My only necessity in life
Is to be at Your FeetAnd look at Your Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Heart. ```Relax!
You will not only feel great,But also become good.
You may eventually becomeA great speaker.
You will definitely becomeA wise world-transformer.
```Each human being on earth
Is my teacher.This definitely includes
My enemies. ```The more I purify my mind,
The less I look ugly and undivine,Even in the eyes of my enemies.
```Yesterday I expected
My nature’s partial transformation.Today I demand
My nature’s radical transformation. ```I pay attention
Only to what I feel about myself,And not to what others
Think and say about me. ```Can you not surprise God today
By going to Him yourself,Instead of inviting Him
To come and see you? ```In my life there are many things
That I do not like.But God does not like
Only one thing in my life:My unwillingness to change,
My unwillingness to becomeHis fondest child.
```The outer world
Gives me responsibilities.The inner world
Gives me not only capacitiesBut also opportunities.
```The birth of a new
And illumining thoughtInside my mind
Is the blossoming of a newAnd illumining world.
```My true accomplishments
Are nothing other thanMy self-transcending songs.
```God sincerely needs
Your soul, your heart, your mindAnd your vital.
Therefore, you must love themAnd be proud of them.
```From the desiring ego
I have learntHow to cry.
From the surrendering egoI have learnt
Not only how to smileBut also how to proceed fast
Towards my goal. ```What my mind needs
Is tomorrow’s divinity-vision.What my life needs
Is yesterday’s purity-voice. ```Unlike my mind,
My heart always obeysBoth earthly and Heavenly
Wisdom-laws. ```Every day I pray to God
To grant me the rebirthOf my devotion-heart.
```God wants each human being
To be an imagination-thirstyAnd aspiration-hungry child of His.
```May my heart’s tears
And my life’s promisesWalk along
My soul’s pilgrim-journey-road. ```It seems to me
That each incarnationOf a human being
Is Divinity’s unfinished dream. ```Alas,
What was once upon a timeMy heart’s boundless poise
Is nowMy mind’s noisy voice.
```Imagination lives
In the world of soulfulness.Aspiration lives
In the world of fruitfulness. ```God is always hungry
For the fragranceOf a self-giving purity-heart.
```No matter where God goes,
He is always followedBy His Compassion
And Perfection-Sunshine. ```Enthusiasm
Is the God-given energyWhich we must use
To fulfil our heart’sInner divinity.
```My Lord,
I hate so many things.Do You hate anything?
“Yes, my child, I do.”What do You hate, my Lord?
“I literally hateYour exaggerated devotion.”
```A suspicion-mind
And an impurity-heartAre the footfalls
Of impending doom. ```Mother Earth
Is my life’s dedication-bodyAnd my heart’s illumination-soul.
```There is no such thing
As perfection’sUltimate height.
```During the entire day
I have only two genuine friends:My heart
And my heart’s morning-song. ```In my inner life
I meditate on the mountain-silenceTo be peaceful.
In my outer life
I meditate on the fountain-soundTo be cheerful.
```I must admit
That my prayer-incomeIs next to nothing.
But my meditation-incomeIs quite substantial.
```Every day
I happily watch my heartImporting aspiration-flowers
And exporting desire-coals. ```God always chooses
My willing heartAnd not
My complaining vital. ```Each and every
Heart-dream of mineHas the capacity
To take the highest flightAnd the longest journey.
Always remainsBeyond measure.
```My mind wants
Success-procession.My heart wants
Progress-acceleration. ```There can be nothing
As beautiful asMy heart’s meditation-garden.
```I like my mind’s
Inspiration-smiles.I love my heart’s
Aspiration-tears. ```My Lord Supreme tells me
That my heart does not have to becomeHis best friend,
For my heart already is. ```My mind asks me
To be the leader of everything.My heart tells me
To be the doer of everything. ```My Lord,
I need only one thing from YouFor my life:
A non-stop dedication-express train. ```Today I have discovered
That it is infinitely easierTo please God
Than to please my mind and vital. ```Alas,
Today I have discoveredThat I am my mind’s
Hallucination-reservoirAnd my heart’s
Aspiration-drought. ```Idleness is a free ticket.
With this ticketYou can never go anywhere.
```God’s Pleasure
Has always beenMy heart’s treasure.
```God’s Greatness
At times may be knowable,But God’s Goodness
Will forever remainUnknowable.
```It is my heart’s sincere cry
And nothing elseThat removes the barrier
Between me and Divinity’s Smile. ```God has repeatedly asked me
To offer the gratitudeOf my unconditional heart
To His own Heart,And not even
To His Eyes and Feet. ```My mind is accustomed
To making bombastic promises.My heart is accustomed
To making ecstatic promises.My body is accustomed
To making pathetic promises.My Lord Supreme is accustomed
To making not only sympathetic promisesBut also prophetic promises.
```Some are born to succeed.
My mindIs one of those divine instruments.
