Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 20

1901. My life is silent


My mind is silent

Because it has realised

God the Power.

My heart is silent

Because it has realised

God the Compassion.

My life is silent

Because it has realised

God the Forgiveness.


1902. A great exception


Because he is

A great exception,

God has allowed him

To travel into His boundless Silence. ```

1903. When will it end?



When will it end —

My insecurity-cry?


When will it end —

My impurity-smile?


When will it end —

My insincerity-breath?


1904. Never allow it to disappear



Never allow it to disappear —

Your Forgiveness-Sun.


Never allow it to disappear —

Your Compassion-Sky.


1905. I think of God


I think of God


I need Him unavoidably.

God thinks of me


He loves me sleeplessly

Plus unconditionally. ```

1906. Cancellations


Fear cancels joy.

Love cancels fear. ```

1907. Truth lives


Truth lives for God.

God lives for man. ```

1908. Love the world



Love the world.

Otherwise, you will be forced

To carry the heaviest load:

Your own bitter self.


1909. The perfect work


The perfect work

Of perfect patience

Is a perfect victory-smile.


1910. We shall be caught red-handed


Since we brought nothing with us

Into the world,

We shall be caught red-handed

If we attempt

To take anything away with us

When we leave this world. ```

1911. A purity-heart


A purity-heart

Is the author

Of our blossoming faith.


1912. A lost mortal


Science falsely calls

The seeker in me

A perfect lost mortal.


1913. A God-seeker


A God-seeker will

Ultimately and inevitably

Know God.

A God-lover will

Quickly and absolutely

Become God.


1914. Faith without surrender


Faith without

Surrender-flames and gratitude-drops

Is unutterably useless.


1915. No destruction-fear


No destruction-fear

In oneness-love.

No oneness-love

In destruction-fear. ```

1916. The supreme message


His purity-heart

Has given him this supreme message:

God is sleeplessly,




For all.


1917. Two perfection-crowns


Two true perfection-crowns:

An aspiration-heart


A dedication-life. ```

1918. In all my prayers


In all my prayers

Two things always loom large:

God’s Forgiveness-Heart


My gratitude-flame.


1919. Immediate needs


The immediate needs

Of a God-seeker:

A gratitude-heart


A surrender-life.


1920. God the Truth


God the Truth

My mind admires.

God the Love

My heart needs. ```

1921. Ask and learn


Ask, you will learn.

Learn, you will ask.

Continuously ask,

Soulfully learn. ```

1922. Remembrance



Of past happiness-freedom

Is forgetfulness

Of present despair-bondage. ```

1923. God's religion


What is God’s religion?

God’s eternal Dream

Of a perfect humanity.


1924. Two unparalleled aims


Two unparalleled aims

Will always haunt me:

Promise to the end,

Hope to the end. ```

1925. Silence


What is silence?

Eternity’s confidence-strength. ```

1926. Man's transformation-hour


Man’s transformation-hour:

When will it strike, when?

God’s Satisfaction-Tower:

When will it be built, when? ```

1927. My sincerity


My sincerity

Is my Lord’s Beauty in me.

My gratitude

Is my Lord’s Power in me.

My patience

Is my Lord’s Silence-Confidence in me. ```

1928. I am eagerly waiting


I am eagerly waiting for the day

When Mother Earth

Will unmistakably claim to be

The only haven of Heaven. ```

1929. Two blessingful gifts


O my Lord Supreme,

Two blessingful gifts

I desperately need from You:

A confidence-heart of speed,

A vigilance-body of service.


1930. A touch of sadness



Because of my aimless seeking,

I see a touch of sadness

In my Beloved Supreme. ```

1931. Your flaw-seeking eyes


Because of your flaw-seeking eyes,

Your heart-beauty’s sunset-hour

Is fast approaching.


1932. A perfect stranger


Since you want to be

A perfect stranger

To unspeakable anguish,

You must try to breathe

The breath of the inner guidance.


1933. O blossoming moment


O blossoming moment

Of my golden heart,

Where are you hiding,

Where? ```

1934. The heritage of my soul


O my doubting mind,

Don’t pollute my heart’s innocence,

Which is the heritage

Of my soul’s divinity. ```

1935. His Sun's golden Eye


I pray to God to give me

His Moon’s silver Feet.

