My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 9



My Lord’s Correction-Hand

Is upon my life.

I must never

Draw back.


APR 834. These prayers were given in Kauai, Hawaii — 3 December 2001.



My Lord asks me

To give equal value

To His Compassion-Eye

And His Correction-Rod

For my ultimate good.




My Lord cradles my heart

Between the newness of the morning

And the stillness of dew.




My Lord,

Out of Your infinite Compassion,

You are paving the way for me

To arrive at the highest destination.


Why am I drawing back

In self-doubt?

Why? ```



God can do things

Infinitely more for us

If we can feel

That He is astonishingly nearer to us

Than we think.




When I hunger

For God’s Love,

His Concern-Heart

Comes first.

His Compassion-Eye

Follows. ```



Right from this very moment,

No anxiety will be able to find

A nesting place

Inside my thoughts. ```



If I do not love sleeplessly

My Lord Beloved Supreme

Out of the fulness of my heart,

Then I shall fail,

I shall definitely fail.




Every day I must make

My morning meditation

Rich, very rich,

By obeying the Voice within. ```



God tells me,

“My child,

I am eager to make you

An exact prototype of Myself.

Are you ready?”

My Lord,

I am ready.

I am at Your express Command. ```



My Lord,

I am seriously angry with You.

I do not need Your Power.

“What else, My child?”

I do not need Your Love.

“What else, My child?”

I do not need Your Compassion.

“What else, My child?”

I do not need Your Attention.

“What else, My child?”

My Lord,

Truth to tell,

I do not need anything from You.

“My child,

Is your exceptionally powerful sermon over?” Yes, my Lord.

“My child,

My pithy Sermon begins.

Just because you do not need anything

From Me,

That does not mean

That I am not entitled

To have anything from you.

In no way you can prevent Me

From desiring things from you.

I need your affection.

I need your sweetness.

I need your fondness.”

My Lord,

As I do not need anything from You,

Even so, You have to be fully prepared

To live

All by Yourself.

“My child,

You are My Eternity’s Heart.

You are My Immortality’s Breath.

You want to play the role

Of your volcano-anger.

I want to play the role

Of My Forgiveness-Fountain.”


APR 844. These prayers were given in Kauai, Hawaii — 4 December 2001.



“My child,

Why are you so ungrateful?

Can you not see

That I have put My Arm around you?

Can you not see

That with My Vision-Eye-Wings

I am sheltering you?

Can you not see and feel

That you are the sole object

Of My very, very special Concern?

My Concern for you

Shall remain forever unparalleled.

My child,

If you continue to displease Me,

Then I shall compel you

To take human incarnations

Countless times.

Needless to say,

This will be My last resort.”




My Lord,

I am now so miserable.

I really do not know

What to say and what to do.

“My child,

Keep your confidence in Me.

You will never be disappointed.

Your life-boat shall ply

Between the success-shore

And the progress-shore.

I shall garland you

With My

Immortality’s Transcendental Pride.” ```




Prepares me


To feed. ```



My philosophy

And God’s Philosophy

Are totally different.

God loves me.

Therefore He needs me.

I need God.

Therefore I love Him.




In the spiritual life,

The inner awakening

Safeguards again and again

Our outer life. ```



The human in me

Prays for God’s Love.

The divine in me

Prays for God’s Victory. ```



My Lord,

Please do not allow my desire-life

To draw me away from You

And scorch me

In the wildfire of the world.


APR 851. These prayers were given in Kauai, Hawaii — 5 December 2001.



I must be the absolute master

Of my mind.

I must mould it and shape it

The way my Inner Pilot commands me. ```



God asks me only

To keep my mind pure.

He will gladly

Do the rest. ```



By this time I must realise

That my own desire-life

Is the only culprit.

I must not blame anybody else

For my sufferings.




The river of time is flowing on.

It does not wait for anyone.

Swimming, we must cross the river.

Singing and dancing,

We must spend all the time

At the Destination. ```



When attachment disappears,

Detachment brings God to us





My Lord, my Lord!

Do save me

From the snares of self-interest.

Self-interest has caught me taut

In its grip.




Living for the mind

Is the spiritual death.

Living for the heart

Is the spiritual life.

Living for the soul

Is the spiritual Immortality.

Living for God

Is becoming a God-representative

Here on earth.




By saying that the world

Is a bad place,

We are not making the world good.

To make the world good,

We must become good first.

How to become good?

Only by loving God the man

And serving man the God. ```



To please God

In His own Way,

I must become a giant personality

In spirituality.

I must become unique

In God-achievements

And a real asset to humanity.




The seeker’s inner peace

Is the strongest power

In his outer life.


APR 861. These prayers were given in Kauai, Hawaii — 6 December 2001.



The supreme victory is certain

Only when God’s Eye

Touches our hearts.

What is the supreme victory?

God-realisation for God’s Sake.




An obedience-mind


God’s proudest Smile.




A disobedience-mind

Is a seeker’s greatest failure

In his spiritual life.




When I pray,

The sound-life of the day

Joins me proudly.




When I meditate,

The silence-heart of the night

Joins me self-givingly.




God’s Sadness is measureless

When He sees

My world-aloofness-mind.




God sees inside my sweetness-heart

The blooms and the blossoms

Of His own countless divine Qualities.




The unaspiring life lives

In the thickening clouds

Of the mind.




The aspiring life lives

In the brightening sun

Of the heart.




