Do you want to be perfect?

Do you want to be perfect in every possible way? Then let Me ask you a few simple but life-illumining questions. Is your mind receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your mind not to be so doubtful and suspicious all the time. Is your vital receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your vital not to lord it over the world and to crush the world under its heavy weight. Is your body receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your body not to sleep shamelessly for so many hours at a stretch. Is your heart receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your heart not to be so helplessly and hopelessly timid.

One more question you will ask each of the members of your inner family. Is your mind receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your mind to empty itself of all its contents early in the morning so that I can enter into it and enjoy My Satisfaction-Rest at least for seven fleeting seconds. Is your vital receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your vital to spread its concern-wings all over the world. Then what shall I do? Do you know? With enormous pride I shall play with all-loving Concern-Wings with your vital. Is your body receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your body to wake up and look around and discover Me. I am hiding. If the body can trace Me, then I shall be more than willing to play with the body my hide-and-seek game, which even the cosmic gods most soulfully enjoy. Is your heart receptive to a small change? If so, then ask your heart to breathe in only the purity-breath and nothing else. Tell your heart that the purity-breath is the only thing that I live on. When I eat anything else, I suffer from stomach upset and from all kinds of ailments. It is only your heart’s purity-breath that nourishes Me, sustains Me and gives Me the Nectar-Delight and Immortality-Strength to continue My cosmic Game, My cosmic Dance and My cosmic Oneness-Satisfaction.

EA 80. 19 July 1977, 7:45 a.m. — Jamaica High School Track, Jamaica, New York.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Everest-Aspiration, part 4, Agni Press, 1977
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