Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 12



My Beloved Supreme,

My life is at Your disposal.

Do mould me, shape me and guide me

In Your own Way.

Do give me

Sincerity’s determination-capacity

To come to You — You alone.




He is searching for his mind.

Where is it?

His mind is buried beneath

A heap of fallen memories.

He is searching for his heart.

Where is it?

His heart is on the topmost branch

Of his aspiration-tree. ```



In the morning I pray to my Lord Supreme

To deafen me to the clamour

Of the outer-world music.

In the evening I pray to my Lord Supreme

To awaken me to the nectar-delight

Of the inner-world music.




Your Himalayan-high detachment-eye

Has fathomed the birthless

And deathless sorrows

Of countless human hearts. ```



When my mind has pure thoughts,

It gets a part-time job

In Heaven.

When my mind becomes a surrender-will,

It gets a full-time job,

Full of radiant future promises,

In Heaven.




God does not want to know from you

What you want.

He just wants to know from you

What you want to become

And what kind of help

You need from Him. ```



If you are working only to become

A great autocrat,

Then you will eventually find yourself

On a doubt-frustration-journey.

But if you are working to become

A choice instrument of God,

To serve Him in His own Way

At His choice Hour,

Then God will definitely allow you to enjoy

His Eternity’s Self-Transcendence-Journey. ```



Your progress-life has made you

Your heart’s shadowless face.

Your meditation-life has made you

Your God’s birthless and deathless Heart. ```



Love the divine in yourself

Infinitely more

Than you have been doing,

So you will not have to imitate

The human in others.




Your heart’s murmuring meditation-river

Will pass through your life’s desert

Because your mind is now enjoying

The absence of desire. ```



If you can put your ignorance-criminal

To death,

You will easily be able to look

Into the Heart of God’s





His heart is fond

Of three special things:

The beauty of the sky,

The purity of the moon

And the power of the sun.




The omnipotence within me

And my Lord’s Silence-Smile

Are one and the same thing.




Your oneness-heart

Does not have to say anything,

For it at once embodies

Both earth’s ascending aspiration-hope

And Heaven’s descending

Compassion-promise. ```



I must forget my “I-ness”

So that I can remember my oneness.

My oneness must be multiplied every day

So that my Lord and I can together enjoy

Our supreme fulness.




O my mind’s sound-light,

O my heart’s silence-delight,

O my soul’s satisfaction-height,

When can I consciously claim you

As my own, very own?




His life’s difficulties

Have now become beautiful and delightful

Because his mind’s inspiration-bird

And his heart’s aspiration-bird

Are together soaring high,

Very high. ```



When he looks at the beauty

Of the morning sky,

He thinks and feels

That God the Dream

Suits him best.

When he looks at the power

Of the midday sun,

He thinks and feels

That God the Sound

Suits him best.

When he looks at the purity

Of the evening moon,

He thinks and feels

That God the Silence

Suits him best.




I prayed to my Lord Supreme

For power.

My Supreme Lord has given me Love

Instead of power.

His Love has not only made

My heart powerful

But also is making

My life perfect. ```



If you do not turn from your ignorance-life,

Then who will do it for you?

If you do not want to enjoy

Nectar-delight in boundless measure,

Then who will do it for you?




His vital is untouched

By temptation.

Therefore, his life is embraced

By God the Satisfaction. ```



If you allow your desire-greed

To lead you,

Then you will be compelled

To allow your destruction-sorrow

To follow you.




Just do one thing:

Let your Beloved Supreme

Take the initiative

In what you say and do.

Lo, He is banishing the ignorance-thief

From the garden of your life. ```



Your heart-temple

Is empty of worshippers.

Why are you not inviting

Your body, vital and mind

To come and worship God there?




You want to possess God.

Indeed, He is worth possessing.

But who can ever possess God,

Who is at once the eternal Possessor

And the eternal Possession?




A dangerous and poisonous


Has bitten you mercilessly.

Therefore, it is impossible for you

To witness the rebirth of your life’s

Sweetness-fruitfulness-beauty. ```



A machine-like obedience-freedom

Turns man into a robot.

A childlike freedom-obedience

Turns man into a god. ```



Your life has broken through

Your mind’s ego-barrier.

Therefore, your heart is able to stand

On the perfection-peak

Of God’s creation.




