Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 13



My Lord Supreme,

Your Rainbow-Smile is the source

Of my heart’s freedom-life

And my soul’s satisfaction-breath

Here on earth,

There in Heaven. ```



My prayer longs to reach

God’s Feet.

My meditation longs to see

God’s Eye.

I long to breathe

God’s Heart. ```



How can you have

Translucent morning dreams

When you carry the heavy weight

Of ignorance-night

Inside your unaspiring heart?




Yours is the happiness-heart

That significantly helps God

In steering His Eternity’s

Vision-Boat. ```



Each time he soulfully meditates,

On the strength of

His self-transcendence-mind

He sees that his life-tree

Is ascending and expanding.




If you are an excellent truth-seeker,

Then your Master’s compassion-splendour

Will radiate

In your aspiring dream-eye. ```



Look at this stupid seeker!

His aspiration is reduced

To skin and bones,

Yet he thinks that God

Is still pleased with his mind,

Still fond of his heart

And still proud of his life.




Faith is what my heart has.

Doubt is what my mind knows.

Life is what my Lord places

Inside my heart.

Death is what I place

At the feet of my Lord. ```



My Lord Supreme,

Sometimes I wonder

If Your Heart-Dictionary

Houses all the words.

“My child,

My Dictionary houses all the words

That your dictionary houses

Save and except ‘indifference’

And ‘uselessness’.”




Finally imperfection

Has left his mind.

Finally frustration

Has left his vital.

Finally hesitation

Has left his heart.

And now gloriously begins

His Heavenward life-journey. ```



I have three names.

My first name is


My middle name is


My last name is





If you want to be inside

God’s Silence-Delight-Heart,

Then you must completely forget

Your power-hungry past. ```



If you feel you have nothing

To discard in your life,

Then you are sadly mistaken.

You can at least discard

Your useless complaints

And deathless grievances. ```



My heart’s pressing necessity

Is to shun the spiritual Masters

Who deliberately offer

Counterfeit realisations

To the world at large.




Previously he was his heart’s


Now he is his life’s


Soon he will be his God’s

Perfection-Satisfaction-Song. ```



When silence sails his mind-boat,

God immediately sails

His Golden Boat ahead of him

And leads him to the Golden Shore. ```



Always treasure a powerful will

In the depths of your heart

So that you can avert

All ignorance-adventures on earth. ```



True, I have changed many things

In my life,

But I will not be completely satisfied

Unless and until I have fully transformed

The face of my heart.




To fathom the depths

Of my Lord’s Compassion-Roots,

I must first become

A childlike surrender-blossom. ```



Cancel two things in your life

And you will be extremely happy.

Cancel your success-delaying ideas

And your progress-starving ideals. ```



His soul has made a solemn promise

To him

That it will not leave the body

Until all his divine dreams are fulfilled

Here on earth.




What you are is nothing

But an immense tide of desire.

Therefore, even your heart’s silver dreams

Have become dull and tarnished. ```



Who will believe in time to come

That you seized a mountain-high greatness

Without earning it in the least?




God will grant you another chance

To rewrite your dull life-story

If you do not allow

Your body, vital and mind

To become immersed in attachment-wave.




I am now convinced

That two things will never leave me:

My heart’s expectation-smile

And my life’s frustration-cry. ```



When I suffer badly

From my mind’s forgetfulness-disease,

My Lord Supreme appears before me

With His Compassion-flooded





Unexpected troubles are knocking

At your door

Because you are surrendering

To your ceaseless desire-hunger-life. ```



Wherever he goes,

He creates a new Heaven.

Wherever he stays,

He destroys the dark despair of hell. ```



O superior human beings,

If you wear the shoes of contempt,

Do you know that your hours

Of deplorable folly

Will never meet with the Hour

Of God’s infinite Wisdom-Delight? ```



No time for sorrow!

I shall become my heart’s soul-bird.

I shall soar high, very high,

And drink deep the Fountain-Love

Of my Beloved Supreme.




At last he has defeated his ego


Now he loves and knows

Only one thing:





You are such a fool!

Why are you trying

To remember the pain

Of your lost illusion-mind? ```



If you do not have oneness-realisation,

Who knows what will happen to you?

