Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 2



Each aspiring life

Is a Dream-Wave

Of the Lord Supreme

Which will eventually

Break upon the blue-gold shore

Of God’s Vision-transformed Reality. ```



Definitely there is nothing new,

Beautiful, soulful,

Powerful or fruitful

Inside your proud mind. ```



My Lord Supreme,

How can I make lightning progress

In my spiritual life?

“My child,

Do the right thing

And become the perfect thing

With a nameless life

And an expectation-empty breath.”




Keep your mouth

Always shut

And keep your ears

Always open

If you want to be wise.




Everyone gets Compassion

From Him.

Everyone is perfect

In Him. ```



The world’s oldest wisdom:

Each evil thought

Infuses the mind,

Sooner or later,

With an unholy fear.




His Himalayan realisation

Dwarfs all mankind’s

Present and future

Earthly pride-towers. ```



Look what your self-binding mind

Has done to you!

It has taught you

Cleverly and quickly

How to suspect yourself.




One of my constant problems:

I always think

About others

But never care

For others.




If your mind lives

Inside your heart’s golden flames,

Then your life will not be found

In an abysmal abyss. ```



So far you have made no attempt

To climb up your inner life-tree.

How, then, can you expect

To enjoy most delicious fruits

From your outer life-tree?




Two difficult things to achieve:

A gratitude-heart


A surrender-life. ```



His heart of tear-filled years

Is sleeplessly looking for

Only one thing:

A newborn hope. ```



If you want to think of God


Even inside the supermarket,

Then you must first think of God

At home.




My rich heart is always ready

To give my poor mind

What it has in abundant measure:


But my blind and unreceptive mind

Will never accept

Its generous and unconditional offer.




Your division-mind may deceive

My sleeping mind,

But your oneness-heart can never deceive

My searching mind

Or my aspiring heart.




God loves me,

But I do not have the time

To love God.

God speaks to me,

But I do not have the time

To speak to God.

God knows who I am,

But I do not have the time

To know who I am,

Whose I am

Or why I am.




O my inner life,

Do not weep for me,

For I do not deserve it.

O my outer life,

Do not smile at me,

For I do not need it.




My yesterday’s resolution:

I shall change earth’s face.

My today’s resolution:

I shall grow into

God’s infinite Grace.




God creates each human being

With His Heart’s

Translucent Hope

And His Soul’s

Transcendental Promise.




Something has to die immediately

Inside my mind.

Ah, I know what it is!

It is my monster-ego.

Something has to blossom immediately

Inside my life.

Ah, I know what it is!

It is my flower-heart. ```



The lethargic body collapses —

The aggressive vital follows.

The impure mind collapses —

The insecure heart follows. ```



Since the beginning of creation

The soul and the heart

Have been singing the same songs

While travelling along

Eternity’s Road.

The heart sings,

“So much to do on earth,

But where is the time?”

The soul sings,

“So much to do in Heaven,

But where is the time?”




Your life of noise must love

The Voice of God.

Your life of noise must love

The Life of God.

If not, you are bound to see

Your life unfinished,

And therefore unrecognised

Here on earth. ```



You were a thinker

Of the past.

You are a lover

Of the present.

You will be a fulfiller

Of the future. ```



You are imperfect,

But you can easily become perfect.

You just need a head that bows,

A heart that loves

And a soul that dreams.




My Lord,

I would like to express

My gratitude to You,

But I am groping for words.

“My son,

Do not waste your precious time

Learning the art

Of gratitude-expression.

Just learn to tell Me

Only one thing:

That you are happy,

Forever happy.” ```



A crying heart and a smiling life

Are the direct descendants

Of God the Dreamer

And God the Lover. ```



When I speak to you about God,

You don’t believe me.

When you speak to me about God,

I don’t believe you.

Therefore, what is the use

Of our talking to each other

About God?

The best thing will be for us

To pray for God to speak,

For He is the only One

Who can talk about Himself

With inner Illumination

And outer Compassion.




There is and there can be

Only one age-old question:

Can anyone realise God?

There is and there can be

Only one answer:

Yes, certainly,

Anyone can realise God.


Because that is what God wants.


By constantly singing

The song of surrender

On the summit-height

Of one’s own realisation-mountain.




Those who do not believe in God

Are self-styled gods.

Those who believe in God

Are being moulded by God Himself

To become exact replicas

Of His Vision-Eye,


And Satisfaction-Life. ```



He who prays unconditionally

For God’s transcendental Satisfaction

And he who meditates unconditionally

For God’s universal Manifestation

Is the God-man of tomorrow.




The line of those

Who do not want to transcend

Their earth-bound bondage-life

Is endless. ```



A God-searching mind

Does not know

What outer frustration is.

A God-loving heart

Does not know

What inner stagnation is.




Today I have made

Two decisions:

From now on

I shall love God


From now on

I shall obey my Lord Supreme

Sleeplessly. ```



My Lord,

You know that I do not want

To disappoint You.

