.


— Sudhahota Carl Lewis




My Lord Supreme,

Your earth-family always cries for You.

Your Heaven-family

always sings and dances with You.

Is it fair?

What are You doing

to Your poor earth-family?

— Surashri Paradis




My Lord Supreme,

My teachers scold me

if I do not go to school every day.

Can You not share some of Your Wisdom with my teachers?

Please tell them

that too much of anything is bad.

— Bishwas Polissar




My Lord Supreme,

As You do not know how good You are,

even so, I do not know how great I am.

Alas, both of us need a third person

to appreciate, admire, adore plus love us deeply, as You and I so rightly deserve.

— Durdam Rocherolle




My Lord Supreme,

You want us to have a silent mind.

How can we have a silent mind

when there is so much noise

in Your whole creation?

Since You are the Source of everything,

do You not feel responsible

for all the deafening noise in the world?

— Gangadhar Rocherolle




My Lord Supreme,

We are impatient with people

who are too slow,

but You are not.

Needless to say, our impatience-stupidity

is not the answer.

Again, we feel Your Wisdom

is also of no avail.

They remain unchanged.

— Sandhani Fitch




My Lord Supreme,

We judge people by the clothes they wear

and by the outer beauty that they display.

I am sure You judge people

by the heart they have.

I pray to You to keep me sleeplessly

in Your Boat.

— Astika Mason




My Lord Supreme,

I enjoy being photographed, but You do not.

Do not be embarrassed.

I tell You, You are also as beautiful as I am, and I mean it!

— Pulak Viscardi




My Lord Supreme,

I wanted to be a division-mind-perfectionist.

But You have made me

into a oneness-heart-specialist.

May You remain successful in my life

all the time.

— Bhima Hogan




My Lord Supreme.

Now I know why Chicago

has unpredictable weather.

It is because Chicago is

just imitating You,

the Creator.

— Pradhan Balter




My Lord Supreme,

You are fully satisfied

with Your greatness and goodness.

Please tell me, when will my turn come?

When will You be fully satisfied

with my greatness and goodness?

— Aparajita Fishman




My Lord Supreme,

You tell us not to be attached

to anything or anybody.

Look what You are doing!

You are so attached to Your own creation,

in spite of knowing that Your creation

is past correction.




My Lord Supreme,

You always stay inside my heart.

But have You no spare time

to stay inside my mind for a while?

— Golapendu Ng




My Lord Supreme,

You are the creator of silence and sound.

You are generous with one gift: sound.

When will You be generous

with the other one: silence?

— Mokshagun Clarence Clemons




My Lord Supreme,

I have so many desires.

I pray to You to fulfil them, but You do not.

Alas, Your kindness has totally surrendered to Your stubbornness.

— Aushadi




My Lord Supreme,

There are two ways to become strong, stronger, strongest: by eating, eating and eating, and by exercising, exercising and exercising.

Please tell me which one will give me the quickest and most satisfactory results.

I trust You.

In fact, You are the only one I can trust.

— Abakash Konopiaty




My Lord Supreme,

Do You enjoy being massaged

the way I enjoy it?

Oh, I always forget that Your Legs are so huge and long that they cover the distance between Heaven and earth.

So how can anybody massage Your Legs?

— Nirvik Coleman




My Lord Supreme,

You like cooking and we like eating.

But, alas, we do not always enjoy Your meal.

When we want You to feed us with desire-meal, either by mistake or deliberately, You feed us with aspiration-meal.

— Sahishnu Szczesiul




My Lord Supreme,

I love music.

Do You also love it?

If so, what kind of music do You love:

music that deafens human ears

or music that enlightens human souls?

— Venu Riggio




My Lord Supreme,

Since You are so strong,

You can afford to receive bad news.

Since I am so weak in every way,

can You not keep all the bad news

away from me?

— Tejiyan Hogan




My Lord Supreme,

At least in one thing I have defeated You.

I trust You all the time,

but You cannot trust me.

Please tell me how I can help You

to be even with me.

— Saral Opera




My Lord Supreme,

Here is the difference between You and me:

I enjoy creating problems for You,

and You enjoy solving all Your problems.

— Sanatan Curchack




My Lord Supreme,

You know that here on earth teachers receive mighty, I mean almighty, dollar bills from our parents when they teach us.

What do the parents of the children in Heaven give to the teachers?

— Padamrita Bradshaw




My Lord Supreme,

You are happy because

You do not belong to any party.

You are happy because

You do not listen to any speeches.

You are happy because

You do not believe in listening to broadcasts.