You may be imprisoned

By world-jealousy and world-insecurity. ```



Definitely God has use for you.

At His choice Hour

He will reveal your inner capacities.

Be not afraid of Him!

He is not going to expose

Your past naked ignorance-breath. ```



The oneness-cry of my soul-bird

Is the only thing

That I shall love infinitely more

Than anything else. ```



“The perfection-satisfaction-smile

Of Heaven

Is just one step ahead.”

This is what my obedience-mind

And my surrender-life

Are cheerfully telling me. ```



Yesterday I called it

A moment of self-indulgence.

But today I am calling that very thing

A year of destruction-death. ```



If you are a truly sincere soul,

Then God blessingfully does

Two things for you:

Secretly He buries

Your old ignorance-life.

Openly He hurries to you

And extols your new wisdom-flooded life.




Alas, he is extremely unhappy

Because he has

A mind that is too quick

To think wisely

And a heart that is too slow

To choose wisely. ```



Every day you walk along

The avenue of doubt.

At each step you have

Only one friend:





My mind thinks

That it is really great.

My heart feels

That it can be really great

If so is the Will of God.

My soul knows

Only one thing:

My Inner Pilot is everything. ```



He bowed his head

To the humility-dust

Only to be pierced by the arrow

Of God’s ever-increasing

And ever-transcending translucent Joy.




My Lord Supreme,

You are telling me

That I am another God,

Like Yourself.

Would You kindly cut another joke?

“My sweet child,

Another joke:

I wish to be a perfect student of yours,

Since you feel you have been failing

All along

To become a perfect student of Mine.” ```



What has God’s Compassion-Eye

Done for me?

God’s Compassion-Eye has given

My body, vital, mind, heart and soul

Countless chances to prepare themselves

For a perfection-satisfaction-dance with Him. ```



My Supreme Lord,

What shall I do?

Do You want me to complain

Against the world,

Or should I explain to You

Why I am in

Such a deplorable situation?

“My sweet child,

I need no complaints from you.

I need no explanations from you.

I want you only to maintain your soul’s

Adamantine will-power-fire

To burn the ignorance-tree

That you see before you

And the ignorance-tree

That is inside you.”




Each day dawns

With a Compassion-Smile

From my Beloved Supreme.

Yet my journey’s goal

Is still a far cry.




Are you trying to teach me something

Or are you trying to learn something

From me?

If you are trying to teach me something,

Then instead of teaching me,

I would like you to teach

My unruly, disobedient mind.

If you are trying to learn something

From me,

Then instead of learning from me,

I would like you to learn every day

A purity-song from my heart. ```



My Lord Supreme laughed at me

For an hour

When He heard that I felt I have

Something exceptionally new to offer

To the world at large.

My Lord Supreme cried for me

For an hour

When He heard that I have declared

My life to be a total failure. ```



Alas, you are not schooled enough

To see purity

Inside earth’s heart-garden.

Alas, you are not schooled enough

To see the Compassion-flooded Eye of God

Inside your soul’s God-Hour.




Every day enlarge

Your aspiration-heart-room.

To your wide surprise,

You will see that one day

God Himself will come and remove

Your darkness-desire-corpse. ```



By no means does self-transcendence

Mean an impossible task,

And possibility can and must reach

Self-transcendence-shore. ```



You want to receive from God

His Satisfaction-Crown

In spite of the fact

That you have the appetite

Of a tiny bird

For your progress-life. ```



God does not need

Many things from me

To satisfy Him.

He needs only one thing —

Surrender —

And that, too, He does not need

In large quantity.

Even a morsel of my surrender-life

Can satisfy Him.




My Lord Supreme,

You have corrected my mind

With Your Concern.

You have perfected my heart

With Your Compassion.

You have fulfilled my life

With Your Forgiveness.




Try to establish

A conscious friendship with your soul.

Then you will see

That you are never too old

To transform your earth-bound life

Into a Heaven-free life. ```



Every day his Inner Pilot

Takes the pulse

Of his aspiration-heart

And grants him

A powerful Satisfaction-Smile.




