
The Gita is the Song Celestial, sung by Lord Krishna himself. The Gita is the essence of all Indian scriptures. There are eighteen soul-illumining discourses in the Gita. In the eleventh one, Lord Krishna reveals to his beloved disciple, Arjuna, his Visva-Rupa, his Universal Form. On seeing this overpowering sight, this Divine Form, the surrendered disciple in Arjuna cries out:

Tvamadi Deva Purusha Purana . . .


Thou art the ancient Soul,

The first and original Godhead,

And the Supreme resting place of all that lives;

Thou art the Knower and the Known; the Highest Abode,

O Infinite in form, by thee the Universe was extended.

Thou art Vayu and Yama and Agni and Soma and

Varuna and Prajapati,

Father of creatures and the great-grandsire,

Salutation, Salutation to Thee,

A thousand times over and again,

And yet again. Salutation,

Again and again. Hail unto Thee.5


From the Bhagavad-Gita: 11. 38-39

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol. 1, No. 8, 27 March 1966, Boro Park Printers -- Brooklyn, N. Y, 1966
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_8