Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 160



God invited me to ride with Him

In His non-stop Satisfaction-Train

Because He knows that

My heart’s aspiration-flames are burning

High, higher, highest,

Bright, brighter, brightest. ```



A self-giving life

Is the perfection-smile

Of a universal friend.




My purity-mind

Is not even a half-step away

From God’s Heart-Door.

My oneness-heart

Is always inside

God’s Heart-Room. ```



I am sure that one day

The doctor-mind will be arrested

For his illegal malpractice

By the faith-nourished police. ```



God always likes

A charming but challenging joke.

Do you not believe me?

Then just try one! ```



God has written a best-seller.

Do you know what it is all about?

It is all about

My heart’s aspiration-cries

And my life’s dedication-smiles.




Tell me,

Who has seen

A mind-garden

Without any weeds? ```



When hope makes friends

With patience,

Hope will be able

To live indefinitely. ```



Desire-storm has no respect

Even for my heart’s

Tallest aspiration-tree.

It just uproots everything. ```



Because your mind

Is liberated from doubt-clouds,

God is blessing your mind

With His Delight-flooded Sun. ```



When we look at

A genuine God-lover,

We clearly see

That his heart is synonymous

With boundless gratitude,

And his life is synonymous

With unconditional surrender.




The proud mind boasts:

“O world,

I have a top secret

To save you.”

The humble heart whispers:

“O world,

I have a top secret

To share with you.” ```



Every morning

My heart reaffirms

Its willingness and faithfulness

To its Lord Beloved Supreme. ```



When I told God

About my most disheartening

Experience in life,

He smiled at me and said:

“My child,

My Heart is all concern for you.

I shall see that

That particular experience

Is not repeated in you.”




God is eagerly waiting

To show you His Compassion-Eye.

Are you eagerly waiting

To show Him your gratitude-heart? ```



If you can take

Your aspiration-heart-medicine

Every day,

You and your life

Will not suffer

From dissatisfaction-nightmares. ```



When your heart melts

Into God-gratitude-tears,

You are ready to study

At God’s own University. ```



Attachment shows its emptiness

And then gets ready

For its own perfect transformation.




A seeker’s peace-dream

Has another name:

A seeker’s God-manifestation

In God’s own Way. ```




Is quite often mistaken

For manifestation-life.



Is nothing other than





May my aspiration blossom

Only in my heart’s garden

For God to bless,

For God to caress,

For God to utilise.




Do not pursue

Earthly desire-dreams.

Pursue only

Your heart’s aspiration-realities. ```



He who has abiding cheerfulness

In his heart

Has already covered

A very long distance

In his spiritual life.




If you can remain

Like a pure child,

Untouched by world-temptation,

Then you will grow into

God’s most perfect instrument

To manifest Him on earth. ```



There is no fruit

On your aspiration-tree.

Do you know why?

Because you are starving

The faith-plant inside your heart.




Alas, alas,

My mind-existence on earth

Has been totally disfigured

By ruthless doubt-scars. ```



I always keep my heart-key

Inside my soul-safe

So that I will use it only

To please my Lord Supreme. ```



If your life is deficient

In dedication,

Then how do you expect

God to multiply

Your heart’s aspiration-flames?




Every day

Try to stretch your tolerance

In your body, vital, mind and heart.

Your inner and outer progress

Will surprise you,

Far beyond your imagination. ```



May my mind

Be a citadel of purity,

So that my life

Can become a choice instrument

Of the Lord Supreme,

Him to manifest

In the heart of each human being.




O my mind,

Don’t be a fool!

Do not resist God’s Compassion-Eye.

You are bound to sink.

O my heart,

I appreciate, admire and adore

Your ever-multiplying

God-willingness-receptivity. ```



Life’s ignorance-monopoly

Is destroying human progress,

And God’s Satisfaction-Smile

Is receding most speedily. ```




There are too many

Choices in life.

But make the right choice,

The absolutely right choice:

Self-discovery. ```



God does not mind

Even if you have serious flaws.

But He does mind

If you do not have faith

That He can transform your flaws

Into His Perfection-Smiles. ```



What is the difference

Between your self-giving heart

And your God-living life?

No difference! ```



God is always eager

To introduce you

To the world-audience.

But are you ready

With your receptivity

To have Him smile

Inside the depths of your heart?