You can never be a loser,

You can only be a winner

Every time

If you race

On a sincerity-progress-track.




For a long time

God the Justice has been giving me

His own Telescope

To see the Beyond.

Now God the Compassion has given me

His brand new Telescope

To see the Beyond

And has said to me

That I don’t have to return it

But can keep it for my own use. ```



A silver dream-tree:

This is what my mind has.

A golden reality-fruit:

This is what my heart is. ```



Long ago we said farewell

To Truth’s inner instructions.

But now we have become hunters

Of that lost divinity-world. ```



Do not interrogate

Divinity’s poise within you,

For inside it

What always looms large

Is God’s Perfection-Choice.




If your mind is always tainted

With self-interest,

How can you ever have

A drop of divinity’s oneness-delight? ```



A long chain of responsibility:

This is what the human life is.

A sleepless embrace of Immortality:

This is what the divine life is. ```



Disobedience means death.

How can you drink

The sunbeams from the Beyond

When disobedience reigns supreme

In both your inner life and outer life?




A doubting mind is nothing other than

An age-old corruption in man.

A trembling heart is nothing other than

An age-old frustration of God. ```



Because your inner heart is

Purity’s self-revealing smile,

Your outer life is

Beauty’s God-satisfying victory. ```



God usually does not interfere

In anybody’s life.

But in my case He did interfere

When I felt absolutely sure

That I would never be able to become

A choice instrument of His. ```



No wrong can touch his life

Because every day his heart

Climbs up the ladder

That leads to Heaven’s justice-delight. ```



Desires to which we did not yield

Have now become our illumined friends

And live in the dream-delight-river

Of our perfection-oneness. ```



Every day without fail

A sincere seeker-heart

Must have a new, strong

And stout bodyguard

To protect him from

Temptation’s destruction-dance. ```



His mind-clock tells him

That he does not have to waste

His precious time

Waiting for God,

Since God’s existence is quite uncertain.

His heart-clock tells him

To wait and watch,

For God will definitely come.

His soul-clock tells him

That God has already arrived

And asks him what he is doing

And why he is not taking care

Of the Supreme Guest.




Every day he makes teeming mistakes,

And every day God corrects his mistakes.

He deeply appreciates God’s corrections.

Such being the case,

God wants to paint

A beautiful heart-portrait of him. ```



Do not allow your heart

To be afraid

Of earth’s excruciating pangs.

Do not allow your mind

To be afraid

Of Heaven’s stark indifference.

Go slowly and steadily.

Your aspiration-dedication-train

Will unmistakably reach

The goal of the Beyond. ```



You want to know

What God’s Compassion-Breath

Is doing for me.

I want to tell you

That His Compassion-Breath

Is every day, every hour saving me

From my spiritual death.




God wants you to do Him a favour

Before He does you a favour.

He wants you to keep

Your heart-door open

For a few fleeting minutes,

And then, what He will do,

You know:

For hours and hours

He will walk on your life’s shore.




From time immemorial

God has been doing

Your inner heart-house cleaning.

If you are pleased with Him,

How is it that you are not asking Him

To do your outer mind-house cleaning?

I assure you,

He will gladly do it. ```



My Lord is promising me

That He will gladly correct and transform

My past life-story

If I will be more careful in writing

My present life-story.




My inner life

Is beauty’s progress-goal.

My outer life

Is insecurity’s monotony-role.

Alas, how can I perfectly synthesise

These two lives of mine? ```



Every morning before I do anything

My Beloved Supreme gives my heart

A Compassion-Ride.

Every evening before I do anything

My Lord Supreme carries my mind

In His Forgiveness-Plane.




Every day your mind-thief

Leaves its fingerprints

On your life,

And you don’t mind!

So tell me,

How can God grant you

His Heart-Room to live in?




God’s Compassion-Heart-Apartment

Is for rent.

But He will allow you to rent it

Only if you can show Him every day

A new hunger inside your heart.




What is the matter with you?

Do you not see that every day

Your life’s ignorance-cancer

Is spreading?

When are you going to ask God

To extinguish your life’s

Burning passion-fires?