Please promise that

You will make me as happy as You are

if I immediately stop belonging to a party and stop listening to speeches and broadcasts.

— Nripal Petersen




My Lord Supreme,

You prefer action to planning.

I prefer planning to action.

My Lord, can we somehow strike a balance? ```



My Lord Supreme,

Arjuna, Lord Krishna's dearest disciple,

used celestial bows and arrows to conquer his enemies.

In my case, what will You bless me with?

With life-taking arrows or

with extra life-loving divine thoughts to conquer all my enemies?

Please let me know as soon as possible,

for my patience is running short.

— Dhanu Alaimo




My Lord Supreme,

I do not imitate my wife and my sister in anything.

It is they who imitate me, not only in big things but also in small things.

But to be absolutely sincere with You, my Lord, I imitate them only in one thing:

when people ask me, I forget my actual age.

In my case, I do it unconsciously.

They do it deliberately.

— Bhashwar Hart




My Lord Supreme,

I am a staunch Catholic.

My favourite religion is Christianity.

Can You tell me

what Your favourite religion is?

If You do not want to tell me publicly,

no harm.

Just whisper it.

I am thanking You in advance.

— Arpan DeAngelo




My Lord Supreme,

Money-power is our most important power.

Smile-Power is Your most important Power.

When we misuse money-power,

we become street-beggars.

In Your case, when You use Your Smile-Power for unaspiring people,

You do misuse it.

Therefore, quite often we see You

unsmiling and indifferent.

— Nachiketa Acebo




My Lord Supreme,

You are my perfection-Dreamer.

I am Your Satisfaction-dreamer.

Let us see who pleases whom first.

Somehow, I strongly plus unmistakably feel that I am going to win the race.

Therefore, can I not expect

Your unconditional surrender

even before the race starts?

— Mohan Peck




My Lord Supreme,

My virtues give You joy.

Is there any way to find out

who gets joy from my sins?

I promise I shall immediately strangle him.

Just tell me who he is and where he is!

— Dharmaja Acterman




My Lord Supreme,

Do You get angry easily, like I do,

or do You get angry timely —

only when supreme necessity demands?

— Himangshu Kozachek




My Lord Supreme,

You are a Dreamer.

I am a thinker.

I am so sad that we cannot be

in the same boat.

— Jigisha Enquist




My Lord Supreme,

Your earth-home is not neat and tidy.

Is Your Heaven-Home in the same condition?

If so, how can You so often invite

countless soul-guests?

Are You not embarrassed?

— Dhurjati Mueller




My Lord Supreme,

When I do not please You,

I know You feel sad.

I, too, afterwards feel sad.

Please tell me sincerely, if You had been

in my position, with such poor capacity,

would You have failed too?

— Tyagambar Ramos




My Lord Supreme,

My parents are torturing me like anything.

They do not understand

my spiritual life at all.

When I pray to You, they are cross with me.

When I do not pray to You,

You are cross with me.

Alas, I am completely lost.

— Jeevan Kracht




My Lord Supreme,

I do not like being around people.

In Your case, whether You like it or not,

You are always around people.

What is more,

You are inside countless human beings.

Are You not cramped?

Are You not suffocated?

— Shikhar Boyd




My Lord Supreme,

You tell people not to drive their cars

too fast.

If they do,

they will meet with an accident.

Then, why do You

allow us to drive our mind-cars so fast?

Can You not see that our mind-cars are so often shattered into pieces?

We cannot think of anything properly.

— Jagrata Minardi




My Lord Supreme,

Since I find it difficult

to please You in every way,

will You not tell me only one way

in which I can please You?

You may take Your own time.

I am not in a hurry.

— Manorath Morrison




My Lord Supreme,

Do You only have one ignorance-sea for me to swim in?

I feel I need and I also deserve to have another sea.

You know which one I mean:

the Sea of infinite Light and Delight.

— Santaru Stephens




My Lord Supreme,

When I cry for You, do You also cry for me, or is it always one-sided?

If You do not know how to cry, then let me know and I shall come and teach You.

I can be Your teacher at least in one thing.

— Rodan St.

James ```



My Lord Supreme,

You did not go to school,

but You are so wise.

Why do I have to go to school?

Can I not be as wise as You are

without going to school?

— Atmatyagi Kutt




My Lord Supreme,

When I am proud of my physical strength, my soul feels sad.

And when I am proud of my soul's power,

my mind feels extremely miserable.

Since You are Compassion infinite,

can You not make both my soul and my mind happy at the same time?

— Subas Schlipstein




My Lord Supreme,

We all know that everything

becomes boring eventually.

