Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 6



O my life’s surrender-tears,

You are beautiful,

You are sweet,

You are pure,

You are perfect.

Because of you,

God every day grants me

His Infinity’s Smile. ```



The repetition of a doubtful thought

Can mark the very beginning

Of a self-deception-life.




Try to be aware of the wealth

In your life’s security-bank.

Then you will not have to camp

In the desert of stark insecurity. ```



A life of unconditional surrender

Is at once the seeker’s life-saver

And God’s Life-fulfiller.




My today’s dedication-song

Will tomorrow be transformed

Into my life’s perfection-dance,

And the day after tomorrow

My perfection-dance will be transformed

Into God’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```



Try every day

To paint your life of dynamism

With purity-brush.

You will definitely be chosen

To run the victory lap

In your Godward race. ```



Your life hears

The clang of failure

Because your mind consciously enjoys

The tremors of doubt. ```



Now that he has liberated himself

From self-doubt-prison,

His life has become a hope-blossom

In his heart-garden. ```



Every day he waters

His heart’s aspiration-plants

With his soul’s fruitful tears

And with his life’s powerful smiles. ```



Not my Master’s smile,

Not my Master’s blessings,

Not my Master’s compassion,

But my Master’s forgiveness

Is my life-breath,

My only life-breath. ```



My life’s soulfulness-shield

Always protects me

From the world’s doubt-arrows.




Knowing perfectly well

That your mind is a circus

Of confusion,

Why do you live inside your mind?

Knowing perfectly well

That your heart is a garden

Of illumination,

Why do you not live inside your heart? ```



Your life is now

A sinking raft of emotions

Because you are not allowing

Your soul’s wisdom-buoyancy

To come to the fore.




If you do not love the world

Sleeplessly and unreservedly,

Your inner world and outer world

May eventually become

Smouldering hate-ashes.




The message from your vital:

Temptation-tiger is very beautiful

And not so powerful.

The message from your soul:

Temptation-tiger is not only dangerous

But also voracious.




Unless you continuously climb up

The aspiration-tree,

You may disappear in the quicksand

Of the desire-world. ```



In the morning

He sees his mind’s doubt-shadows


In the evening

He sees his heart’s beauty-flames





Do you know what you actually need?

You need God’s Compassion-Splashes

On your heart-lawn

And God’s Forgiveness-Showers

On your mind-desert.




The human mind is so foolish!

Not only does it allow

But it even enjoys

The company of a host

Of doubt-convicts.




If you do not love

The beauty and purity

Of what you already have,

Then you will not be able

To sever the bondage-chains

Of your self-torment. ```



Your body was not meant

To saunter down lethargy-lane.

Your body was meant

To challenge death to a constant duel. ```



In his outer life

He is happy because he keeps pace

With his mind’s inspiration-rabbit.

In his inner life

He is happy because he keeps pace

With his heart’s aspiration-bird. ```



Try to move forward

Out of the aspiration-blocks

As powerfully as possible

If you want your life

To breast victory’s tape

As quickly as possible. ```



Your mind’s jealousy-dagger

Has severely wounded you.

If you want to be healed,

Try to discover as soon as possible

The flames of your aspiration-heart.




As God wants to tame me

With His Love-Power,

Even so, He wants me to tame Him

With my surrender-power. ```



Unless a seeker is consciously and constantly

Walking along the avenue of perfection-life,

He will not be allowed to reach

Heaven’s supreme Illumination-Gate. ```



A true God-lover is he

Who at the end of each day

Soulfully and selflessly sees

How high he has built

God’s Kingdom here on earth.




Each thought is a world.

This world has no meaning

If it has no purity of purpose.




Because your heart has accepted

The aspiration-life as your only life,

God has asked your soul to cancel

Your immediate appointment with death. ```



Now that your God-hunger-life

Has safely coasted through

The dark ignorance-tunnel,

Your heart can reap the Bounty

Of God’s Satisfaction-Delight.




Not the cosmic gods,

Not even God Himself,

But man alone

Has to rectify

His own teeming blunders.




Each human mind

Is ultimately changeable.

Each divine heart

Remains eternally unchangeable. ```



Self-conquest means

The manifestation of

God’s Satisfaction-Dance

In a seeker’s life. ```



Each man has to know

That he is Eternity’s forgotten thirst

For his own Infinity’s lost excellence.




