Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 14



Every morning and evening

I am determined to sing and dance

On the highest peak

Of my sun-flooded aspiration-mountain. ```



If you are serious

In your surrender-life,

Then the precious panorama

Of perfection

Cannot remain a far cry.




My Lord,

How can I satisfy You

All the time?

“My child,

Just ask your mind

To walk forward

Slowly and steadily.

Just ask your heart

To dive inward

Speedily and unreservedly.

That is all.

This is the only way

You can please Me all the time.” ```



I do not think of my mind.

I do not even allow my mind

To think of anything.

I just think of my Lord Supreme.

And what does He do?

He smilingly and lovingly

Takes care of me.




My Lord Supreme,

My love is love

Only in You.

Even my human love

Is immediately transformed

Into divine love.

And my human love

Is all for You. ```




You descended in your inner running.

But today

Again you are climbing up

Once more to give immense joy

To your Lord Supreme

And bring Him divine glory.


Your Lord Supreme is extremely proud

Of your heart

And divinely grateful

To your soul. ```



When hope and he parted company,

He completely lost

His forward-thinking mind

And his upward-seeking heart

In life.




In my case,

Failure comes quite spontaneously

Before my success.

Therefore, when failure comes first,

I never pay any attention to it.




Realisation-fruit entirely depends

On our expectation-flowers.

Expectation-flowers entirely depend

On our patience-trees. ```



All your Lord’s

Life-illumining Requests

Are written in letters of gold

On the golden tablet of your heart.

There He sees

Whether or not

You are truly obeying Him

And pleasing Him. ```



Unlit humanity

Thinks only of what it had,

Its past glories.

It does not think

Of today’s aspiration-cry

And tomorrow’s dedication-smile.

It is completely bound

To yesterday’s stagnation-life-pool. ```



You may feel

That you are a hopeless seeker.

But you will be saved

By the sincere pangs of remorse

That torture your heart

The very moment

You do anything wrong.




Inwardly and outwardly

Our Beloved Supreme has proved

That He is right.

But you are deliberately,

Consciously, stupidly and unpardonably

Trying to prove

That our Beloved Supreme is wrong.




God will definitely prove His Worth

Before long.

You just ask your wiseacre mind

To accept God on a trial basis! ```



It takes only a fleeting moment

To faithfully remind yourself every day

Of your inner resolutions,

Which are nothing other than

Your soulful promises

To your Beloved Supreme.

And these promises

Are not only for today,

But for as long

As your aspiration remains unfulfilled. ```



If your Lord Supreme scolds you,

Your divine attitude will immediately say:

“I failed,

But please let me try again!

Please give me another chance

To please You,

To please You in Your own Way!”




If you send your heart-letter to God

With insufficient faith-postage,

How do you expect it

To reach God’s Home? ```



His is the Inspiration-Light

That will help

The hearts of sincere seekers

No matter in whose boat

They are sailing

Towards the destined Goal. ```



Whoever can

Soulfully and powerfully

Smile the oneness-smile

Before the game,

During the game

And after the game

Is undoubtedly the real winner.




You want your Beloved Supreme

To write to you,

But how can His Letter reach you

When you have not given Him

Your proper address:

Your heart’s





He perfectly knows

That each cent he gives

Gladly, cheerfully, soulfully,

Unreservedly and unconditionally

To mankind

Is his love-offering

To his Lord Supreme.




My Lord Supreme,

Your unconditional Grace

Has given me the Himalayan height

In the inner world.

Now can Your Grace not give me

The larger-than-the-largest heart

In the outer world?




My mind invited me

To come and stay a few days

In its guest house.

Alas, I accepted its invitation

Only to meet with utter frustration.

My frustration embarrassed my mind

And awakened it from ignorance-sleep.




God is an eternal Child

Playing with His friends

In the world-garden.

He has established His Oneness

With His creation

To such an extent

That He does not mind

If all His children

Are playing different games.

In fact, He enjoys it most

When His children play

The game of multiplicity

Inside the heart-home of unity.




Why did God aspire?

He aspired to transform His Vision

Into His Reality.

He was successful.

He aspired to transform His Revelation

Into His Manifestation.

He was again successful.




God can help you only twice:

Once when your heart’s cry

Is sincere,

And once when your mind’s smile

Is sincere.




God’s Justice-Bank

May one day go bankrupt,

But His Compassion-Forgiveness-Bank

Will never go bankrupt.

