Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 19



Each soulful thought

Enjoys a weightless flight

To its unparalleled destination:

God-Silence. ```



Indomitable will-power,

Universal oneness-love,

Sacrifice of peace, light and joy

In boundless measure for humanity:

These are his soul’s qualities

That are being manifested

In and through his life on earth.




When your soul’s qualities

Come forward and start manifesting,

Then not only your world

Of outer running

But also your world

Of inner running

Will acquire a very special significance.




In the outer consciousness

You have already established

Something immortal.

Now you must do the same

In the inner consciousness

With your heart’s cry for mankind

And your life’s love for mankind.




The loving and soothing zephyr

Of my Lord’s Compassion-Sea

Has time and again saved my life

From its hidden destruction-imperfections. ```



Everybody is appreciating,

Admiring and adoring

Your outer achievements.

But you have to know

That this outer glory

Lasts only for a fleeting moment. ```



When we think of the outer man,

We are fascinated

Because he has shown something great

To mankind.

But when we think of the inner man,

We are illumined

Because he has done something good

For God. ```



When the outer man does something,

The world immediately gets

Tremendous joy and ecstasy.

Then the outer achievement

Fades into oblivion.

But when the inner man does something,

It forever and forever lasts.




Why do you dwell

On the past?

The past does not determine

The future.

Only your prayer and meditation

Will determine your future. ```



Like your fellow seekers,

Can you not also try

To become good?

Just try.

You will undoubtedly succeed.




My Lord,

Do allow my present

To pay the penalty

For my undivine past.

I do hope in the future

I will have the capacity

To march along the road of sainthood.




Are you in life’s prison cell?

Then can you not take God’s Help?

He will purify and illumine your nature

So that you can enjoy

Your soul’s freedom.




It may take the outer man

Many, many centuries,

But finally

At God’s choice Hour

The outer man

Will definitely

Grow into the inner man.




The outer man

Collects the quintessence

Of countless experiences

During his earthly sojourn.

But the inner man

Already has the infinite wealth,

The inner wealth.

In fact,

The inner man eternally is

What the outer man

Is so desperately longing for.




Each time the mind

Goes beyond the confusion-barrier,

It sees immediately

The perpetual dawn of the heart’s awakening. ```




He is the greatest champion

Of the world.

But inwardly

He is something

Infinitely more powerful

And infinitely more beautiful:

The supreme hero-warrior

To fight against humanity’s ignorance.




He has proved

Something unprecedented:

The outer man

Of unparalleled name and fame

Can soulfully bow

To the inner man,

Who is eternally the ambassador

Of the Absolute Supreme on earth. ```



The outer man

Says to the inner man:

“What I have

Is all for you.”

The inner man

Says to the outer man:

“What I am

Is and will forever be

All yours.”




In his highest meditation

He became what his outer life

At times consciously,

At times unconsciously,

Had been searching for.




If you want to discover

Your inner life,

You have to walk along

The path of the heart,

Where there is

Universal Love, universal Peace

And universal Light and Delight.




Achieve something great outwardly.

Many on earth will admire you

And even adore you

For what you have done.

Achieve something good inwardly.

Countless people will get

A tremendous inner uplift

From your very presence on earth. ```



There are two roads:

The road of the mind

And the road of the heart.

By God’s infinite Grace

Right from the start

You have chosen the correct road:

The road of the heart.




I am grateful to God,

For His world-family

Is quite happy

To receive my affection, concern,

Love and oneness.




Like the offering of a world Saviour,

The self-offering of the inner man

Elevates the consciousness

Of each individual on earth

And of each soul yet to come

Into the world. ```



Why do you need to search

For outer beauty?

The beauty of your soul’s colour

Permeates the entire world. ```



When you become the inner man

You establish a constant

And sleepless reality

That lasts for Eternity.

You build something immortal

For the earth-consciousness,

Something for its permanent use.




Each human life will eventually

Be perfected and fulfilled

By a world of bitter and sweet dreams.




You are approaching the spiritual life.

Do you know what you want?

You want to be

The dearest, closest and most perfect

Instrument of God.




When are you going to believe

That God is using you

As a supreme instrument of His?

I can clearly see that in and through

Your outer existence

God is offering a new Vision

To the world.




Undoubtedly you are a good soul.

But in the heat of the moment

Even a good soul

Can do something very bad.

So, be careful!




Why do you feel

That you are very bad by nature?

Unless you feel

That you have come into the world

To do something good,

You may go from bad to worse,

And then finally

You will be washed away

Both in the inner world

And in the outer world. ```



There was a time

When you had many divine qualities.

But now what has happened?

The undivine forces have caught you

And made you their instrument.