Some are born to proceed and transcend,
Transcend and proceed.My heart
Is one of those God-instruments. ```When my heart
Is all endurance,My Lord Supreme
Is all assurance. ```My heart’s aspiration-fire
Will definitely one dayBurn my desire-rope to ashes.
```Inside each aspiration-heart
God’s Sunshine-SmileIs always available.
```Life is real
Only when it is divine,And this life divine
Comes into existenceOnly after ego’s death.
```My heart, I love you
Precisely becauseYou have gladly accepted
My God-manifesting challengeHere on earth.
```The mind is hungry
For earthly pleasure.The heart is hungry
For Heavenly treasure. ```God is whispering to you
To show Him your heart’sAspiration-wings.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the capacityTo surrender my heart’s
Blue-gold breathTo You.
```My heart’s faith-fragrance
Is my open doorTo Heaven’s loftiest heights.
```Mankind’s ignorance-malady
Is unbearable indeed,But not incurable.
```The dryness
Of the mind’s philosophyIs nothing short of
The life’s emptiness-voice. ```I know
What the mind’s constant worry is.But alas, will I ever know and feel
What the heart’s abundant poise is? ```To live
In the surrender-heart-affectionIs to sing
Nature’s perfection-song. ```The mind that is given
To hatred and tyrannyCan easily possess
An atom-bomb-mouth. ```I know my life
Will cease to be a problemWhen I become constantly
My heart’s surrender-song. ```Do not underestimate
Either the strengthOf ignorance-night
Or the strengthOf wisdom-light.
```All that we claim to be ours
Is a temporary loanFrom the inner world.
Always bowsTo humanity’s
Patience-mountain. ```What we need
Is the breath of sincerity,The heart of purity
And the life of simplicity. ```The aspiration-heart
Always singsGod’s most powerful
Victory-Song. ```Who can conquer
The mind’s suspicion-fever?Who can penetrate
The mind’s unwillingness-wall?Who can waste
The soul-power of man’s heart? ```If you want to succeed,
My life,Then always try to bask
In the heart’s willingness-sunshine. ```I have come to learn
That my Lord’s Forgiveness-SongHas no final note.
```My Lord, I need to learn from You
That I still love You,I still need You,
I still want to beA perfect perfection-instrument of Yours.
```God will change
Your mental frustrationAnd psychic depression
If you are ready to haveA new name:
Willingness. ```Nothing can be more destructive
Than ingratitude-heart-dagger.Nothing can be more constructive
Than gratitude-heart-fragrance. ```Believe it or not,
I am extremely proudOf my singing soul
And breathlessly winging heart. ```My Lord,
I have only two questionsTo ask You:
When will my lethargy-vacation end,And
When will my energy-expedition start? ```O my mind,
I shall wait for you.Even for centuries I shall wait,
If it is necessary,For your transformation.
```I do not need anybody
To dig my graveWhen I am gone.
My earthly desiresHave already done it.
```My Lord tells me
That I cannot knowThe depth of His Love
If I do not care to accept His LoveIn His own Way.
```I want to be independent
From now on.I do not want to remain
Under the hurtful influenceOf expectation.
```Alas, how often
Our human mind surrendersTo the sudden attack
Of suspicion-night. ```God’s Compassion-Tears
Ceaselessly drop from HeavenTo purify our mind
And fulfil our aspiration. ```Lord, do allow me to discover
Why I find it so difficultTo unconditionally surrender
To You. ```My Lord,
If You want to tearMy life apart,
Do it immediately.But never leave me,
My heart. ```My mind trusts me,
But I do not trustMy mind.
```May my mind never be preoccupied
With hopelessness-tears.May my heart never be preoccupied
With helplessness-sighs. ```Although God gets
Countless complaintsFrom human beings
Every day,He never runs short of
Complaint-diaries. ```Alas, I have come to realise
That true satisfaction,Illumining satisfaction
AndFulfilling satisfaction
Will always remainOut of my reach.
```I can see that
God’s Compassion-EyeHas already arrived
At your heart-door.But when are you planning to send
Your heart’s gratitude-smiles to Him?When?
Has imprisoned me.Detachment-day
Will liberate me.But alas,
I know not when,I know not how.
```O seeker,
Be not lost.Cultivate more heart-will-power.
Destined is your Golden Shore. ```From today on
My heart’s tearsAnd my life’s smiles
I shall directOnly to my Lord Supreme.
```Alas, my life has now become
A long-lost aspiration-cryAnd a long-lost dedication-smile.
```We must realise
That we are indeedThe slaves of our ambitions
And not the mastersOf our ambitions.
```Your spirituality-life’s foundation
Will be shatteredIf you maintain your friendship
With ignorance-desire. ```Each time I offer
My gratitude-heart to God,I enter into a more illumining
And more fulfillingTomorrow’s dawn.
```No more imperfection-darkness.
Enough is enough!No more ignorance-night.
Enough is enough!No more self-indulgence.
Enough is enough!No more my God-forgotten life.
Enough is enough! ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 181, Agni Press, 1993
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