How is it then

That You are not willing

To appoint me

To serve Your Feet,

Love Your Heart

And manifest Your Vision-Eye

Here on earth? ```



My Lord,

You have given my heart

The capacity to wait for You

For Eternity.

Will You not give my mind

The capacity to wait for You

Even for a fleeting second?




My soul-bird needs two wings,

An aspiration-wing

And a dedication-wing,

To fly the highest

In the firmament of Eternity’s Peace,

Infinity’s Love

And Immortality’s Delight.




My Lord Supreme,

Please tell me how I can stop

Deceiving You.

“My sweet child,

You can and will stop deceiving Me

Only when you stop

Deceiving yourself.

You deceive yourself when you mix

With those time-wasters

And life-killers:

Your unconscious body

And your impure mind.”




God tells me that if I agree with Him

At every moment,

Then He will grant me

His own Satisfaction-Love

To use in His Eternal Now.




If you can feel

That your heart’s inner cry

Is the only thing you have,

Then God will grant you

The thing He treasures most

In His own Life:

Sweetest Oneness-Satisfaction.




Your God-manifestation-dream

Will definitely come true,

But before that you must have

Another dream:

A God-realisation-dream.




If there is a tug-of-war

Between your heart’s faith

And your mind’s doubt,

Which side will you join?

Or will you be afraid

To join either side,

And embrace the life

Of indifference? ```




I do not want to have you any more.

It is you who have carried me away

From the Mind

Of my Beloved Supreme.


I do not want to have you any more.

It is you who have carried me away

From the Heart

Of my Beloved Supreme.


I do not want to have you any more.

It is you who have carried me away

From the Vision-Eye

Of my Beloved Supreme.


I do not want to have you any more.

It is you who have carried me away

From my oneness-life

With my Beloved Supreme.




My prayer is worth infinitely more

With my sacrifice-flames.

My meditation is worth infinitely more

With my silence-perfection. ```



My worst enemy is not

My hopeless unworthiness.

My worst enemy is

My constant unwillingness.

My best friend is not

My heart’s aspiration-cries.

My best friend is

My life’s surrender-smiles. ```



If I want to be

A prominent guest of God,

My ignorance-sleep

Must soon expire. ```



Your sweet Lord wants from you

Only four things:

Your regularity-drop,

Your punctuality-flame,

Your sincerity-cry

And your spontaneity-smile.

With these four invaluable treasures,

You will be able to walk along

The road of your perfection,

And God will be able to walk along

The road of His Satisfaction.




God is keeping His Victory-Crown

Ready for you to wear.

Once He offers it to you,

He will feel that He has placed it

On His own Head.




The more the unaspiring life

Wants to possess you,

The more you should love

Your sleeplessly aspiring heart

And your extraordinarily

Self-giving life. ```



“I want God.”

This, everybody says.

“I need God.”

This, how many are ready to feel? ```



Your body is not graceful.

Your vital is not faithful.

Your mind is not prayerful.

Your heart is not grateful.

Your life is not soulful.

How, then, do you expect to be

A useful instrument

Of the Supreme? ```



I shall no longer swim

In the ignorance-sea.

I shall throw my heart and soul

Into the spiritual life.

Right from this moment

I shall inundate my life

With the most powerful faith

That I will succeed

Inwardly and outwardly.




Each human being

Has a higher life and a lower life.

The lower life

Is the life of division.

The higher life

Is the life of oneness. ```



When your lower life attacks me,

My higher life feels miserable.


Not because it is angry with you,

But because it has compassion

For your own higher life. ```



Your deliberate destruction

Is now causing you sorrow

Because your higher life

Has come forward

To teach you that destruction

Belongs to the lower life. ```



If you are devoted

To your daring heart,

Then you are bound to be blessed

With a liberated life. ```



You can challenge death’s dominion

If you travel with your heart

Towards Immortality’s Sun.




When my heart cries,

God compassionately feeds my heart.

When my life smiles,

God lovingly feeds my life. ```



The mind enjoys

The newness-game.

The heart enjoys

The soulfulness-game.

The soul enjoys

The oneness-game.

God enjoys

His Fulness-Game. ```



If I approach God as a beggar,

I will have to wait forever

To see Him.

If I approach God as a divine lover,

I can see Him

At my sweet will.




My mind needs

Purity’s new creation.

My heart needs

Beauty’s new revelation.

My soul needs

Duty’s new satisfaction. ```



Sometimes you have to fight,

If God does not want you

To be humiliated by your enemy.

Sometimes you have to forgive,

If God wants you

To illumine your enemy.




By exercising his will-power

A seeker, with his finite life,

May enter into

The infinite Life,

But only at God’s choice Hour.

By exercising His Will-Power

God, with His infinite Vision

And infinite Reality,

Not only touches

But lives inside

The breath of the finite. ```



A surrender-heart cannot die.

It always enjoys

Immortality’s oneness-satisfaction.