This is the joint realisation

Of Heaven and earth. ```



God was with His creation

When it started,

He is with it now,

And throughout His endless Future

He will always remain —

Whether wanted or not —

A permanent Member of His creation.




Who makes progress?

A child.

He has hope, he has promise.

He looks forward and upward.

God is the eternal Child

Because His Vision is constantly

Transcending Itself.

God with His Vision is constantly

Moving forward, flying upward,

Diving inward. ```



You can underestimate

The capacity of any human being

On earth.

But don’t ever underestimate

The aspiration of a God-seeker

And the dedication of a God-lover. ```



Countless people are wallowing

In the pleasures of ignorance,

And they are satisfied in their own way.

To them, ignorance itself

Is a kind of bliss.

But their happiness

Is no happiness at all

To the truth-seekers

Who are thinking of God calmly,

Praying to God soulfully

And meditating on God unconditionally.




Before you were aspiring,

You were happy with the world.

But you have to know

That that happiness

Is not the same happiness

You are now longing for.

That happiness

Was your temptation-fulness-happiness.

This happiness

Is the manifestation of God-Satisfaction

In and through you.




You say that

You can dare to deny God.

But, you fool,

Do you ever dare to imagine

That God can easily dare

To love you,

Illumine you and liberate you

From your self-styled clown act? ```



A true seeker has to remain

Always an eternal student.

It is through him

That the Beauty of God’s Vision-Reality

Will be manifested and fulfilled.




An unaspiring man is so useless.

He does not want any higher wisdom,

Although there is so much to know,

So much to learn

And so much to become.

He wants to change the face and fate

Of the world

Before he even dreams

Of changing his own.




Why do I not want to see You, my Lord?

Is it because I shall disappoint You

Or is it because You will disappoint me?

“My child,

If your heart is not sincerely aspiring,

You will disappoint Me,

And if your mind is doubtful,

I shall disappoint you.”




You can show your sweetest kindness

Even to those

Who are vehemently standing

In your way.

But under no circumstances

Must you surrender to their way. ```



When God saw His detachment-child,

He was so pleased

That He immediately granted His child

A long interview —

His first marathon interview with God.




You will always remain inexperienced

In the art of self-transcendence

If you allow the blinding fog of uncertainty

To invade your mind and heart. ```



You went to God

Only to pay a courtesy call,

To see Him as briefly as possible.

How then can you expect God

To treasure and cherish you?




O my doubting, earth-bound mind,

You may not feel it

But my aspiring heart

Definitely gets joy

From my Master’s very presence.

It feels that his mere presence

Feeds my soul.




Because you are not sincere

And because you have forgotten

To write your return address,

God did not take the trouble

Of answering your prayer-letter.




There is no reason

Why we cannot hope

That one day our hope

Will be transformed into reality.

We will, without fail, be able

To see God’s Vision-Eye,

Feel His Reality-Heart

And manifest His Oneness-Perfection

On earth.




Why are you resting indefinitely

On the bottom rung

Of the wisdom-ladder?

Do you not know that others

Have already started climbing

Up the ladder?

And even now they are seeing

That there are infinitely more rungs

To climb.




How do I dare

To measure up to God’s Height?

I do so

Just by quenching every day

My hope-thirst.




“The race is to the swiftest.”

This is one theory.

Again, in the inner world

The race can be to the one

Who has the utmost patience.




East and West

Are two wings of one blue-green bird.

This bird needs

Both the poise of the East

And the dynamism of the West

To fly in the firmament of the Beyond

And spread God’s Light and Delight.




O my mind,

Keep silent for a few minutes!

Please let me do the talking!

O my heart,

When will you start talking

So that I can immediately

Start listening to you?




His life was to serve

The Supreme in his Master.

Every time

His Master needed something

To be done

For the divine manifestation,

He offered his services unreservedly

To his Master. ```



In every possible way

She is displeasing God.

But she is apt in making herself feel

That she is indeed

Pleasing Him.

What a deplorable seeker! ```



Play your role soulfully.

You will reach your goal


Something more:

God will beat your victory-drum

Thunderously. ```



My mind has disappointed me.


I want to desert my mind.

My heart has pleased me.


I want to treasure my heart.

My soul has embraced me.


I want to manifest my soul’s dream.

My Lord has blessed me.


My entire earth-existence

Is all gratitude to Him.




If you are a true seeker,

You will feel that to be

With your Master,

Near your Master,

Beside your Master,

Is undoubtedly a true form

Of meditation.




