
Left to right: Dr. Meghabhuti Roth (Minneapolis), Dr. Gerald Deas (New York), Dr. Sakhshat Flowers (New Jersey), Dr. Mridul Schwartz (Veterinary surgeon, New Paltz), Dr. Andres Rodriguez (Puerto Rico), Dr. Singharaj Gibson (Hawaii).

To his doctor-friends and students, Sri Chinmoy offers his infinite gratitude. Among these, two have most special responsibilities: Dr. Mridul Schwartz has lovingly taken care of Sri Chinmoy’s little dogs for many years; and each year Dr. Andres Rodriguez shoulders the responsibility of the welfare of over 30,000 runners in the New York City Marathon.

> Here it is a family game in front of my spiritual friends and students. Their sympathetic oneness with me is such that no matter what I do, whether I succeed or fail, they are one with me. People come here for peace of mind. They do not come to see a weightlifter or bodybuilder. They know me only as a man of prayers for peace, love and harmony. They come to see me as their fellow compatriot in peace.

> — Sri Chinmoy

The audience enjoying Sri Chinmoy’s performance. Seated on the far left is Jack Curran, legendary baseball and basketball coach at Archbishop Molloy High School.

From:Sri Chinmoy,The body’s fitness-gong. The soul’s fulness-song, Agni Press, 1999
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