Question: How can we conquer our indifference over our lack of aspiration?

Sri Chinmoy: Indifference is not the right thing. We should not be indifferent to anything. We shall give due value to everything and everyone according to God’s inner Will within us. The real problem is not indifference but lack of aspiration. How can you give more value to aspiration? You can give more value to aspiration only by knowing what aspiration can give to you. Always try to see the goal inside. You see a fruit. You know that if you eat the fruit, then only you are satisfied. So try to feel that aspiration is a fruit, but it will give you satisfaction only if you eat it. You have to aspire every day, every day. Then, the result you get is realisation.

So you will be able to give all value to aspiration when you know that aspiration will give you realisation, aspiration will give you supreme satisfaction. If you know the ultimate result of what you are doing, you will not lack aspiration. You lose aspiration because you do not remember all the time what aspiration can do for you. People pray for two days, two months, two years, and then they totally forget the goal. But this is not enough. You have to pray for twenty years. When you use a stove, you have to turn the handle to a particular point before the fire comes on. But if you just start turning it and do not continue, then there will be no fire at all. So here also, your aspiration has to come to a particular point; then only will it give you realisation.

Aspiration becomes monotonous after a few years. Instead of climbing up the tree, people descend. So what you have to do is feel what aspiration will bring you. If you look at the thing that is after aspiration, which is realisation, then naturally you will want to fully prepare yourself, energise yourself, inundate yourself with aspiration. So always look one step ahead; look one step ahead to realisation. Then you will not be wanting in aspiration. You will be flooded with aspiration.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Father's Day: Father with his European children, Agni Press, 1976
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