We have only one goal

And that goal

Is transcendence-perfection.

It is not only your goal,

His goal and my goal,

But it is everybody’s goal —

Including that of our Eternity’s

Beloved Pilot Supreme. ```



You yourself must first become

Infinitely more spiritual,

Infinitely more self-giving

And infinitely more perfect

In your own way.

Then only you will get

The inner assurance

That you will be able to change

The world around you.




You are enjoying your rash whims.

God is enjoying His prolonged absence.

Only one member of your inner family

Is suffering sleeplessly:

Your poor little heart.




My Lord Supreme,

I am not listening to You,

He is not listening to You —

Nobody is listening to You.

Are You not by this time

Totally sick of Your creation?

“My child,

I am a perfect stranger to sickness.

But if you want to teach Me

How to fall sick,

Then do come and teach Me.

I am all ready.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

I have displeased You.

How can I please You again?

“My child,

This question has been asked

By each and every seeker.


Each and every seeker

Has answered it.

Just try once more.

This time give Me

Your Eternity’s surrender-life.” ```



Even one single day

If I forget

To feed my heart’s faith-flames,

Doubt-clouds not only appear

But also dance

On my mind’s horizon. ```



Why do you exaggerate your mistakes?

I assure you,

Your offences are not as serious

Or as dangerous as you think.

Do not allow your stupidity-mind

To powerfully increase

Your baseless negative feelings

About yourself. ```



He is such a fool!

He thinks that he is

Either very good or very bad.

He finds it difficult to see

That his status is really

Somewhere in between. ```



That you remain in the spiritual life

Is undoubtedly a sign

Of your spiritual progress.

True, your life

Is nowhere near perfection-light.

But just because you have been

A truth-seeker and a God-lover

For such a long time,

You are definitely progressing —

Of course,

Maybe not to your satisfaction.




Step by step

Each genuine seeker

Is going forward.

If he is bad,

He will unmistakably become good.

And if he is already good,

He will become better

And then best.

For God will not allow

His Vision-Light to remain

Unmanifested through him.




If we have the capacity

To make mistakes,

Then our Beloved Supreme also

Has the capacity to forgive us.

He is in no way

Weaker than we are.

His Forgiveness-Light

Is infinitely stronger

Than our mistake-night.




I have some good news for you.

This news will save your life.

You are dying

Because you have got

What you wanted.

From now on, be wise!

Try to claim only

God’s Aspiration-Sun

As your own.




You have committed so many blunders

That you now feel

You can no longer become perfect.

But that is absurd, absurd!

Your Beloved Supreme

Will never be satisfied

Unless and until you become perfect

To prove to Him that His Vision of you

Was absolutely perfect.




Life is God’s Game

And He has invited you

To play with Him.

Right now you are not

Scoring properly,

But do not worry.

Again and again

God Himself will teach you

How to score successfully.




If you really want to think,

Then you must think

With a new inspiration.

If you really want to sing,

Then you must sing

With a new aspiration.

If you really want to dance,

Then you must dance

With a new liberation.




His twentieth-century realisation

Far, far surpasses

His realisation of the hoary past.

The human in him

Laughs and laughs

At his previous realisation-heights,

While the divine in him

Reveals a compassion-flooded Eye. ```



Who says he is

A hopeless and useless seeker?

He definitely has at least

One good quality.

Otherwise he would not be able

To follow any spiritual path.

Indeed it is his

Superb perseverance-quality

That keeps him alive

In the spiritual life. ```



Now that his life is estranged

From his Inner Pilot,

His heart is no longer fluent

In the soul’s language. ```



When you read the ancient scriptures,

It is like appreciating

The beauty and the power

Of the ocean and the sky

At a great distance.

But if a spiritual Master

Comes to you

As the ocean and the sky,

It is your sole task

To fly into the sky

And dive into the ocean.




My sweet children,

You come to Me

Not only to receive from Me

What I have: Infinity’s Love,

But also to give to Me

What you have:

Your nectar-surrender-tears.




Somewhere in the world

A supremely pure heart exists.

It definitely does.

It exists to please God

In God’s own Way.

Right now we may not have

The same kind of pure heart,

But let us sincerely and sleeplessly

Strive for it.

We shall, without fail, succeed. ```



The outer dynamism of the Western soul

Is the Alpine message

That the East should treasure

At every moment.

The inner poise of the Eastern soul

Is the Himalayan message

That the West should treasure

At every moment. ```



Truth he does not dare to know.