Name God the Compassion.

Claim God the Liberation.

Become God the transcendental Silence.





Is the dawn of a seeker’s mind.


Is the noon of a seeker’s heart.


Is the night of a seeker’s life. ```



You are good,

But you want to be better.

You can be better

Only by having a gratitude-heart.

You are better,

But you want to be best.

You can be best

Only by becoming a surrender-life. ```



You are beautiful

Only when you praise

God the Creation.

You are powerful

Only when you praise

God the Manifestation.

You are fruitful

Only when you praise

God the Liberation.




In my case

My freedom is not worth having

Unless I can love my Lord Supreme

Only in His own Way. ```



My Lord Supreme,

I have taught myself

How to love You only

Even when You do not love me

Or care for me at all.




What do I want?

I want my animal life

To claim God the Forgiveness.

What do I want?

I want my human life

To claim God the Compassion.

What do I want?

I want my divine life

To claim God the Satisfaction.




Self-awareness and self-giving

Are two supreme gifts.

These two gifts

Are always their own God-winning rewards. ```



At last I have succeeded

In taming my mind

To want God, only God.

At last I have succeeded

In training my heart

To live for God, only God.




He loves his inner life.

Therefore he is beautiful.

He rules his outer life.

Therefore he is fruitful. ```



If you can imagine your future,

You are great.

If you can build your future,

You are good.

If you can surrender your future to God

For Him to use in His own Way,

You are perfect.




He thought his God-realisation

Was an easy task.

Therefore it became easy.

He thought his God-manifestation

Was a difficult task.

Therefore it has become most difficult.




The animal life needs instruction

From its teacher.

The human life needs correction

From its tutor.

The divine life needs

Perfection and satisfaction

From its Lover: God.




You may think that your mind

Is the architect

Of your life’s progress-plan,

But it is not true.

God’s Compassion is the Architect

Not only of your life’s progress-plan

But also of your life’s progress-play.




A life of surrender

To your Master’s compassion-divinity

Is absolutely the safest way

To establish your conscious

And sleepless oneness-reality

With God. ```



When you feel

Your love for your Lord Supreme

Inside His Heart,

You give up your old life,

Which was undivine in every way.

When you feel

The Love of Your Inner Pilot for you

Inside your own heart,

You see a new life dawning

On your heart’s horizon.




I take each failure as an opportunity

To increase my surrender

And destroy my frustration-life.

I take each success as an opportunity

To bring forward my gratitude-heart

And totally destroy my ego-life.




Your clever, tricky mind

Is torturing you daily.

When you need rest,

It tells you that you are lethargic,

Empty of energy-light,

And when you do not need rest

It deliberately wants to make you

Harmful lethargy-pleasure

By telling you that you need more rest.




If you give to your Beloved Supreme

What you have and what you are,

A frustration-pool,

Then you can become

What He has and what He is:

The Satisfaction-Ocean. ```



My only friend:

The satisfaction of my desire-life.

God’s only friend:

The perfection of my aspiration-cry. ```



The divine forces are always ready

To act in and through you.

It is up to you to accept them

In a divine way.

If you do not accept them,

There will be no difference

Between your heart’s excruciating suffering

And the suffering of a desire-imprisoned

Unaspiring human being.




Do not expect

What is beyond your capacity to receive.

Do not expect

What is beyond your capacity to achieve.

Otherwise, there will be a serious crash

Between your expectation-car

And your reality-train.




If you allow your sincerity-game

To go on and on —

Again and again confessing,

And then repeating the same mistakes

Without any determination-fire

To burn your insincerity-existence-life —

Then your progress on your


Will be slower than the slowest.




Surrender means oneness-beauty.

On the strength of your surrender

You will become

The Oneness-Fulness-Reality

Of your Lord Supreme.




There is one divine quality

That can lead us the fastest

To our ever-transcending Goal,

And that is our unconditional surrender

To the Omniscience-Omnipotence-Will

Of our Inner Pilot. ```



When I am able to surrender

What I have and what I am

To my Eternity’s Beloved Supreme,

I become inseparably one

With His Infinity’s Delight.




When you surrender to your Inner Pilot,

You increase and multiply the strength

Of your oneness-bliss,

And oneness-bliss itself expands

To become the vastness

Of the universe-fulfilling Bliss. ```



If tomorrow I become a better person,

I must offer that better life of mine

To God.