My sincerity-mind and purity-heart

Are bound to seek God,

My Lord Supreme,

Here, there and everywhere,

Throughout the length and breadth

Of the world. ```



Man’s conscious problem:

He does not know

Whether God is pleased with him

Or not.

But God tells him,

“Do the right thing,

Feel the right thing.

Then you are bound to please Me.

And the right thing

You definitely know

From the wrong thing!”




My heart’s inner cry

No human being cared to hear.

But my Lord’s Compassion-Eye

Cared for, blessed and caressed

My heart’s inner cry.




Will not only my next action,

But any action in this mind of mine,

Ever please You,

My Lord Supreme? ```



When I tell myself

That I desperately need God,

Only God,

Then He gives me

A most powerful forward push

Towards my destination. ```



The depression

Of our vital and mind

Has only one way to go,

And that way is always downward. ```



If you are not ready

When God calls you,

He may wait for a short time.

But do not think

That He will indefinitely

Wait for you.

No, He cannot, for He has

Infinitely more important things to do

Than to wait for you

Indefinitely. ```



My surrender-life,

According to my Beloved Supreme,

Is worthy

Of His blessingful Applause. ```



I have searched every corner

Of my mind-room

To see if there is

A tiny peace-plant.

Alas, there is none!




Your purity-blossoming heart-smile

Is serving God and pleasing God

In God’s creation

Of unconscious and unwilling minds. ```



There can be

No lasting satisfaction

When actions themselves

Are not perfect. ```



When God sees a human being

Full of patience-light,

He feels that His earth-creation

Will someday definitely become

Absolutely perfect.




God’s Compassion-Eye

Will always lead you and guide you

To the Golden Shore of the Beyond.

Just follow it

Sincerely, devotedly,

Sleeplessly and breathlessly! ```



My heart’s aspiration-sunrise

I have seen many, many times.

But I have never seen

My life’s dedication-day.


Without my life’s dedication-day,

How can I be an intimate member

Of God’s inner Family? ```



God wants

Each and every human being

To become a totally

Illumined and transformed

Soul-star of his own life.




May my heart,

May my life,

May everything of mine

Become a never-ending





We all must start

With small things.

It is inside the heart of the finite

That one day

The Infinite will smile

Perfectly and satisfactorily. ```



There are no real limitations.

Limitations we create

To enjoy ourselves

In a self-centred way. ```



Simply because you were afraid

Of God the Justice-Light,

God the Justice-Light

Could not approach you.

Be not afraid

Of God the Justice-Light!

He only does the right thing for you,

For your own perfection-satisfaction. ```



Do what you can,

Do what you must!

And then devotedly,

Most devotedly and soulfully,

Leave the rest

To your Lord Beloved Supreme. ```



My earthly duty

Is not my life-guiding mentor.

My Heavenly duty

Is my oneness-fulfilling friend. ```



I have two questioning eyes.

These two questioning eyes

Are destroying my mind’s peace.

But I have one God-answering heart,

Which is pleasing me

And immortalising my aspiration-life. ```



No seeker

With a heart of sincerity

Is ever destined to fail.

A sincerity-seeker is bound to win

In the battlefield of life.




A self-controlled mind

Has the power to transform

The imperfection of the world

Far beyond what any human being

Can ever imagine.




You will triumph

Only if you have

A heart of implicit faith

And a mind of bright clarity. ```



Every morning

God whispers into my ear,

“My child,

Reclaim your Source:

Infinity’s Delight.”




When we enter

Into the spiritual life,

We consciously see

That in our heart-garden

Every day

New opportunity-plants

Are growing.




The divine in us

Always stands in between

Our heart’s perfection-cry

And our life’s imperfection-tears.

But why does the divine

Stand in between?

To transform the human,

Which we have,

Into the divine,

Which we are. ```



You must ignore

Your ego’s loud voice

If you want to become

A choice instrument

Of God’s Silence-Delight.




When I see my aspiration’s

Appearance and disappearance,

I feel that I am still far away

From my inner goal.

But there shall come a time

When I shall only

Run and run and run,

And never stop

On the way to my God-realisation.