You have yourself become

Nothing other than

An undivine force. ```



If you want to make

Illumining and fulfilling progress


Then do not cherish yesterday’s dreams. ```



Even if you have done something

Very wrong,

Do not give up hope.

Your inner divinity

Can once again come to the fore.

Just consciously become

A student of God.

You and God will cheerfully

Be able to claim each other.




Inside me there is Someone

Eternal, infinite and immortal.

Who is that Person?

God, and nobody else.

Now you want to know

Who my God is.

My God is my own

Transcendental Self. ```



Dreams never to be born:

I love God more than He loves me,

God needs me more than I need Him.




Joy and oneness

Are inseparable.

Fragrance is beauty’s joy.

Flower is purity’s oneness. ```



Where is our Eternity’s joy?

Inside our oneness-perfection.

Where is our oneness-perfection?

Inside our sleepless





Concentration gives us victory,

But we need meditation

To maintain our victory-joy

When fear and doubt

Threaten to take it away.




Some seekers do not yet have

Any inner wealth.

They have just started

Acquiring it.

But you have a great advantage,

For inwardly you already have

Something very special:

Your selfless oneness-heart with God.

Now you only have to become

Fully aware of it. ```



The beautiful life of detachment

Has powerfully and gloriously given him

A heart of enlightenment.





Is the midday sun-power.

As soon as you see this sun,

Your entire being is flooded with strength.


Is the moonlit peace.

As soon as you see this moon,

You can feel peace within

And peace without.




His mind was not accustomed

To the Eastern meditation-philosophy.

But his beautiful and soulful heart

Of love, goodwill, fondness and oneness

Was fully prepared

To follow the already familiar





Why are you waiting for your mind?

Your mind will take years and years

To discover

What your heart already has

In boundless measure.




Sing a song

With words having tremendous

Prophetic power.

Lo, you have become

Part and parcel

Of the universal harmony. ```



My Lord,

Inside Your Songs

I feel my happiness,

And this happiness of mine

Has at once

Your Power and Your Love. ```



My heart is all gratitude

To music,

For it keeps me all the time

In tune with my Universal Self. ```



God has told me

That He grants me special Blessings

When I compose soulful songs.

He has also told me

That He then stays beside me,

Not ninety-nine per cent

For me

But absolutely one hundred per cent

For me, for me.




If you want to have a full-time job

In God’s Palace,

You must give up staying inside

Your unlit jealousy-mind. ```



You are hiding from God

Because you are afraid

Of failing in His Life-Examination.

Those who at least stand

Before the Examiner

And want to pass His Examination

Are far better than your useless self!




If you can accept

Soulfully and cheerfully

The inner Decision of your Lord Supreme,

Then you are absolutely

The best seeker.




Accept cheerfully

What life is offering you,

And you will see,

There is no such thing

As humiliation.




Yours is a vast, translucent wisdom-light

Because your heart is completely impervious

To the world’s insecurity-invasion.




The slave was turned

Into a master

By a miracle.

Now he is criticising

His very saviour.

Is this not the height

Of his ingratitude?




Where is your sympathetic

And devoted attitude?

In the name of perfection

You are criticising others


Do you not see

That what is coming forward

Is not your sense of perfection

But your unconscious,

Unwanted self-imposition

And self-glorification?




A man of the mind will say,

“Here is an ugly dry log.”

A man of the heart will say,

“Even now how beautiful

Is this sapless tree before me.”




Each beautiful

And illumined thought

Is a God

In another world. ```



The ordinary human eye

Sees the world’s outer barrenness.

A spiritual heart

Sees the flowers and fruits

Of the world’s inner source.




What God wants from you

Is devoted oneness

With His Vision.

Your mind may not grasp

His Message immediately,

But your oneness-heart

Will definitely realise God

In His own Way. ```



My compassionate Father,

As soon as You tell me

That You wish me to have something,

It is well understood

That your Affection-Heart

Will grant me that very thing. ```



You are really something!

If God’s most soulful Request

Has no value for you,

I have simply no idea

What you will value in life.




If you do not have the inner urge

To please your Supreme Pilot,

Then why do you stay in His Boat?

You are only forcing Him

To carry the weight

Of a dead elephant. ```



Your mind is now

A whirlpool of confusion.

Your heart is now

A shattered wheel of destruction.

Alas, how can you ever be happy?




If you tell God a lie,

How can you escape any retribution?

The inner world

Is always wide awake

So do not try to fool God,

And do not fool yourself. ```



There was a time

When meditation was a difficult subject

For a Western seeker.

But now his heart

Has become an excellent student

Of meditation-studies. ```



You want to be

Closer to God.

Then do only two things:

Pray to God to receive you,

Meditate on God to receive Him.




Yes, someday God will definitely

Grant you an interview

For your total transformation.




My Lord, let me be

In constant communication with You.