Are You not bored of

Your eternal independence?

— Chalanta O'Connell




My Lord Supreme,

The life of ignorance I have enjoyed.

The life of wisdom I am dying to enjoy.

Is there any shorter than the shortest way You can recommend for me?

My Lord, do not have any low opinion of me.

Hard is the road.

Mine is the determination.

Lo, You have given me already the victory:


— Ranganath Carnahan




My Lord Supreme,

You do not sleep at all, even at night.

What keeps You awake?

Is it hostile forces

that do not allow You to sleep,

or do You like Your meditations so much

that You do not care for sleep at all?




My Lord Supreme,

Why is it that my inner sun sleeps and sleeps and sleeps?

Is it because I am so bad that it is avoiding me, or is it because You do not care for my inner sun, the way I do not care for it?




My Lord Supreme,

You do Your Duty by navigating my life

all the time to make me happy.

Alas, will I have, even once in my entire lifetime, the capacity to navigate You?

Why do You have the joy all the time?

Can I not get joy even once?

— Kandari Hart




My Lord Supreme,

My famous brother makes everybody happy.

Can You not teach him secretly

how to make everybody as famous as he is?


You are bound to succeed.

— Kulan Walden




My Lord Supreme.

Although You did not go to school.

they say that You are

wiser than everybody put together

Then can You not

tell my parents it is okay

if I do not study every day?

— Ganapati Coleman




My Lord Supreme,

I buy all kinds of books almost every day,

but I never read them.

You never buy any book,

yet You are so wise.

You are the wisest of all.

Can I borrow a little wisdom from You?

Do not worry.

I shall return it as soon as I am able to.

— Shraddha Howard




My Lord Supreme,

Do You love animals,

or are You so satisfied with Your human pets that You do not need any animal pets?

Or are You afraid of having animal pets, since Your human pets have caused

so much suffering for You?

— Arohan Agdern




My Lord Supreme,

Your Philosophy says

that there is no such thing as sin.

Then what is it?

Is it something that is a product

of our stupid ignorance?

Not to commit a sin,

but even to think of it frightens us.

My Lord, save me,

save me from the very thought of sin.

— Papaha Gosline




My Lord Supreme,

You know how to cook,

but I know how to eat,

Do give me the capacity

to be happy while eating,

exactly the way You are happy

when You are cooking for me.

A difficult task, indeed,

but for You nothing is impossible!

— Premananda Childs




My Lord Supreme,

You want us always to finish

what we start.


You preach, but You do not practise.

You have started Your creation,

but I do not think You have any intention

of finishing it.

— Pratap Bushek




My Lord Supreme,

I wear shoes, but You do not.

That means Your Feet are stronger than mine.

I wear a wristwatch, but You do not.

That means I am richer than You are.

— Sphulinga McManus




My Lord Supreme,

They say that there is always a short cut.

Can You not bless me with a shorter than the shortest distance to realise You?

Or is there any secret meditation

You can give me so that for one day a week

I shall meditate and get

the seven days' results?

This is how I think I can rest on my laurels!

— Charlie Rebich




My Lord Supreme,

When I look up, I see how great You are.

When I dive deep within,

I see how great You are and how great I am.

Let us remain eternal rivals.

— Urdhacheta O'Brien




My Lord Supreme,

The theory of give and take

we have learned from You.

I am giving You my thunder-noise-music.

In return, can You not give me Your Sweetness-Whisper-Music?

— Voirabh Kahn




My Lord Supreme,

Do tell me, are the schools in Heaven

as dull as they are here on earth?




My Lord Supreme,

I took a wrong turn on the way.

Now I am again on the right road.

Are You not proud of me,

the way I am grateful to You?

— Sudip Ramos




My Lord Supreme,

My daughter flies and flies all the time.

Do teach me how to smile and smile

while she is flying.

Let me do my daily routine work as well.

— Grahan Zimmerman




My Lord Supreme,

You never tell a lie.

I do it for You all the time.

Can You not tell only one lie

just to make me happy,

and also to prove that

nothing is impossible for You?

— Amayik Duckles




My Lord Supreme,

You judge me secretly.

I judge You openly.

Can You not have wisdom

to do something better?

Let us play hide-and-seek.

When I hide, You shall seek for my beauty.

When You hide, I shall seek for Your Fragrance.

— Randolph Scott-McLaughlin




My Lord Supreme,

We usually toss a coin to make a decision.

In Your case,

what do You do to make a decision?

Or does Your Vision-Eye tell You

everything in advance?

