Yesterday I was a crying dream

1. Yesterday I was a crying dream



I was a crying dream;


God the Compassion loved me.


I am a smiling dream;


God the Illumination loves me.


I shall be a flying dream;


God the Satisfaction will love me. ```

2. Another name



Is another name for confidence.


Is another name for self-discovery.


Is another name for life-mastery. ```

3. My inner and outer eyes


My inner eye

Is callous.

It does not care

For the ignorance of my outer life.

My outer eyes

Are treacherous.

They told me they would

Take me to God-Light.

Alas, they have brought me

To death-night, instead. ```

4. When I stand


When I stand

In front of divine eyes

I become nervous

Because they are so powerful.

When I stand

In front of human eyes

I become jealous

Because they are so beautiful.

When I stand

In front of God's Eyes

I become pious

Because they are so pure. ```

5. All have failed


All my exciting plans

Have failed.

All my stimulating ideas

Have failed.

All my elevating ideals

Have failed.




Because I have not done

The first thing first:

I have not loved God. ```

6. O my mind


O my racing mind,

Slow down.

O my shouting mind,

Calm down.

O my suspecting mind,

Stop your suspicion-flight


Then I shall claim you

As my peerless treasure.


7. Success and failure


Success, I hate you;

I hate your shameless pride.

You have unimaginably decreased

My reliance on my Beloved Supreme.

Failure, I love you;

I love your glowing humility.

You have tremendously increased

My reliance on my Beloved Supreme. ```

8. A closer bond with God


Through my prayer

I tried to make

A closer bond with God.

I failed.

Through my meditation

I tried to make

A closer bond with God.

I failed.

Through my surrendering heart

I tried to make

A closer bond with God.

I succeeded.

Not only that,

But my surrendering heart

Was embraced by God's Satisfaction-Life.


9. Two things ruined


Two things I have done wrong:

I have ruined

The brilliance of time

With my unceasing indulgence.

I have destroyed

The power of love

With my undying somnolence.


10. Some have not failed


My other helpers have failed,

But not my faith.

My other lovers have failed,

But not my sincerity.

My other servers have failed,

But not my humility. ```

11. The art of life



Is the art of divine life.


Is the art of human life.


Is the art of Eastern life.


Is the art of Western life. ```

12. Thought-diseases



Is a disease of thought.


Is a disease in thought.


Is a disease with thought.


Is a disease around thought. ```

13. Action


Action, action, action, action.

Action is aspiration-might.

Action is realisation-light.

Action is manifestation-right.

Action is perfection-height.


14. His descending sun


I saw

His ascending sun.

It was so pure and sure;

Yet it has failed.

I saw

His descending sun.

Earth and Heaven alike

Did not care for it.

And, to my surprise,

Neither did he himself. ```

15. Too late


When I was young

Everything was within

My easy reach,

But I made no attempt.

The older I grow

The more I know

What I could have done,

But alas, it is too late. ```

16. Allow me not to lose one thing


Young I was;

I am now old.

Beautiful I was;

Ugly now I am.

Lord, I have lost everything.

But one thing, Lord,

Allow me not to lose:

My love of You. ```

17. Every day


Every day my mind

Is growing better.

Every day my heart

Is growing brighter.

Every day my soul

Is getting richer. ```

18. They want


I knew

Poverty wants much.

I know

Plentitude wants more.

I shall know

Infinitude wants most. ```

19. You know one thing


You know one thing:

Your human love

Fails to grasp anything.

You will know something else:

Your divine love

Will far exceed

All earth-Heaven grasp. ```

20. Two giant apostles


Two giant apostles of atheism:

Doubt and insecurity.

I hate doubt


He thinks that I am not perfect.

I hate insecurity


She thinks that God does not care for me.


21. Just because You are always forgiving


My sweet Lord,

I am terrible at remembering names.

In Heaven I forget

Earth's sacred name: sacrifice.

On earth I forget

Heaven's secret name: compassion.

But just because You are not terrible,

But are always forgiving,

I breathe in a shining corner

Of Your creation vast. ```

22. You and he love war


You and he love war,

But both of you have

Different ideas about war.

Your idea about war is:

Immediate destruction.

His idea about war is:

Slow, steady, unending torture.


23. God and I love peace


God and I love peace,

But both of us have

Different ideas about peace.

My idea about peace is:

Sleep — an unbroken, endless sleep.

God's idea about peace is:

Oneness inseparable,

Oneness within,

Oneness without.


24. You are perfect


My sweet Lord,

You are great.

You have filled Your world

With ceaseless beauty.

My sweet Lord,

You are good.

You have given me

The opportunity and capacity

To enjoy it.

My sweet Lord,

You are perfect.

You also care for me.


25. I am totally exhausted


Lord, there was a time

When I was totally exhausted.

My life was full of telephones

To answer.

Lord, believe it or not,

I did not get a chance

To catch one solitary moment

To pray to You.

Lord, I am now really exhausted.

I sincerely mean it.

My life is full of

Exciting ideas


Tempting plans.

Lord, believe it or not,

I do not get a chance

To catch one solitary moment

To think of You and love You. ```

26. Earth and Heaven


What is earth?

Earth is a place

Where I spend

My action-filled days.

What is Heaven?

Heaven is a place

Where I enjoy

My satisfaction-filled dreams. ```

27 A spark


A spark of curiosity

Took me to God.

