_Question:_ What is the difference between determination and will power?

Sri Chinmoy: With will power we realise God. With determination we can perhaps win an outer race. Determination comes from the vital or mind. Will power comes from the central being. Will power is infinitely more powerful than determination. If you use your determination, then immediately it can be followed by frustration. But if you use will power, then all around that will power and inside that will power you will see God's Compassion. Once you use will power, even for two minutes or five minutes, you get tremendous Compassion, boundless Compassion from above, and this Compassion is nothing other than Light, divine Light. On the physical, vital and mental planes we use determination. On the inner, psychic, soul's plane we use will power. Some people use only the word 'will', but I like to use the term 'will power', because there is no difference between inner will and power. When I say 'will' I see a seed, and when I say 'power' I see a tree. If we say 'power' without using 'will', that power can be vital, destructive power. Power does not have to be undivine, but immediately vital power comes forward. But if we say 'will power', then it is something divine. So I feel it is good to use 'will power' instead of just 'will'.

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-6, No.1, November 1980 — The message of Sri Chinmoy, Agni Press, 1980
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_146