Question: Will there be an old age home for disciples?

Sri Chinmoy: Certainly there will be one. And when there is one, we shall have you as the caretaker of that place. The other day I was told that somebody referred to you as, "Oh, that old man." You are not even forty; you are just over thirty. Look at this human being: in spite of having two eyes, he cannot see that you are so young! The day before yesterday I was coming back from a four-mile run. A fat old man stopped me and said, "You are still running! You don't want to grow old." So here I wish to say that people who aspire will never become old. They will always be children in the heart of the Beloved Supreme. And again, from the earthly point of view, when old age attacks us, naturally we will have a house, a home for old disciples. And I will think of you at that time to take care of these disciples. Even if you are physically not in America, but in Australia, you will be able to send your soul and spirit to take care of these old people.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Sri Chinmoy in the amusement park, Agni Press, 1993
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