My happiness

Does not start

Until God’s Compassion-Eye



APR 871. These prayers were given in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — 10 December 2001.



My Lord is always

An eager Listener.

Can I not be the same,

At least once in a while? ```



My Lord has His own

Daily challenges:

My mind-illumination

And my life-transformation. ```



At last,

After a very long time,

Today my sincere need of God

Has come back. ```



During the day

I see my Lord Supreme

In the waves of my heart-sea.

At night

I see my Lord Supreme

In the silence of my soul-sky. ```



God Himself

Finds the right path

For my crying and weeping heart.




My heart and I are determined

To spend Eternity

With my Lord’s Compassion-flooded Eye.




God’s Forgiveness-Heart

Is never

Pressed for time.




My mind,

Just for this very moment

Please try to please only God.




Sooner or later,

My heart shall hear

God’s Whispers.

Sooner or later,

My mind shall hear

God’s Commands. ```



My Lord loves

To wait and hope.

From now on

I shall do the same. ```



My Lord wants me to show Him

Only what He wants to see:

My ignorance-pleasure-life.




We can serve and worship God

At any time we want to,

But during the day

Is the best time to serve God

And during the night

Is the best time to worship God. ```



Perfection and satisfaction

Shall dawn

Only after we have known God

In all His Aspects. ```




We are all satisfaction-seekers

And not aspiration-lovers.




If I see myself

The way my Lord sees me,

Then I am on the verge of


If I see myself

The way others see me,

Then my God-realisation

Shall forever remain

A far cry.




Every day

The mind delivers

Destructive blows.

Every day

The heart delivers

God’s express Messages.


APR 887. These prayers were given in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — 11 December 2001.



My prayer-life

Loves to live

On bended knees.




My body loves to walk

Towards the goal.

My vital loves to march

Towards the goal.

My mind loves to jog

Towards the goal.

My heart loves to sprint

Towards the goal.

My soul loves to fly

Towards the goal.

My Lord tells me

That I do not have to walk,

I do not have to march,

I do not have to jog,

I do not have to sprint

And I do not have to fly

Towards the goal.

The goal will come to me

If I can become

A sea of silence-peace. ```



A perfection-life

Is very slow in blossoming,

But it does blossom

Eventually. ```



Every morning

My Lord teaches me

How to breathe in

His Oneness-Fulness-Breath. ```



I am heartsick

And homesick

For my Lord’s

Compassion-flooded Eye. ```



Every morning

God wants me to garland Him

With my devotion-heart-roses.




Slowly the body dies.

Quickly the soul flies.

Self-givingly the Lord feeds

Earth’s sighs and Heaven’s promises.


APR 894. These prayers were given in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — 12 December 2001.



The power of silence

Has enriched my life

Far beyond the flights

Of my imagination. ```



Sleeplessly and breathlessly

God wants my God-devotion-flame





God tells me

That I must bring with me

My loving words and my smiling heart

When I come to visit Him. ```




Why do I get frightened

When my soul wants me to have

A guided tour of Heaven? ```



God most proudly treasures

The devotion-fragrance

Of my aspiration-heart.




The less possession

My life has,

The more aspiration

My heart offers to God. ```



God is always eager

To lead us,

But will we ever be ready

To follow Him? ```



O my mind,

For such a long time

I have been with you.

Can you not now allow me

To be alone?




God’s every Visit

My every breath





What each human being has

In common with God:

Tears and smiles.


APR 904. These prayers were given in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — 13 December 2001.




By constantly listening

To my desiring and doubting mind,

I have now become

My own unfortunate victim.




To please our Lord Supreme,

Equality is not enough.

We needs must have oneness.




God’s Compassion-Smiles

And my gratitude-tears

Are successful in merging.




The things that God touches

Every day in my life:

My sincerity-heart

And my simplicity-life. ```



I speak to my shrine:

Where is our Lord Supreme?

My shrine speaks to me:

“Our Lord Supreme

Is right here with me.

But where are you,

And where is your heart?

What are you both doing?” ```



The mind loves

To be the expectation.

The mind loves

To be the exception. ```



The heart loves

To be the aspiration.

The heart loves

To be the perfection. ```



If we look at life

From the divine angle,

We see God blooming

Here, there and allwhere. ```



May I help You, my Lord?

“Correction, My child.”

Yes, my Lord.

May I serve You, my Lord?

“Correction, My child.”

Yes, my Lord.

May You be my All, my Lord?

“Correction, My child.”

Yes, my Lord.

My Lord, You are my All.

“Correction, my child.”

Yes, my Lord.

My Lord, I am Your doll.




The less I have

In my mind-jungle,

The more I am

In my heart-garden. ```



I have learned

Something absolutely new today.

God has given my mind

An ultimatum:

The mind has to choose

Either God or ignorance. ```



Start is here,

Where my heart cries.

Finish is there,

Where my Lord smiles. ```



The doubting mind

Deserves life-imprisonment.

The aspiring heart

Needs heart-enlightenment. ```



My heart is in between

My life’s sorrows


My soul’s consolations. ```



When we do not aspire,

Life remains an imperfect bloom.

When we aspire,

Life becomes the perfection-blossom. ```

Editor's note

Sri Chinmoy offered these prayers during his visit to Hawaii, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Malaysia from November 2001 to February 2002.

From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 9, Agni Press, 2002
Sourced from