If the next day I again become worse,

I must cheerfully offer that life, too,

To God.

In this way each day

I can go one step forward

Towards my ultimate


With my Beloved Supreme.




One day you may be spiritually lame,

And the next day you are the fastest sprinter.

True surrender is to offer

Both your slowness and your speed,

Whatever you have and whatever you are,

To your life’s Absolute Supreme,

And to nobody else.




Inwardly send your soul’s goodwill

To everybody and to every place

In God’s creation.

Your goodwill will definitely

Be echoed and re-echoed

Everywhere in every heart,

And be received —

Of course, according to

The world’s receptivity.




My Lord, I do not know

And I do not want to know

What Your Will is.

For if I know Your Will,

My mind may create only

Confusion and rebellion

And make me feel

That I am not doing the right thing

By obeying You.




My Lord Supreme,

You do not have to tell me

What Your Will is

Or what Your Intentions are.

Only allow me to cheerfully

Pray to You

For the fulfilment

Of Your Absolute Will Supreme. ```



My mind always likes

To take different sides.

My heart always takes

Only Your side, My Lord.

One day I shall compel my mind

To act like my heart.

O my Beloved Supreme,

I feel in the depths of my heart

That that day is fast approaching.




Be careful!

If you allow your vital

To make your heart impure,

Then your poor heart-vessel,

Like your mind,

Will be filled with doubt-poison. ```



If you see your enemy coming,

You can close the doors and windows

Of your life

To keep him out.

But if your enemy

Is already comfortably settled

Inside your heart-room,

It is not an easy task

To grab him and throw him out.

Therefore be extremely careful

Of your enemy within.




My human mind tells me

That you are lethargic

Because I get up long before you.

My divine heart tells me

That you have worked very hard,

Therefore your chosen hour

Is the right time for you to get up.




Each time he made progress,

He declared his previous standard

“The height of lethargy”

Because he had far surpassed

That height.




Speed and dynamism go together.

If you can convince your mind

That you are running very fast,

Then no matter what your actual speed is,

The pure dynamism

Of your imagination-deer

Will definitely enter into you.




An idea has entered into your mind:

“I am very bad, impure, undivine!”

You must replace it immediately

With another idea:

“I am God’s child,

So how can I be impure and undivine?

Totally absurd!”




How to conquer the undivine forces

Inside your heart-room?

Either use your strength from within

To forcefully push them out

Or bring down light from Above

To powerfully pull them out. ```



When hostile forces attack you,

Have nothing to do with them.

Create a world of indifference

Within and around you.

Their own pride will compel them

To leave you. ```




My Master’s silver advice

To me was:

Love all in God.


My Master’s golden advice

To me is:

Serve all for God.


My Master’s diamond advice

To me will be:

Become one with all in God. ```



Your vital has walked along

Frustration-road for a long time.

Now it is completely exhausted.

Your mind has walked along

Suspicion-road for a long time.

Now it is totally exhausted.

Your heart has walked along

Illumination-road for a long time,

Yet there is no sign of its being exhausted.

Your soul has been walking along

Eternity’s Liberation-Satisfaction-Road

From time immemorial,

Yet it will never become exhausted. ```



O skyward eyes

Of purity-flooded beauty,

I know, I know,

You will not be satisfied

Until you have reached

The Liberator’s Liberation-Feet. ```



You are telling me that you have tried

The conventional approach to realise God.

Alas, your austerity-approach

And your sacrifice-approach

Have not liberated your earth-bound life.

Such being the case,

I am advising you to try

A long-lost conventional approach

Inside your heart.

Indeed, this is your life’s





Because your life was raised

On God’s Compassion,

Your mind does not have to live

On doubt-poison. ```



Life was perfect then

When I soulfully whispered:

“I am only for my Beloved Supreme.”

Life is totally imperfect now,

For I have boldly declared:

“God is and has to be for me,

For I have far surpassed others.”




When I pray to my Lord Supreme,

I say, “My Lord, do keep my heart

In Your Compassion-Net.”

When I meditate on my Beloved Supreme,

I say, “My Lord, do make my heart

And my entire being

Your Compassion-Net.”




The world thinks

That something is seriously wrong

With my mind

Because my mind has forgotten

How to think.

