Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 22



My gratitude-heart tells me

What I can ultimately become.

My surrender-life tells me

What I eternally am.

What can I ultimately become?

God’s Vision-Eye.

What am I eternally?

God’s Self-Transcendence-Song. ```



Since you have become the ugly face

Of your jealousy-mind,

How can your heart-wings

Carry you through space? ```



Do not interfere with God.

Let Him become a regular Visitor

To your heart-temple.




I am God’s.

This is what God

Secretly and compassionately tells me.

God is mine, only mine.

This is what I openly and proudly

Tell the whole world. ```



Happiness-moon is rising.

I am adoring its beauty.

Perfection-sun is rising.

I am becoming its delight. ```



Who else can be

The mischief-creator

If not my mind,

The usual ringleader! ```



Lend a hand to your fellow seeker

Now, right now,

And before long you will see

Your aspiration-bud

Blossoming into

A realisation-flower. ```



My mind is an attachment-jungle.

My life is full

Of entanglement-thorns.

Oh, how can I satisfy

My Beloved Supreme,

How can I? ```



A life of spirituality

Is God’s Certainty.

This life can never be

Uncertainty’s confusion-jungle. ```



My heart’s faith-boat was built

By God’s Vision-Eye.

Therefore, it can weather any storm

In any sea, at any time. ```



Alas, alas,

His soul came into the world

To tell the most authentic


To a sleeping humanity!




When I live in the desire-world

And do not pray and meditate,

I clearly see that my mind’s ego

Is my life’s tallest tree.

When I live in the aspiration-world

And pray and meditate,

I see that my heart’s oneness

Is undoubtedly my life’s tallest tree. ```



When I surrender my desire-life

And my aspiration-life

Soulfully and unconditionally

To my Beloved Supreme,

I say to Him,

“My Lord, to You I give

What I had before — my desire life —

And what I am now — my aspiration-life.

Both at the same time

I place at Your Feet.”

My Lord Supreme grants me

His own Satisfaction-Tree,

Which is infinitely taller

Than my desire-life-tree

And my aspiration-life-tree

Put together. ```



O my Lord Supreme,

I shall give You what I had — desire —

What I am — aspiration —

And what I shall become — satisfaction.

I shall offer You

My desire-life of the past,

My aspiration-life of the present

And my satisfaction-life of the future,

All three together,

To make You happy all the time

In Your own Way.




My mind is such a fool!

Every day it is satisfied

With imagination-trophies

Without running a race

Either in the inner world

Or in the outer world. ```



I wish I were another God.

I really and truly want to advise

The present God

To be more strict with His creation

So that perfect Perfection-Life on earth

Before long can blossom. ```



The Eye of Heaven

Has started visiting him every day,

For it has observed

A miraculous change in his mind. ```



O my dream-worlds,

How I wish I could remain

Always inside you.

Quite often I reject you,

Yet I survive.

But I am absolutely certain

That if ever you reject me,

I shall not be able to live on earth.

O my dream-worlds,

You are my Lord’s Vision-Perfection;

You are my Lord’s Realisation-Satisfaction.




The mind meets with obstacles

Because it secretly treasures


The heart meets with no obstacles

Because it knows

There is nothing but illumination. ```



Every morning my Lord comes to me

And gives me

His Compassion-Umbrella,

His Protection-Shoes,

His Perfection-Pen.




Two unexpected dreams

Have turned into realities.

God’s beautiful Face

Is glowing on earth,

Man’s soulful heart

Is playing in Heaven. ```



How can you be so cruel!

How can you be so stupid!

How can you desert

The lonely sea of humanity! ```



I do not mind failing,

As long as

I do not stop trying

Altogether. ```



When I say it is all my fault,


My Beloved Supreme starts crying.

When I say it is all God’s fault,


My Beloved Supreme starts smiling.

When I say it is neither

God’s fault nor my fault,


My Beloved Supreme starts dreaming

A new Dream.




The day before yesterday, by mistake

I kept my mind’s frustration-window open.

Yesterday, by mistake

I kept my vital’s destruction-door open.

Today I am forced to see

That the flame of my aspiration-heart

Is completely extinguished.




Thirteen self-giving minutes a day

Can please God the man on earth

And transform man the God in Heaven

Far beyond anybody’s imagination. ```



In the depths of my heart

A blue bird is constantly singing.

Although I am now chained

To earth-bound time,

My blue bird is telling me

That if I listen to it

While it sings soulfully,

It will free me from earth-bound time

And carry me

Into God’s Vision-Sky to fly. ```



Yesterday you enjoyed

An arsenal of doubt.

No wonder today

All your heart’s aspiration-flames

Are totally extinguished.




You are a mind-juggler.

You are not a heart-voyager.

How then can Heaven allow you

To walk along its splendour-road? ```



Only when my heart becomes the host

Does humanity have a constant free access

To my God-pleasing life.