In the spiritual life,

To doubt is to meet with

A great disaster,

To lose faith in one’s Inner Pilot

Is to meet with

A greater disaster

And to go back once more

To the ordinary life of pleasure

Is to meet with

The greatest possible disaster. ```



Unless you love the invisible God

Within you,

How can the visible God

Love you and bless you

And give all He has to you?




The hand of man wants to touch

The Power-Head of God

Before it has touched

The Forgiveness-Feet of God. ```



Each soul bravely and smilingly

Comes into the world

Carrying a perfect cargo.




Unless the mind destroys

Its own anxiety-army,

How can it be blessed with

Divinity’s peace-troops? ```



Because his heart has the munificence

Of self-offering,

His life has become the magnificence

Of perfection-beauty. ```



If your life sleeplessly ventures

Towards the ever-transcending Beyond,

Then who can deny you the summit

Of perfection-peak? ```



If you can align your mind

With wisdom-beauty,

Then God will never hesitate,

Even for a fleeting second,

To share with you His Majesty-Kingdom.




My Beloved Supreme has appointed

My life’s unconditional surrender

As His Eternity’s housekeeper.




If you want to remain always happy,

Always perfect and always fulfilled,

Then always keep inside your heart

A pocketful of sweet dreams. ```



The difference between

The pebble-mind and the mountain-heart

Is this:

The pebble-mind wants to challenge

The strength of God-Power.

The mountain-heart sleeplessly longs for

The embrace of God-Hour.




God’s imperial Love-Treasure

You can own

Only after you have impeached

The uncomely thoughts

Of your unaspiring mind.




With indomitable power

A oneness-heart constantly zooms

Towards the ever-transcending

Satisfaction-Goal. ```



No brutal power

Can ever successfully challenge

The dark callousness

Of the mind’s indifference. ```



You must shorten your vacation

In your body’s lethargy-land

If you want not only to lengthen your stay

But also to have a permanent residence

In your soul’s happiness-manufacturing

Energy-land. ```



God will allow you to officiate

In His Perfection-Palace

If you are ready to abdicate your throne

In your long-treasured ego-palace. ```



You always tell me

That you do not want to be bitten

By doubt-mosquitoes.

Why then are you not willing

To come out of the swamp

Of your doubting mind? ```



If your heart is a true seeker,

If your life is a true server,

If your soul is a true dreamer

And if your God is a true Lover,

How can you ever be a quitter?




You have unconsciously chosen to be

A lifelong prisoner

In your insecurity-prison.

God has consciously plus unconditionally

Chosen you to be

The quintessence of

His Immortality’s Breath.




If you are ready to wrestle

With your ambition-bull,

Then God will allow you to play

With His Illumination-Lamb. ```



The strength of man’s faith-bridge

Can smilingly and perfectly hold

The weight of God’s entire universe.




God does not want your mind

To be crushed

Under your own impurity-boot.

He wants your mind to wear

The same purity-shoes

That your heart has been wearing

For a long time

And the same divinity-sandals

That your soul has been wearing

Throughout Eternity. ```



You can enjoy

The flowering of your divinity

Only after you have offered earth

What it needs,

Your heart’s sleepless cry,

And offered Heaven what it wants,

Your soul’s fruitful smile.




My heart’s prayer-letter to God

Tells about earth’s hunger

For news of Heaven.




If you stay under the hope-umbrella,

Before long you will be able

To speedily run towards God.




If your mind is flooded

With ego-pride,

Then your life, without fail,

Will be mangled

By confusion-tiger.




Enthusiasm and self-offering

Are fertile ground

On which to sow the perfection-seeds

Of the satisfaction-tree. ```



If your mind is clogged

With thick impurity-dust,

How can your life become one

With other lives

Inside the purity-temple?




In the morning

My heart sings with my Lord

His Eternity’s Song.

In the evening

My life dances with my Lord

His Immortality’s Dance. ```



If you are a genuine seeker,

Then every day watch carefully

To see if the leaves

Of your aspiration-tree

Are increasing or decreasing.




Every day my thought-world

Performs its circus-life-act

Inside my Lord’s

Compassion-Forgiveness-Tent. ```



Unless you expel your division-life

Through your aspiration-life,

How can you climb the stairs

To satisfaction-peace? ```



Your heart cannot do

And does not want to do

What your mind always does:

Live comfortably in the pleasure-vital

Of self-deception.




His life’s oneness-heart-smile

Is every day electrified

By God’s God-Love-Power.




No difference between

The mind’s hatred

And the life’s hopelessness.

No difference between

The heart’s love

And the life’s God-Fulness.