A spark of humility

Placed me at the Feet of God.

A spark of sincerity

Made me love and realise God. ```

28. Stay wherever You want to


My sweet beloved Lord,

If You find it difficult

To stay in my mind,

Please stay at least in my heart.

If You find it difficult

To stay in my heart,

Please stay at least in my soul.

If You find it difficult

To stay in my soul,

Please stay wherever You want to.

I shall definitely

Come and meet You.

I promise,

And I shall do it.


29. I feel sorry for you


Yours is a quick and creative mind,

But awareness you lack.

I feel sorry for you.

Yours is a meaningful and fruitful heart,

But purity you lack.

I feel sorry for you.


30. You created, You gave


Lord, my sweet Lord,

You created aspiration.

You gave me the opportunity to see it.

You created realisation.

You gave me the capacity to use it.

You created perfection.

You gave me the receptivity to have it. ```

31. You say, I say


You say that you enjoy loneliness;

I say that you enjoy selfishness.

You say that you enjoy isolation;

I say that you enjoy frustration.

You say that you enjoy a one-man show;

I say that you enjoy your insecurity-flow. ```

32. The difference


What is the difference


The life of art


The art of life?

The life of art

Is man-aspiration



The art of life

Is God-realisation


God-manifestation. ```

33. Welcome change


Don't resist;

Be flexible.

Don't be rigid;

Be supple.

Welcome change!

Each change

Is an illumining opportunity

To knock at the door

Of fulfilling progress sweet.


34. Everybody and nobody


The difference


Everybody and nobody

In earth-bound consciousness

Is this:

Everybody ceaselessly cries.

Nobody sincerely tries.


35. Nobody and everybody


The difference


Nobody and everybody

In Heaven-free consciousness

Is this:

Nobody really becomes.

Everybody eternally is.


36. My heart, my heart


My heart, my heart,

We shall never part.

My mind, my mind,

We shall never bind.

My soul, my soul,

We shall ever remain in our Goal. ```

37. Teach me how to yearn


Teach me, teach me

How to yearn.

Teach me, teach me

How to learn.

Teach me, teach me

How to face.

Teach me, teach me

How to race.

Teach me, teach me

Not to sigh.

Teach me, teach me

How to fly. ```

38. Divinely and supremely


You can be divinely bold

Only when your heart is gold.

You can be supremely sure

Only when your earth-life is pure. ```

39. We can easily measure


Heaven's soul-treasure

You can easily measure.

Earth's body-pleasure

He can easily measure.

Man's animal pressure

I can easily measure. ```

40. Humility you need?


Humility you need?

Then look at the dewdrops.

Immensity you need?

Then look at the blue-vast ocean,

Purity you need?

Then look at the candle flame.

Sincerity you need?

Then look at the child.

Duty you need?

Then look at the moon.

Power you need?

Then look at the sun.

Light you need?

Then look at your heart.

Delight you need?

Then sit at God's Feet. ```

41. Unrecognised


Humanity is divinity

Yet unrecognised.

Divinity is reality

Yet unrecognised.

Reality is totality

Yet unrecognised. ```

42. I welcome a believer


Why do I welcome a believer?

I welcome a believer


He knows that God is great.

Why do I welcome a lover?

I welcome a lover


He knows that God is good.

Why do I welcome a seeker?

I welcome a seeker


He knows and feels that God is perfect. ```

43. Something between us


You are everything, my Lord.

I am nothing.

Can there be anything

Between You and me?


My son, there can be something

Between you and Me.

What is it, my Lord?

My son,

It is the union of your



My Satisfaction-Delight.


44. The mission of an artist


What is the vision of an artist?

The vision of an artist

Is to offer a new life to the unborn.

What is the mission of an artist?

The mission of an artist

Is to play with the unknown,

Is to sing with the unknown,

Is to dance with the unknown.


45. What is surrender?


What is confusion

If not the sound of my pride?

What is hesitation

If not the sound of my weakness?

What is surrender

If not the acceptance of God-Light? ```

46. God wants me to stay on earth


Not because I love this life

God wants me to stay on earth,

But because

He wants me to work for Him.

Not because He wants me to work for Him

God wants me to stay on earth,

But because

He feels I have an inner need

To love and serve and become one

With the world of excruciating pangs. ```

47. I shall cover You


I shall cover You with appreciation.

I shall cover You with admiration.

I shall cover You with adoration.

I shall cover You with devotion.

Will You cover me with anything, God?

Yes, I shall cover you

With My Gratitude-Breath. ```

48. I know how to sit at Your Feet


Lord, I know how to sit at Your Feet,

But I do not know

How to live inside Your Heart.

Son, allow Me to remain inside your mind

All the time.

If you allow Me to remain

Inside your mind,

You are bound to feel Me

Inside your heart. ```

49. I prayed and I saw


I prayed and I saw.

What did I pray for?

I prayed for God's Compassion-Light.

And what did I see?

I saw God's Compassion-Might


Therein my perfection-height.


50. I do not bow down to you


My mind bows down to you.

My heart bows down to you.

My soul bows down to you.

Even my God bows down to you.

Only I do not bow down to you.


Because I know if I bow down to you

You will not sing

The song of self-transcendence.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Yesterday I was a crying dream, Agni Press, 1975
Sourced from