Who am I?

A beautiful love-beam

From God’s Heaven.

What shall I become?

A perfection-dream

For the world’s soul. ```



An ordinary soul is afraid

Of the door of birth.

An ordinary man is afraid

Of the door of death. ```



Do not tell the world

That your aspiration

Has deserted you.

But tell the world

The absolute truth:

That you have deserted the man

Who is in the process

Of becoming God in you. ```



It is undoubtedly a fruitless search

Whenever you want to see and feel

Even an iota of Peace, Light and Bliss

In your mind-closet. ```



Who says mourning is not good!

When I mourn the disappearance

Of my devotion-heart

I get added strength

To revive my old aspiration-life.




Not knowing what to do,

Quite unexpectedly

He spoke ill of God

And quite unexpectedly

He spoke well of man.




Never think

That you are the puppet

Of your heart’s fading faith.

Do you know who you are?

You are the ever-rising sun

Of God’s infinite Vision-Smile. ```



Both God and I are waiting.

God is waiting

For my life’s surrender to arrive,

And I am waiting

For God’s Love to arrive.




My fears and God’s Tears

Follow me wherever I go

Both in the inner world

And in the outer world. ```



Every day I go

To my Lord’s Compassion-Library

To read only one book,

And the name of that book is

“God’s Forgiveness-Smile”.




The day is fast approaching

When the hope-caravan of the seekers

Shall successfully and gloriously

Pass through the frustration-desert. ```



Falling, crying and smiling

Are three





In vain I knocked

At your mind’s door

For admittance.

In vain God knocked

At my heart’s door

For admittance.

Oh, open your mind’s door soon

And teach me

How I can open my heart’s door

To God. ```



Where is the difference

Between my heart’s forgetfulness

And my life’s ungratefulness?




Can you not see

That your heart becomes damaged in transit

While travelling home

From the vital and mental worlds? ```



When I sleep in Heaven,

Everybody there tells me

I look beautiful

And should come down

And show my beauty

To earth.

When I sleep on earth,

Everybody there says I look ugly

And must never think of

Visiting Heaven. ```



I prayed to God

To grant me His infinite Peace,

Light and Bliss.

My Lord said to me,

“My child, before I do that,

I have to announce

To the world at large

Your ego’s unconditional death.”




For many, many years,

My Lord Supreme,

I have been praying to You

For many, many things.

But from today on

I shall pray for only one thing:

Do make me

A well-tuned heart-instrument

Of Yours.




My soul was the beautiful beginning

Of God’s Vision-Eye.

My heart is the fruitful fulfilment

Of God’s Promise-Reality. ```



God accompanies you everywhere.

Can you not accompany Him

Only to one place:

His sleepless Satisfaction-Home? ```



Every day you have to energise yourself

With your superhuman dreams.

Otherwise, you are bound to stagger

Along the road of self-doubt. ```



My Lord Supreme,

You have given me

Two weak hands.

“But My child,

I have given you also

My own powerful Heart.”

My Lord Supreme,

You have given me

Two blind eyes.

“But My child,

I have given you also

My own Immortality’s Vision-Life.” ```



Do not cling

To what is not your own

And what can never be your own:

Your ignorance-life. ```



You are an imprisoned


How can you also be the distributor

Of your soul’s ecstasy? ```



Yesterday my desire-life

Desired to bind God.

Today my aspiration-life

Is begging God to liberate me. ```



Life’s two longest-lasting diseases:

“I know everything!”

“I know nothing!”




Your idleness-mind

Has conquered

Your willingness-heart.

Therefore your life is doomed

To utter disappointment.




God has lowered

His transcendental Height


Now I must raise

My universal height a little.

Try I must, try I must,

So that my ascent and my Lord’s Descent

Will meet together. ```



When I soulfully pray

For His Compassion,

My Beloved Supreme tells me

That I am as beautiful as He is.

When I powerfully meditate

On His Forgiveness,

My Beloved Supreme tells me

That I am as perfect as He is. ```



My heart’s gratitude-nest

Is the new Home

Of my Beloved Supreme.




Every day my Beloved Supreme

Breaks His old Record

And establishes a new Record

In my outer life

With His Compassion-Acceptance.

Every day my Beloved Supreme

Breaks His old Record

And establishes a new Record

In my inner life

With His Forgiveness-Delight.




Will you believe, can you believe,

That my Beloved Supreme

Loves the blue-gold flames

Of my heart-temple

Infinitely more

Than He loves anything else

In His entire creation?




Do you know that you have

A pure heart?

And do you know that you also have

Two impure eyes?

On the strength of your pure heart

You have covered half the distance.

Now try to have two pure eyes!

Then you will be able to cover

The full distance.

