Part V: World peace, University of Texas at Austin

From Lester Kurtz, 20 May 1998

Dear Sri Chinmoy:

On behalf of the Sociology Department and the Ad Hoc Committee on Peace and Conflict Studies, I am delighted to invite you to the University of Texas at Austin on 25 June 1998. We are looking forward to your sharing with us your vision of world peace and will present you with a “Peace Educator” award at that time to recognise your contributions.

Eliza Esquivel-Amin will be working with the Distinguished Speakers Committee to make arrangements for your visit and will be contacting you with further details. In the meantime, I assure you that many of the students, faculty and staff of the University of Texas are looking forward to meeting you when you visit our campus.

Most sincerely,

Lester Kurtz

Professor of Sociology and Asian Studies

cc: Ronald Angel, Chair

Department of Sociology

From:Sri Chinmoy,Blessingful invitations from the university-world, Agni Press, 1998
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