My Lord,

Do take from me

What I have:


My Lord,

Do give me

What I do not have:

Surrender. ```



Between your justice-light

And God’s Forgiveness-Light

I shall have to make a choice.

Am I such a fool

That I will take your side?

God’s Forgiveness-Light

Not only do I long for

But one day I would like to grow into.

Indeed, this is my only goal.




A tough old lie:

I have not cared for mankind.

A tough old truth:

God Himself has sent me

Into the world

To manifest Him

In a most remarkable way.




You will without fail collect

A harvest of sorrow

If you deliberately refuse to know

Who you truly are. ```



The waves of hatred-night

Can easily be dissolved

In the sea of oneness-love.




My heart’s iota of suffering

Can never, never equal

The Compassion-Flood

That descends from Above

Not only to console me

But also to illumine

And satisfy me.




Hell has captured my mind.

Despair has captured my heart.

Alas, before long,

Failure shall capture my life,

My poor life.




If you are ready to give up

Your sadness-face,

Then God is more than ready

To grant you His Gladness-Heart. ```



My mind is now willing

To become God’s choice instrument.

My heart is now ready

For God to accept

Either its soulful cries

Or its powerful smiles. ```



Unless you practise

Your heart’s peace-songs

Every day,

You will be compelled to watch

Your vital’s frustration-dance

Go on and on. ```



Do not allow your mind

To wrestle with uncomely thoughts,

For it will unmistakably fail.

Just ask your heart

To illumine your thought-world.

It will instantly change

The face and fate

Of each and every thought. ```



What is success?

My need for expression-voice.

What is progress?

My need for God’s Satisfaction-Choice. ```



Never again shall I miss

My appointment with God,


Not even when doubt-clouds

Cover my entire being.




Earth, my earth,

What do I owe you,

If not my concern?

Heaven, my Heaven,

What do I owe you,

If not my compassion?

God, my God,

What do I owe You,

If not my satisfaction?




He is trying hard to forget

His former freedom,

The freedom that taught him

To be only for

His own pride-bound self.




If you uncover

Your wild ignorance-laughter,

God will surely cover

Your soul’s sweet smile. ```



If you explore

Your heart’s silence-garden,

You are bound to discover

Delight’s fragrance-buds. ```



How can you breathe

A breath of hope,

When you yourself have tightened

The tangle of perplexities? ```



If you can kindle

Your heart’s cry,

Your entire being

Will soon be aflame

With beauty’s light

And duty’s delight. ```



Your promised

God-manifestation on earth

Must not fail

While performing

Its divine task supreme.




If anxiety is your real name,

How can you expect purity

To be with you,

And how can you expect divinity

To be for you?




Your life-boat

Is bound to capsize

Because your mind is still attached

To its anxiety-shore. ```



Your life is shunted about

By ceaseless fears, doubts

And other anxiety-accumulations.

How, then, do you hope

To recognise your self-form

In this lifetime? ```



Relinquish your confusion-mind

As soon as possible

If you really want your heart

To soulfully and unreservedly enjoy

God’s Compassion-Satisfaction-Game.




My heart has the inner purity-cry

To challenge and overrule

The authority-frown of my outer world.




The mind thinks

It is a very difficult task

To approach the Truth.

The heart feels

It is an extremely easy task

Not only to approach the Truth

But also to become the Truth

Transcendental and Universal. ```



If ignorance has the capacity

To damage my heart,

Then God’s Compassion has the capacity

To cure it,

And God’s Oneness is the capacity

To transform it

And to radiate God’s Vision-Light

Through it. ```



My mind begins to work

And then gives up.

My heart begins to work

But does not know

Whether it will continue.

My life begins to work

But does not care to finish.

My soul begins to work

And wants to continue

Throughout Eternity

To manifest tomorrow’s beauty-heart

And divinity-life. ```



God is desperately looking

For your purity’s soulful devotion.

You are deliberately looking

For your mind’s bewildered

Death-bed devotion.




Mind the lawyer

Has never won a case.

Heart the lover

Has not only won all its cases

But has also become

The colossal Smile

Of God’s Compassion-Eye.




An ignorance-lover

Promptly closes his ignorance-eyes.

A God-lover

Not only immediately opens

His aspiration-eyes

But also silently begs God

To secretly open

His Eternity’s Eye. ```



If you even dare to think

You belong to God,

Then the distance between you and God

Becomes not just short

But non-existent.




It is easier to have faith in God

Than in myself,

For time and again

I have overestimated my capacity

And found myself caught

In a strange self-deception-net. ```



If anything has to pray,

Then it is my mind

That has to pray first.

If anything has to obey,

Then it is my heart

That has to obey first.

If anything has to surrender,

Then it is my life

That has to surrender first.

If anything has to preach,

Then it is my soul

That has to preach first.




My Supreme Lord

Has placed His Eternity’s Lamp

Right before me.

Placing the Lamp

Inside the depths of my heart,

I shall illumine my inner life.

Carrying the Lamp

Along with me,

I shall guide my outer life.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 2, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from