My Lord Supreme tells me

That my mind has become

The boundless joy of perfection-receptivity. ```



True, God does not ignore anybody.

Therefore He does not ignore

Small-minded human beings.

But it is also equally true

That He never intends to use them

To serve Him in any way. ```



When the doubting mind

Accuses the heart of insecurity,

The loving heart does not

Accuse the mind of impurity.

When the mind accuses the heart,

It immediately creates a blemish

On the heart’s beauty.

When the heart does not accuse the mind,

It immediately creates a golden opportunity

For the mind’s self-transcendence. ```



When you are extremely soulful,

God sees you as a beautiful rose.

When you are not at all aspiring,

What does God see?

Only a few thorns.

God highly appreciates the rose,

But how can He appreciate thorns?




Try to reach your highest height

In the twinkling of an eye.

Your highest height may not be

Your Lord’s highest Height,

But the very fact that you can

Raise your consciousness quickly

Gives Him tremendous Joy

And immense Satisfaction. ```



In your meditation

If you are desperately trying

To reach the acme of perfection

But you are failing,

Do not give up.

As one who does the long jump

Rests in between each attempt,

Wait and try again.

Who knows, in your next attempt

You may do extremely well. ```



There are many who do not want to try

To succeed in the spiritual life.

But you must be a hero-warrior

Who will try again and again

Until success-satisfaction is won.




Always he had more important things to do

Than to pay attention

To his spiritual life.

Indeed, even from a little meditation

He feared a spiritual overdose.




You may do the worst possible meditation,

But as long as you sincerely try,

God will one day shower

His bountiful Blessings upon you,

And you will be able to meditate

Extremely well.

Just try, wait and see.




Each genuine truth-seeker

Needs only one thing:

A sleepless inner hunger

For infinite Peace,

Light and Bliss.




If you see that you are being attacked

By undivine thoughts,

Or if sleep has entered

Into your entire being,

Do not fool yourself into believing

That you are doing your best meditation. ```



You are, indeed, a fool

If you think you have passed

Your inner examination

According to your own standard

And that for you

Aspiration is no longer a necessity. ```



Your Inner Pilot is the only judge

Who can tell you whether or not

You have successfully passed

Your spiritual examination.

It is up to you to have faith

In His infallible Judgement. ```



On the strength of your sincere practice

There shall come a time

When any time or any place —

Even in the hustle and bustle of life —

You will be able to enter

Your highest meditation

At your express command.

Then you will be a true hero-warrior

Of your Beloved Supreme.




My Beloved Supreme tells me

That there is nothing

I will not do for Him


And that there is nothing

He will not do for me





Just as the Supreme

Has made your Master

His supremely chosen instrument,

Even so, at His choice Hour

The Supreme will make you

His supremely chosen instrument.

Just be obedient, be patient,

Inwardly and outwardly. ```



Your Lord Supreme

Is not standing in front of you

With an iron rod

Ready to strike you

The moment you make any mistakes.

Far from it!

Through your obedience-light

One day you will realise

His Oneness-Delight with you.




Poor God can count

On His Fingertips

Those very, very few

Who are implicitly obedient to Him,

Both in their inner aspiration-lives

And in their outer dedication-lives. ```



Today if you can fulfil

Your Lord Supreme

Cheerfully, devotedly and soulfully,

Then there shall definitely come a time

When you will please Him

Unreservedly and unconditionally. ```



Progress comes from obedience.

Obedience comes from faith.

If you have faith in God

And faith in yourself,

Then automatically you will develop

The power of obedience.

If you obey God,

Then at every moment

You will make progress

Far, far beyond

The flight of your imagination.




Think not of the ferocious tiger

That your ignorance-life now embodies,

But of the beautiful white lamb

Or the swift-moving deer

That your aspiration-life

Hopes to become. ```



I am a tiny drop

Inside an infinite ocean of light.

I have only to expand slowly and steadily

To become the ocean itself,

And then I shall unmistakably

Be able to claim the entire ocean

As my own, very own.




As long as my heart can soulfully cry

To realise God,

I shall not mind in the least

Even if God deliberately delays

His choice Hour.




O my Inner Pilot,

I have not done anything.

It is You who have done everything

In and through me.

Now may I become only one thing

For the rest of my life:

A gratitude-heart within and without.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 12, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from