— Khipra Nichols




My Lord Supreme,

Truth to tell, I am no longer pleased with Your very old creation-appearance.

Can You not have a new creation-appearance?

Just try.

You will look much better.

— Noivedya Brower




My Lord Supreme,

They say that I play tennis very well.

Some are jealous of me;

some are proud of me.

Which category do You belong to?

If You are not proud of me,

here and now I am giving up my tennis!

— Chris Lupinacci




My Lord Supreme,

I pray to You to make me

a supreme singer like You,

but You do not listen to my prayers.

Is it because You will be jealous of me

if I equal You

or is it because I have no capacity?

Can You please tell me tonight in my dreams what the actual reason is?

— Trishatur La Galia




My Lord Supreme,

I do not know how to devote myself

to somebody else.

Can You not ask someone

to be devoted to me?

I wish to see what happens.

If it really makes me happy,

then I shall no doubt devote myself to You, consciously and constantly,

to make You happy.

— Bhakta Susco




My Lord Supreme,

Your supreme Philosophy is:

give freedom to others first,

if You want freedom for yourself.

I am sure You are practising it all the time.

You have given us freedom.

Therefore, You are able to enjoy freedom

all the time.

— Sumantra Brisson




My Lord Supreme,

I am curious to know what You have for me.

Are You not curious to know

what I have for You?

It is my gratitude-heart.

I feel I am generous.

Can You not tell me

that I am precious as well?

— Subhakara Csenge




My Lord Supreme,

Scientists are so bad that they have to find spots on my beautiful face!

I shall never forgive them.

I beg of You,

You also must not forgive them.

— Shashanka Menard




My Lord Supreme,

I never see You visiting museums.

Is it because the artwork of the artists

is worthless, or because they make

the Artist in You insecure?

— Gochar Mursinna




My Lord Supreme,

You are always keen in finding my mistakes.

Can I not be keen in finding

all Your good qualities

so that I can be, before long,

as perfect as You are?

— Bichakshan Hodding




My Lord Supreme,

Somebody gave me the key to open up the door of Heaven and I am successful always in opening up the door of Heaven.

But then I made another key for myself to open up the door of earth.

Just because I made it, alas, that key does not work.

Either give me a gift key or loan me one to open up the earth-door.

Earth needs my key, for earth has to be opened up immediately to receive Your Light.

Otherwise, it will always remain in ignorance-night.

— Peter Benedict




My Lord Supreme,

Is it because You have forgotten my telephone number, or are You deliberately ignoring me so that I can pray and meditate more lovingly and devotedly?

I am pleading with You to be satisfied with me, since I have done everything in my capacity to love and please You in Your own Way.

— Durjaya Pliske




My Lord Supreme,

My only prayer is:

grant me the middle path.

My fat father is not my goal:

neither is my thin mother!

— Vajra Henderson




My Lord Supreme,

Your Way is too long, too arduous, at times even too confusing and puzzling.

Since my capacity is nothing other than incapacity, can You not make my road shorter than the shortest and brighter than the brightest so that I can arrive at my Goal sooner than the soonest?

— Pantha Shapiro




My Lord Supreme,

Our parents, especially our mothers, make a fuss when we are ill.

Do You do the same when Your children in Heaven fall sick?

— Sakshat Flowers




My Lord Supreme,

I wanted to become an instrument.

Alas, is it my fate to make You my instrument?

Be ruthlessly strict with me if You really love me.

Your Love infinite is, indeed, my only Saviour.

— Sujantra McKeever




My Lord Supreme,

I want to be proud of myself all the time.

Is it because I am not ready

or You are too busy to make me great?

— Gaurob Zimmerman




My Lord Supreme,

I know how to fly,

but I do not know how to cry.

Is it because flying upward is infinitely easier than diving inward?

I am not at all in a rush, but I do expect an answer from You, either in the near future or in the distant future.

— Nibir Cole




My Lord Supreme,

Do You not mind when we cut jokes with You in season and out of season?

If so, let us know.

We shall stop cutting jokes with You immediately.

But one thing we must tell You, that Your Joke-Meals we always greedily devour.

— Ken Kresge




My Lord Supreme,

Your supreme Philosophy is: do not give up, never!

Why then have You given up on us?

Be sincere, once and for all.

Is it because You are powerless, or we are useless?

— Vinaya Lebenson


Editor's note

These prayers were composed by Sri Chinmoy towards the end of 1995.

From:Sri Chinmoy,In the amusement-enlightenment Heart-Garden of the Lord Supreme, Agni Press, 1995
Sourced from