Love he does not dare to feel.

Yet satisfaction is the only thing

That his mind wants to know

And his heart wants to feel.




To say

That he has studied the scriptures


Is an understatement.

He has not only read them

Devotedly and soulfully

But also sleeplessly lives

In their Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. ```



Why do you need an outer career?

Only become a more dedicated instrument

Of your Beloved Pilot Supreme.

You will find

That your true inner career

Is the only career

That you actually wanted and needed

To satisfy yourself — the real in you —





Because you did not curb

Your desire-appetite,

God is sad.

Because you have betrayed God

Time and again,

God’s Compassion-Eye

Looks miserable.




Realisation is everything.

Aspiration itself

Is a beautiful form of realisation.

Vision itself

Is a soulful form of realisation.

Revelation itself

Is a powerful form of realisation.

Manifestation itself

Is a fruitful form of realisation.




God the Eternal

Is birthless and deathless.

For Him there is no time limit.

The past, present and future

Are within His grasp.

He is eternally young

And supremely old.




In this world

There are some stupid people.

Again, there are some wise people.

Those who consciously wish to stay

Always with their Lord Supreme

And always are for Him alone

Are undoubtedly the wisest human souls.




God is playing all the time

Inside your heart-garden.

If you want to be His playmate,

You will definitely be His chosen child.

And what He will do, you know:

He will shape you and mould you

Into His very Image.




My Lord Supreme,

I am longing for infinite Peace,

Infinite Light and infinite Bliss.

I am longing to become

Your faithful, devoted

And conscious instrument.

Only if I can become

Your supremely chosen instrument

Will I be really happy.

For me, I assure You,

There is no other happiness.




My Lord Supreme

Is not on speaking terms

With me

Because my mind

Does not think of Him


And my heart

Does not pray to Him





Just open your eyes

And see what has happened:

Your sorrowful sea of the past

Has completely surrendered

To your smiling sun of the present.

Did you ever think

That it was going to happen?




If you can cry like a child

For just five minutes,

You will win the Supreme’s Forgiveness.

But let me tell you a secret:

Even one fleeting minute is enough,

For the Supreme is your heart’s


And your life’s





Three travellers —

My mind,

My mind’s stupidity

And I —

Travel together all the time,

Looking for only one thing:

The dance hall

Where ignorance-king

And ignorance-queen

Each day perform. ```



My mind was looking for

A doubt-tree.

My heart was looking for

A faith-plant.

My life was looking for

A surrender-flower.

My soul was looking for

A perfection-fruit. ```




Is infinite and eternal.

His Forgiveness

Is infinite and eternal, too.

But do you really want God

To grant you His unconditional Forgiveness

Or do you want to continue

Swimming in ignorance-sea?

This is the question

Of paramount importance. ```




Your heart cried soulfully,

God has lifted you out

Of the quicksand of failure.


Your life surrendered unconditionally

To God’s Vision-Eye,

He has carried you to the solid rock

Of continuous progress.




You do not have to study the Vedas,

The Upanishads, the Mahabharata

And the Ramayana

To dive into the secret

And sacred wisdom-light

Of those scriptures.

He who realises God

Not only embodies all the scriptures —

Their essence and quintessence —

But also goes far, far beyond

The knowledge-seas of the past.




In those days he did drink


But at that time his capacity

Was limited.

Now his capacity is unlimited

And he is drinking the same thing —

Nectar-delight —

But in unlimited measure. ```



Unless you have renovated

Your mind-room

To God’s complete Satisfaction,

God will not allow you to become

A member of His Relay-Team.




I am telling you

That you are doing something

Extremely serious

And extremely dangerous.

You are nibbling

Temptation-nuts. ```



God cannot expect

Satisfaction from everyone.

But when He sees that you,

His chosen child,

Have given Him satisfaction,

He will grant you

His Infinity’s Satisfaction-Delight.




If your life is a life

Of gratitude-obedience,

Then God’s Eye will always precede you

And God’s Feet will always follow you. ```



My Lord Supreme does His Work:

He preaches constantly.

I do my work:

I practise what He preaches





Where do I live?

I live with my Lord Supreme

In the tower of His Forgiveness.

What is the thing

That inspires me, illumines me

And fulfils me most?

The Breath of His universal

Breathless Life. ```



At long last

My heart is ready

To become Your Dream,

My Lord Supreme.

“Then, My child,

I am giving you back

Your completely forgotten


With My transcendental Vision

And universal Mission.” ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 14, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from