One encouragement-word

From the Lips of my Inner Pilot

Led me to become a hero-warrior.

Now another encouragement-word

From His Lips

Is leading me towards

His own Self-Transcendence-Height. ```



As if an impure mind is not enough,

Now he is suffering from

An impure breath.

Alas, how can his heart-flower

Ever blossom?




At long last my Lord Supreme

Has granted me a high promotion.

From now on

I do not have to fight

With my worst enemy, doubt,

More than five minutes a day,

Whereas in the past

I had to fight with brooding doubt

At least five hours a day.




There are five tollbooths

On the highway to Heaven.

The first one is


The second one is


The third one is


The fourth one is


The fifth one is

God’s Oneness-Embrace-Tollbooth. ```



My soul’s powerful smile

Touched my body’s ignorance-smile

Only once.

Now my body is fully awakened,

Fully ready to accept

The Invitation from God. ```



God’s Mind does not have

Undecided Time.

God’s Heart does not have

Ungiven Love.

God’s Life does not have

Unfulfilled Delight. ```



God does not demand

Any previous experience

From a cheerfully and sleeplessly

Surrendered seeker

To give him a high position

In His Heart-Palace. ```



O my insecurity-life,

I have a piece of advice for you.

Please, please allow only God,

And nobody else,

To have a free access to you.




I have asked my mind

To take care of me,

But my mind does not want

To take care of me

Because I am so stupid.

I have asked my heart

To take care of me,

But my heart does not want

To take care of me

Because I am so impure.

Finally, I have asked my Lord Supreme

To take care of me.

My Lord Supreme says,

“My child,

I shall definitely take care of you

Because your entire life

Is so sincere.”




My Beloved Supreme

Has always wanted me

To have a tight security

From morn to dusk

And from dusk to morn

Around my heart-door.

Alas, what prevents me from accepting

His unconditional offer? ```



If you want to play with God

On His See-Saw,

Then you need three things

Before He will invite you

To play with Him:

A mind empty of criticism,

A heart empty of fear,

A life that is neither

Afraid of the world’s criticism

Nor afraid of Heaven’s indifference. ```



His stupidity has reached

Its highest height,

For he feels that his time on earth

Is more precious and valuable

Than even God’s.




I came down from Heaven

To love your heart,

O earth.

Do you not know it?

I shall be taking

Our oneness-satisfaction

Back with me to Heaven,

O earth.

Do you never feel it?




Yesterday he gave up

The spiritual life totally.

He promised himself

That he would never think of God,

Or speak about God,

Or even look at God

If God appeared before him.

Today he hears from everyone

That God has made him

His choice instrument

To shatter the doubts

Of all human beings.

Now he says to himself,

“Alas, good news has come

At such a wrong time!” ```



The other day somebody asked me

If I could say a few nice things

About Krishna and Buddha.

I said, “Of course, of course.

They are my Eternity’s friends.

Every day I see them.

Early in the morning every day

When I go from earth to Heaven,

Buddha places his wisdom-peace-bridge

Before me

For me to go up to Heaven.

Every evening

When I return from Heaven to earth,

Krishna places his love-delight-bridge

Before me

For me to come down to earth.” ```



My Lord,

Quite often I speak ill of You;

Quite often I find fault with You.

I am sure these are

My unforgivable sins.

“My child,

They are not unforgivable;

They are easily forgivable.

But unfortunately you have committed

An unforgivable sin,

And that sin is

That you have totally given up

The idea of realising Me.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

Please tell me why You have

An unlisted number.

“My child,

It is a top secret,

But anyhow I am telling you.

Both Heaven and earth bother me

Like anything.

I am totally sick of them.

Every day Heaven has to invite me

To participate in its birth anniversaries,

And every day earth has to invite me

To participate in its death anniversaries.

I am totally sick of them,

And therefore I don’t allow them

To call me whenever they want to.

Whenever I want to call them

And bless them and illumine them,

I do call.

This is the only reason

Why I have an unlisted number.”




If you want your heart

To walk along silence-road

To reach Infinity’s peace-abode,

Then you must have

An excellent guide.

Needless to say,

Your own soul is by far

The best guide. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 13, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from