I meditate on God to give me

His Sun’s golden Eye. ```

1936. The art of awakening


The art of awakening

Is the aspiring man’s

Eternal pilgrimage.


1937. The most vehement weapon


What is suspicion

If not the most vehement weapon

Of ignorance?


1938. Become the heart-beauty


Do you want to assimilate

Your God-experience?

If so, then become

The heart-beauty of silence-hours. ```

1939. Inspiration, instruction, perfection


O my mind,

My heart is definitely willing to be

Your inspiration.

O my heart,

My soul will smilingly be

Your instruction.

O my soul,

My Lord will sleeplessly grant you

His Perfection.


1940. I shall need God the Love



I needed God the Power.


I need God the Love.

Tomorrow and every day

I shall continue to need the same —

God the Love.


1941. Everything becomes illumining


At first

Everything is surprising.

Then slowly and steadily

Everything becomes illumining. ```

1942. Follow your heart


Do you want to understand God?

If so, then change your mind

And follow your heart.


1943. You are absolutely right


If you think that


You can become another God,

Then you are absolutely right. ```

1944. Choose freedom


Choose freedom from ignorance-night.

God will grant you your choice,

Plus God will love you

Infinitely more. ```

1945. Only a fool


Only a fool

Thinks that he is independent.

Only a fool

Feels that he is indispensable. ```

1946. A man of wisdom


A man of wisdom

Can never be deceived

By an ignorant man.

But an ignorant man

Can easily deceive

Another ignorant man. ```

1947. Each prayer


Each prayer

Is divinely important.

Each meditation

Is supremely significant.

Each experience

Is soulfully fruitful. ```

1948. Sweet is my Lord


Sweet is my Lord

Because He is knowable.

Sweeter is my Lord

Because He is known.

Sweetest is my Lord

Because He invites me

To play hide-and-seek with Him

Every day. ```

1949. Every argument


Each and every argument

Is apt to evade

The true truth.


1950. Arguments



Often prefer

Religion to truth.


1951. Yesterday I was on earth


Yesterday I was on earth

To be myself.

Today I am on earth

To rise above myself.

Tomorrow I shall be on earth

To surrender my new self

To God’s Will.


1952. Almost nobody


Who wants to succeed outwardly?

Almost everybody.

Who wants to change outwardly or inwardly?

Almost nobody. ```

1953. The echo


How I wish my heart

Always to be the echo

Of its original source:

The soul. ```

1954. He is taking you


He is taking you

To a false destination.

Yet you are praising him

And rewarding him. ```

1955. If you want to deceive truth


If you want to deceive truth,

Then unconsciously

You will strangle yourself.


1956. Love and serve



You will know

What the human life

Is all about.


You will know

What the divine life

Is all about. ```

1957. Strange neighbours


Sincerity and self-deception

Are two strange

And unusual neighbours.


1958. Confusion-cave






All live in the selfsame

Confusion-cave. ```

1959. The worst danger


That self-deception

Is the worst possible danger,

Who wants to know and believe?

Perhaps nobody! ```

1960. The role of a doer


I have played

The role of a dreamer

Long enough.

I am tired of it.

Now I want to play

The role of a doer,

Dynamic and selfless.


1961. Simplicity is needed


Simplicity is needed

To entertain God.

Sincerity is needed

To explain God’s Justice-Light. ```

1962. Change yourself slowly


Change yourself slowly

And cheerfully.

Conditions will change immediately

And unimaginably. ```

1963. Self-discovery


Self-discovery knows how to live


Self-glory is forced to die

Sooner or later. ```

1964. Explore!


Explore, explore!

You will never deplore.

On the contrary,

You will learn about life

More and more perfectly

And satisfactorily. ```

1965. Longing for the undesirable


It was you who did not want

Your new life to resemble

Your old life.

Why, then,

Are you longing for the undesirable?


1966. Be aware!


Be aware!

God definitely exists.

Be awake!

God will come and knock

At your door.


1967. Even if you stop



Even if You stop loving me,

I shall keep on loving You,

For You are my Eternity’s

Only Beloved Supreme.


Even if You stop caring for me,

I shall keep on serving You,

For You are my Eternity’s

Only Sovereign Absolute.


1968. Something better


There does exist

Something infinitely better,

Higher and richer

Than our earthly desires. ```

1969. Three self-discoveries


Something is wrong in me:

This is my first self-discovery.

