Special messages

Our Beloved Lord Supreme has a special message for you today. He will grant you and your mind, peace. From today you will have peace of mind.

Our Beloved Supreme has a special message for him. Today, our Beloved Supreme will grant him and his heart love. His heart will be inundated with love.

Our Beloved Supreme has a special message for me. He will grant me and my life a continuous flow of assurance: that I am of Him and I am for Him.

Do you have any special message for our Beloved Supreme? Does he have any special message for our Beloved Supreme? Do I have any special message for our Beloved Supreme?

Do you have any special message for the Supreme? Your silence tells me that you do not have any special message for the Supreme, but I wish to tell you that you do have a special message. You means your soul; your soul is now speaking through me. The message that your soul, the real in you, has for the Supreme is this: “From now on, you will sail in His Boat cheerfully and unreservedly.”

Does he have a special message for the Supreme today? His silence indicates that he has no special message for the Supreme today, but I wish to tell him that he does have a special message although he is not aware of it. His soul, which is the real in him, has a special message for the Supreme, and this message of his soul I am executing through his outer mind. The special message that he and his soul have for the Supreme is this: “From now on he will become consciously, soulfully and unconditionally a pure and sure instrument of the Beloved Supreme.” This is his promise to our Beloved Supreme.

Do I have a special message for the Supreme? I do have a special message for the Supreme; I am fully aware of my own special message: “I want to live only for Him. When death is necessary, I want to die only for Him. But I know in the inmost recesses of my heart that my Lord is Infinity’s Life, Immortality’s Life, Eternity’s Life. If I fulfil Him in His own Way, then I will enter into the infinite, eternal, immortal Life. Then there can be no death for me, no death in my sight.” This is the special message that I want to offer to my Beloved Supreme: that I live only for Him and I shall die only for Him.

Each special message is the harbinger of the new dawn, a new revelation, a new fulfilment. Each special message is nothing short of a soulful and fruitful message. Each message begins a new life of self-recovery from the ignorance-world. Each new message is a self-discovery in the world of self-awareness. Each new message is a process of self-offering which eventually excels and transcends our highest imagination; each new message is our transformation into God’s very image.

We are pleased with God when God offers us a special message. In God’s case, He is not only pleased with us when we offer Him a special message, but also He is proud of us for He feels that our message is not only a message but also a promise. It is not only a promise but also the harbinger of a new dawn. It is not only the harbinger of a new dawn but also an all-fulfilling satisfaction.

EA 91. 20 July 1977, 12:30 p.m. — Sri Chinmoy Centre, Jamaica, New York.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Everest-Aspiration, part 4, Agni Press, 1977
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ea_4