When I want to say something,

I shall pray.

And when I want to learn something,

I shall meditate. ```



Let me climb up the Heavenly ladder

To sit at the Feet

Of my Lord Supreme.

When I reach a certain height

Of consciousness,

There I will see my Beloved Supreme. ```



I shall become calm and quiet

So that my Lord Supreme

Can climb down the Heavenly ladder

And descend into my heart. ```



During his first interview with God,

God took away his attachment-arrow

And gave him His own Detachment-Shield.




To your mind-jungle

Meditation may seem strange.

But to your heart-garden

Meditation will never seem strange —





In the morning

Meditate on the waves and surges

Of the ocean.

You will find dynamic life-energy.

In the evening

Meditate on the deep vastness

Of the ocean.

You will feel Infinity’s peace. ```



By using your inner


When you win the outer race,

You win it not only for yourself,

But for all mankind.




Just make tremendous progress

And tremendous improvement

In your own life.

Others will definitely be inspired

By the result.




When he saw his Master

For the very first time,

It took him only

A few fleeting moments

To bring his inner existence

To the fore.

He is indeed a chosen seeker,

For there are many, many on earth

Who simply will not be able

To do what he has so easily

And so spontaneously done.




Tremendous power of concentration

You do have

To run the fastest

And reach the Destination of Newness.

Now you need

The power of meditation

To enter into the Goal of Fulness.




When you soulfully meditate,

The first thing you get

Is peace,

And this peace

Marks the beginning

Of your heart’s journey

Along the path of perfection.




When we sing,

We embody and become

The power of music.

This power has free access

To the Universal Heart.




Once you acquire

The power of perfection

In your meditation,

Doubt the intruder

Will no longer be able

To disturb your heart’s

Inner poise.




You have simply no idea

How good you are.

The beauty and fragrance

Of your inner flower

At once remain

Inside your heart

And spread

Throughout the world. ```



Only on the human level

Do we see that there is something

Called sacrifice.

On the divine level

There is no such thing

As sacrifice.

It is all oneness —


And oneness-satisfaction.




Once you have achieved


Through your meditation-light,

You become the breath and the body

Of the universe.




Even a great champion,

If he is not spiritual,

May greatly suffer

From a baseless future-fear.

He says to himself:

“Who knows,

Tomorrow I may not be able

To perform as well as today.

The day after tomorrow

Somebody will surpass me

And take away my glory.”




From the human life

We are trying to reach

The divine life.

So let us at least give up

Our animal qualities.

Let our hearts be sympathetic

To our fellow travellers.

Let us allow God to fulfil

At least one Dream of His

In and through us. ```



My mind will tell me

Only what others have taught it:

“A flower is beautiful.”

But my heart feels and sees everything

As a new experience.

It may even discover tremendous power

Inside a tiny flower.

Then how can we say

That the heart is mistaken

When it tells us,

“A flower is powerful.”




I always try to stay

Inside the nest

Of my heart’s pure tears.

I always hate to live

Inside the house

Of my mind’s wild laughter.




Just repeat the words

Spoken by a Son of God

And watch:

Something will immediately happen

Inside your heart.




O Lord,

You have given me

The power-aspect of life

To please me.

Now do give me also

The peace-aspect of life

To please You.




He was a man

Of tremendous determination,

But one day a dangerous wrong force

Attacked him.

Because of one moment’s surrender,

His whole life-career ended. ```



Through concentration

You have reached your goal.

But if you want to take

Countless people towards the goal

That you have already reached,

Then you need meditation. ```



Have some sympathy for others!

Do not get malicious pleasure

From hearing

About their deplorable fate.

Today you have escaped,

But tomorrow

Humiliation may be your name.




If you want

Outer success and inner progress,

You need something more

Than the capacities of the body,

Vital, mind and heart.

You have to bring to the fore

Your inner divinity,

The capacity of the soul. ```



Let my vision dive

Deep within

So that I can see the world

With the beauty

Of a poet’s heart.




A poet is not a grammarian.

His poetic ear

And his soulful heart

Take him to a realm

Far beyond human logic.




When you pray,

You are talking

To your Heavenly Father,

And He has to listen to you.

When you meditate,

Your Heavenly Father

Is talking to you,

And you have to obey Him. ```



My Lord,

I beg of You

In all my heart’s sincerity,

Just give me Your Message supreme

And I shall without fail

Execute it. ```



Be like a deer

That wants to run fast, very fast

With the Lord Supreme

And give Him joy.

Your Lord Supreme will always be

With you and for you. ```



He wanted his impure desires

To soar,

But the higher worlds caught them

And put them into prison. ```



You are experienced

In the art of self-transcendence.


God the Lover needs you

And God the Beloved utilises you

In a very special way. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 19, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from