Finally you will be able to sit

Right in front of the Throne

Of your Beloved Supreme





Only a pure surrender-life

And a sweet gratitude-heart

Can have every night

God’s dream-flooded sleep. ```



There is so much in me

That needs to die.

There is so much in me

That wants to live.

My Lord Supreme tells me that

At present

There is nothing inside me

That I should keep;

There is nothing inside me

That I should even imagine treasuring. ```



Yesterday I did not pray

And I did not meditate.

Therefore, my Lord Supreme remained

His unfulfilled Promise.

Today again I have not prayed

And I have not meditated.

Therefore, my life is now

My own abandoned hope. ```



To liberate my life

From humanity’s insane

And inhuman voice,

I have no other choice

Than to become another God.




God’s first Invention is:

I am.

Man’s first discovery is:

I do not know. ```



My human life

Is neither an animal-hunger

Nor an angel-dance.

My human life

Is a Perfection-Dream of God.




My Lord Supreme has cancelled His Visit

Not because He is irresponsible,

Not because my heart is ungrateful,

But because my mind

Will not cheerfully accept

His supreme Oneness-Authority. ```



The inner world

Does not want to tell you

What it has and what it is.

The outer world

Does not want to know

Who you are and what you have. ```



My Lord Supreme told me

This morning

That my gratitude-heart

Has nullified the distance

Between my earth and His Heaven.




I want my mind

To be a twenty-four-hour truth-seeker.

I want my heart

To be a twenty-four-hour God-lover.

I want my life

To be a twenty-four-hour God-dreamer. ```



He is seeking the impossible.

He wants his soul’s Heaven-phone

To ring

Inside his mind of impurity. ```



My sweet Lord,

I am sure You know

Perfectly well

That You hurt me deeply

When You say I do not love You

The way I used to love.

My fellow human beings,

You deeply hurt me

When you try to convince me

That I do not care for you

The way I used to care.




Again and again

I fail my Beloved Supreme

In my life’s examination.

Yet again and again

He asks me to sail with Him

In his Eternity’s Vision-Boat

To His Infinity’s Self-Transcendence-Shore.




His mind’s open smile

Cures humanity’s headache.

His heart’s secret tears

Cure humanity’s heartache. ```



The golden faith-flames

Of your heart’s aspiration

Can and shall melt

Your mind’s doubt-suspicion-shame. ```



Claim God’s Heart

And receive God’s Hands.

Lo, death is bowing low!




The more you try to hide

Your inner insecurity,

The more you expose

Your outer embarrassment. ```



After years of making

Deplorable mistakes,

He is now smiling

The perfection-smile

In his aspiration-life.




Divinity’s oneness-plateau

Is the supreme summit

Of humanity’s sleepless hunger.




O bright newness of the day,

I adore you.

O deep stillness of the night,

I love you. ```



Your life is divinity’s beauty

Because God has made your heart

Sweet with sleepless hunger.




If you are longing

To unfurl the sail

Of your dream-boat,

God will definitely shelter

Your pure longing.




My heart’s


Is my life’s

Certainty-tree. ```



Unless you own

Tears of overwhelming gratitude,

How can you profusely drink

God’s Silence-Delight? ```



When God goes out shopping

In His universal Market,

He starts loving unreservedly

His Vision-made human dolls. ```



When my life became

Purity’s humility-sand,

God came to me

And stood before me

On His Divinity’s Compassion-Feet.




My Lord’s invisible Smile

Becomes visible

Only when I make

My heart’s mounting cry





When I become

My life’s surrender-shuttle

Between earth’s aspiration-station

And Heaven’s illumination-station,

God dances

His absolute Satisfaction-Dance. ```



To dare to love God

Is not my mind’s audacity

But my heart’s sleepless necessity.




The seeker in me knows

Why to love God.

The lover in me knows

How to please God. ```



Nothing is unclaimable by me —

No, not even my Beloved Lord’s

Ever-transcending Vision-Delight.




God the Supreme Bidder

Shall easily and unmistakably win

At your heart-auction.




What a useless mind you have!

It cannot even hatch

A tiny oneness-bird.




God always keeps your heart-wealth

Inside the protection-pocket

Of His Satisfaction-Smile.





My mind’s restless twists

Are afraid of meeting with God

Even in silver dreams. ```



If you do not humble yourself,

How can you either

See God’s Face

Or hide from yourself? ```



I went to God with all my credentials.

God laughed and laughed and laughed.

He said to me,

“Come back in a few years’ time

With your new achievements.”

I went back to God for the second time,

This time with an empty heart.

As soon as my Lord Supreme

Saw my empty heart,

He became excited and delighted.

He said to me,

“Ah, that is Mine!

Where did you get it?

Who gave it to you?

Your empty heart is absolutely

My own Wealth.

My child, I am so grateful to you

And so proud of you

Because you have returned to Me

My own Possession, My own Wealth,

My own Achievement.” ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 22, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from