It can be corrected:

This is my second self-discovery.

My third self-discovery is this:

God will correct it for me

Out of His infinite Bounty.


1970. Don't be a fool


Don’t be a fool

And assume

That you already know

What you need to know. ```

1971. Fixed ideas


Your rigid and fixed ideas

Cannot help you at all

In your inner life of aspiration.


1972. Do love my self-giving life


My dear Lord,

Do guide my searching mind,

Do strengthen my aspiring heart,

Do love my self-giving life. ```

1973. Oneness-satisfaction








Yes, yes!


1974. Your own responsibilities


Fulfil your own responsibilities.


Others’ responsibilities

Are already fulfilled. ```

1975. Your heart-flower


Look at your heart-flower

And smile.

You will be able to solve

Your most pressing problems. ```

1976. My freedom lives


My high freedom lives

In God’s Compassion-Eye.

My higher freedom lives

In God’s Forgiveness-Heart.

My highest freedom lives

In God’s Oneness-Embrace. ```

1977. Read his face


Read his face


You will know his heart

Unmistakably. ```

1978. The best definition


The best definition of prayer

Is to practise it daily.

The best definition of meditation

Is to experience it soulfully.

The best definition of yoga

Is to live it sincerely.

The best definition of God

Is to love Him, and Him only,



1979. Your doubting mind


Do not forget

That your doubting mind

Has hit and hurt you badly

Countless times. ```

1980. Long for anything divine


Long for anything divine,

And it will immediately

Start to approach you.


1981. Who can be trusted?


Who on earth can be trusted?

Only the God in man.

Who on earth can be appreciated and admired?

Only the man who obeys God. ```

1982. Deepen your faith


Deepen your faith

In yourself.


Will be able to frighten

And weaken you.


1983. Remind yourself


Early in the morning

Every day

Remind yourself

That you are not going

To follow the world.


1984. The only satisfaction


Attachment is not satisfaction.

Detachment is not satisfaction.


Is indeed satisfaction,

The only satisfaction.


1985. Art


Art is not

The imitation of nature

But the transformation of nature.


1986. Loved and needed


You are loved,


You are significant.

You are significant,


You are needed. ```

1987. Because we embrace


Because we embrace

Dark desires,

Quick blows shatter us.


1988. Lord, will you forgive me?


My dear Lord,

Will You forgive me?

“I shall forgive you, My son,

Only if you believe in Me.” ```

1989. Lord, do you love me?


My sweet Lord,

Do You love me?

“In My entire Universe

This is the only question,

My child,

That I shall not be able to answer.” ```

1990. My first discovery


My first discovery:

God cares for me.

My last discovery:

I need God. ```

1991. My meditation


My meditation

Is my sound-perfection.

My meditation

Is my silence-satisfaction. ```

1992. Around the clock


I aspire to be

In my prayer-flames

Around the clock.

My Lord is spontaneously

In His Compassion-Sun

Around the clock.


1993. Because you love God


Because you love God

And God alone,

I shall not only allow you


But also help you


To escape from earth-limitation-life.


1994. Because I sincerely love you


Because I sincerely love you,

I shall not only plead with you tirelessly

But also force you vehemently

To pray and meditate daily. ```

1995. My inner journey


My prayer

Is my inner preparation.

My meditation

Is my inner journey.

My contemplation

Is my inner journey’s destination. ```

1996. I shall not carry


O my mind,

I shall not carry with me

Your soulless mistakes.

O my vital,

I shall not carry with me

Your ruthless frustrations.


1997. My only satisfaction


My Lord,

My entire being

Is dying to clasp Your Feet

As its only satisfaction. ```

1998. The delight in meditation


The delight in meditation

Is a multiplying



1999. To be poor and weak


To be poor and weak

Is not a virtue

Either spiritually

Or otherwise. ```

2000. It is never too late


It is never too late

To transform one’s nature


It is never too late

To satisfy God


It is never too late

To realise God’s Heart,

Reveal God’s Life


Manifest God’s Breath

Here on earth. ```

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the twentieth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy meets with the late President of Ireland, Erskine Childers, on 7 July 1974 in Dublin. The President commented, “I have been reading your book, The Garland of Nation-Souls, which I like very much. I, too, believe in meditation... I really believe that in these days of turmoil and strife, we all need something like meditation.”

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 20, Agni Press, 1981
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_20