His heart is a most powerful

And soothing murmur

Of his soul’s dream-river.




The satisfaction-life-field

Can be furrowed only

By the soul’s perfection-plough.




A true God-lover

Does not find his life

Snared in ignorance-trap.

Therefore, his face wears a divinity-smile

Painted with the colours of delight.




As Compassion-Forgiveness-Suns

Are my Lord’s Love-Toys,

Even so, surrender-gratitude-flames

Are my love-toys. ```



As his life is inching

Towards perfection,

Even so, his heart is inching

Towards satisfaction. ```



The favourite dessert

Of my Beloved Supreme

Has always been

My satisfaction-smile. ```



Weep not, weep not!

The vast immortal sun

Is going to teach you

How to unlearn

The knowledge of death.




Shut not your heart-door.

God wants to come in

And sing His Delight-Songs

To turn your life

Into an ecstasy-sea.




My Lord Supreme,

Even my undivine mind

Receives peace and light

From Your Smile. ```



If you can make your heart

Into a flower of purity,

God will make your life

Into a pillar of divinity. ```



My Lord,

I pray to You and

I try to glorify Your Name.

Which of the two do You like better?

“My child,

Praying and glorifying

Are not two separate things.

You pray to Me

Because you have faith in Me.

You glorify Me

Because I have faith in you.”




My life’s dedication-heart

Is all Yours, my Lord.

My world’s desire-mind

Is all Yours, my Lord. ```



Quench my thirst, my Lord.

I wish to come and sit at Your Feet.

“Quench My Thirst, My child.

I wish you to keep your heart-door

Wide open all the time

For Me, only for Me.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

Why is it that I do not listen to You?

“You do not listen to Me, My child,

Because you do not consciously feel

That you need Me.

There is no other reason

And there can be no other reason.”




Those who believe and then see

Are infinitely better instruments

Than those who must first see

Before they believe.

Believe and become one

With your Master’s vision.

Then you will easily be able to see

Your own progress

And God’s Manifestation.




Beauty upon beauty

Descends from Heaven

When my heart becomes the receptivity

Of luminescent stillness. ```



Alas, he does not realise

What is flowing

From his own heart.

His own soul-radiance is flowing

From his heart

To help him sit at the mystic Feet

Of his Beloved Supreme.




Only inspiration born on high

Can whisper with words

Of pure delight.




Be a true truth-seeker,

Be a true God-lover.

The multi-winged goddess of truth

Will gladly appear before you. ```



I have drunk from the depth

Of my splendour-spangled soul.

No more can my mind sink

In the quicksand of ignorance. ```



O my vital,

You have been giving me

The same experience

For so many years!

When will you put an end

To the tyranny-experience

Of my pleasure-life?




The capacity of the body is limited —

Yours, mine, everybody’s.

But the capacity of the soul is unlimited —

Yours, mine, everybody’s. ```



In his inner life

He has been transcending himself

Faster than the fastest

Right from his childhood —

Of course, all due to

The infinite Compassion and Love

Of his Inner Pilot.




My Lord Supreme,

Will I ever please You

In Your own Way?

“My child,

The very fact that you have asked

This soulful question

Means that there shall come a time

When you will definitely please Me

In My own Way,

Not only sleeplessly

But also unconditionally.”




In the outer world

You may see how limited and useless

Your physical body is.

But in the inner world

Countless times

Your Inner Pilot will prove to you

That your speed is absolutely the fastest.




To bear sleeplessly

The world’s unbearable pain

Is the fate of a great inner champion.




The pain he endured

On the physical plane

Was beyond earth’s imagination.

But the joy and delight he experienced

On the psychic plane

Was also beyond earth’s imagination. ```



As the Absolute Supreme has the hope

That His chosen children will realise Him,

Even so, His children have the dream

That they will be able to prove to the world

That the inner and the outer life

Are complementary realities. ```



Someday the body will give to the soul

What it has:

Its aspiration-hunger.

Someday the soul will give to the body

What it has:

Its realisation-smile,

A divine meal.




Your self-transcendence-goal

Is not something

That you have to achieve.

It was already given to you long ago

By your Beloved Supreme.

You have only to believe it.

You have only to receive it.




My Lord Supreme,

How can I make the fastest progress?

“My child,

Pray to Me

For a purity-flooded mind.

Pray to Me

For a beauty-flooded heart.

Pray to Me

For a dedication-flooded life.

Pray to Me

To give you the capacity to see

That your inner voice

Is your only choice.”


From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 6, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from