Worry, anxiety, insecurity:

You will never find me

Alone again,

For I have made friends

With my soul-power,

Which can fight against you all

And bring me

Supreme victory’s crown. ```



Anything that separates

Has to be discarded

Without any hesitation,

For hesitation ends in utter failure. ```



I only have time to be

At the Feet of my Lord Supreme

With my heart’s gratitude-tears.




Earthly pain,

I must take you

As a most significant teacher.

From you, many things I have learnt.

And when I leave you,

I will carry from you

Wisdom-light in boundless measure.




In God’s Eye

We are all progressing.

Do you know why?

Because God, our Beloved Supreme,

Never runs short of

Compassion-Encouragement. ```



Each good thought,

Each illumining thought,

Is undoubtedly a descendant

Of the cosmic gods. ```



When conviction becomes mature,

It grows into

Adamantine faith.




The mind’s purification

Is absolutely necessary

If one longs for life-perfection.




If you deliberately turn your back

On God,

How do you expect God

To once more awaken you

And bring you again

A spiritually normal life? ```



O my mind,

Can you not see

That insecurity-darkness

Has totally enveloped you?

Is it not high time for you

To pierce the veil

Of ignorance-insecurity

And become one

With the vastness of oneness-joy?




I will defy and defy

The failure-life

Even until the last moment

Of my Heavenward journey. ```



We all must learn

Sooner or later

The art of making others

Divinely happy, supremely happy. ```



God does not care if He has

Ten thousand friends or one friend

On earth,

As long as He has one particular friend,

Whom He loves the most:

Our heart’s unconditional surrender

To His Will supreme.

As long as He has this friend,

He does not need other friends.




It is a most difficult task,

But not an impossible task,

To listen to one’s soul

And abide by the soul’s

Divinely and supremely inspired dictates.




Every day, every hour,

We must try to be attentive

To our heart’s aspiration-needs,

For this is the only way

We can please the Divine in us,

The Supreme in us. ```



Is there anybody

Whom God does not want to become

His Masterpiece?

But to become God’s Masterpiece

We have to show Him

Our heart’s sleepless surrender

And our life’s constant

Eagerness-cry for Him. ```



The unknown future can be

Our super-excellent friend,

If we sail in the boat

Of our soul’s oneness-light. ```



We have to make it a point

To clean out our mind-attic

Every morning

So that with our clarity-mind

We can see the beauty of truth

And feel the fragrance of satisfaction

In us.




I have been attending courses

Given by my mind,

And now I see I am engulfed

By confusion-night.

What shall I do?

I must take a course

Given by my heart,

And receive my illumination

From the heart-course.




Unless and until you have developed

A true friendship

With your own self,

You will not find a real friend

Anywhere on earth.




Every day

Consciously and forcefully

Cast away the ignorance-garments

That you have put on yourself

Over the years.




My heart’s gratitude-tears

Have built a beautiful nest

For my Lord Supreme,

And my Lord Supreme stays there

Most lovingly and most cheerfully.




If you cry for the satisfaction

Of your desires,

It is you who will feel miserable

At the end when they are fulfilled.

But if you cry for the perfection

Of your aspiration,

Then at every moment

Joy from the world unknown

Will inundate you.





Always run

Faster than the fastest

Along the soul’s sunlit path. ```



My Lord,

Only one desire I had,

I still have

And I am sure

I will always have:

Wherever You go,

Take me along with You!

I am dying to accompany You





My Lord Supreme

Was so disgusted with me

That finally He had to ask me

To take Him seriously

Once and for all.




Even if God

Is not popular

In your mind-country,

God is not going to leave.

He will definitely stay

And eventually illumine your mind-country. ```



I have received

An important message

From ignorance-night.

Ignorance-night has become frightened

Of my love of God

And has finally agreed not to return. ```



God has given us

The freedom to choose.

But alas,

We choose what we want

And not what we need.




If we want to climb up

To our soul’s highest heights,

Then at every moment we need

A cheerful and self-giving





When we mercilessly criticise others,

What do we actually do?

We insult unconsciously,

Or even consciously,

God the creation.




Each Compassion-Tear

That falls from God’s

Vision-flooded Eye

Fights the human mind

And feeds the human heart.




God never stops telling us

To do the right thing

And to become the right person,

No matter how disobedient we are. ```



If seeing is believing,

Then at every moment

Keep your heart’s eye

Wide open

And see the divine reality

In everything. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 160, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from