Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 78

7701. The First Divine Rule


He knows the first divine rule:

Love God, only God.

He knows the last supreme rule:

Love God sleeplessly

Plus unconditionally.


7702. An Insincere Seeker


A sincere seeker will not mind

If God does not speak to him.

An insincere seeker will not be satisfied

Even if God does speak to him.

He will be furious that God

Did not speak to him sooner. ```

7703. The God-Tree


All religions are part of one God-Tree.

This God-Tree has many branches,

Flowers and fruits.

If you climb up a tree

And rest on a particular branch,

Will the tree be displeased?

Similarly, if you take a flower or fruit,

No matter from which branch,

The God-Tree will be pleased,

For each branch is part and parcel

Of the tree itself.


7704. Too Much Heavenly Food


When you eat too much earthly food,

The world tells you that you are greedy.

When you eat too much Heavenly food,

God tells you

And the whole world tells you

That you are an absolutely

Choice instrument of God.


7705. Your Hovering Failure-Sigh


If you fail in your aspiration-life,

In the evening of your life

You are bound to see

Your own failure-sigh

Hovering between earth and Heaven.


7706. Invade And Conquer


Before fear invades your heart,

You must invade and conquer

Your own insecurity-life.

Before doubt invades your mind,

You must invade and conquer

Your own impurity-thoughts.


7707. My Self-Sacrificing Friend


If I can always have

A childlike confidence,

Then my Lord Supreme

Will, without fail, become

My sleeplessly self-sacrificing Friend.


7708. Even My Own Mind Misunderstands


Misunderstanding is

The order of the day.

Therefore, even my own mind

Misunderstands my own infallible heart. ```

7709. Since God Has Killed Me


Since God has killed me

With His Love,

I am going to kill Him

With my gratitude. ```

7710. Why Worship Fear?


Fear, why do I have to worship you?

You are not going to

Make me happy.

You are not going to

Make me immortal.


7711. The Only King On Earth


I am totally convinced

That a pure heart

Is the only king on earth.


7712. Why Do I Have To Believe?


Why do I have to believe him

Who tells me

That my heart is not of God

And that my life is not for God? ```

7713. Each Divine Thought


As each evil thought

Is a problem-maker,

Even so, each divine thought

Is an immediate problem-shooter. ```

7714. My Falling Tears


My falling tears

In no time are captured

By God’s descending

Compassion-Concern-Smile. ```

7715. A Stepping-stone


I stumbled only to realise

That my stumbling itself

Was a stepping-stone

Towards my speedy God-realisation. ```

7716. My Prayers


I do not know where

My prayers have disappeared to.

Alas, my life is strewn

With deathless sorrows. ```

7717. Craving For Rich Comfort


O my vital,

You are craving for rich comfort.

But alas, do you not see the death-dart

Fast approaching you? ```

7718. Its Daily Appointment With God


Human life

Will not meet with disappointment

If it keeps

Its daily appointment with God. ```

7719. Everybody Misunderstands You


O my mind,

Everybody misunderstands you,

But not my loving heart

And my illumining soul. ```

7720. A Stupendous Inner Loss


One tiny inch

In any wrong direction

May be the cause

Of a stupendous inner loss. ```

7721. What Do I Expect From You?


What do I expect from you?

A soulful love

And a powerful promise.


7722. The Most Difficult Task


The most difficult task

Is to bring to the fore

The best you have within you.

But this most difficult task

Is not impossible,

For God is always ready to help you

With His open Heart.


7723. Not In Vain


The soul does not come and go in vain.

At the end of each earthly sojourn

The soul strengthens its determination

To manifest the Supreme infinitely more

In its future incarnations.


7724. To Satisfy My Lord Supreme


To satisfy my Lord Supreme

I must treasure my heart’s aspiration-cry

And my life’s dedication-smile.


7725. Faith And Beauty


Faith is beauty’s

Climbing cry.

Beauty is life’s

Glowing smile. ```

7726. My Mind's Telephone Number


Only one thing

God hesitates to take from me,

And that is

My mind’s telephone number. ```

7727. God's Compassionate Rainbow-Lustre


God’s compassionate Rainbow-Lustre

Can be safely treasured and preserved

Only by the inner purity

Of aspiring hearts. ```

7728. Only When Faith Is Afraid


Doubt inserts its poisonous knife

Only when faith is afraid

Of challenging doubt’s audacity.


7729. The Ultimate Fact Of Life


You can deny and ignore everything

Except the ultimate fact of life:



7730. All My Wise Decisions


O my stupid mind,

From now on

I shall not receive from you

But I shall direct to you

All my wise decisions.


7731. My Lord, Run With Me


My Lord,

If You care for me,

Then at least run with me

If You do not want

To run for me.


7732. Why Are You So Angry?


My Lord,

Why are You so angry with me?

“I am not angry with you.

I am angry with Myself.”



“Because still I have not been able

To perfect you.” ```

7733. Past Weakness, Present Weakness


Loving myself alone

Was my past weakness.

Not loving God alone

Is my very strong present weakness. ```

7734. My Mental Hallucinations


God’s Oneness-Heart

And my newness-life

I once upon a time thought

Were my mental hallucinations. ```

7735. At Last My Heart Has Challenged


At last my heart

Has challenged my mind,

Not to defeat it

But to transform it. ```

7736. Nobody Hears Anything


Nobody hears anything.

Nobody wants to hear anything.

Nobody needs to hear anything.

But who can avoid hearing

The fast-approaching footsteps

Of death? ```

7737. His Self-Giving Heart


Your great penance has gratified you alone.

That’s all!

But his self-giving heart for mankind

Has not only thrilled my heart

But also illumined my life.


7738. Only To Catch A Glimpse


I live on earth

Only to catch a glimpse

Of my Lord’s Compassion-Eye

And Forgiveness-Feet. ```

7739. Each Undetected Desire


Each undetected desire

Has the unthinkable capacity

To strangle our snow-white aspiration-life.


7740. The Increase Of Self-Indulgence


The increase of self-indulgence

Is the immediate decrease

Of beauty’s purity and duty’s divinity.


7741. A Saint Knows And Feels


A saint knows and feels

That he is inside

The Satisfaction-Eye of God.

A sinner does not know

Or dare to feel

That he is inside

The Compassion-Heart of God. ```

7742. A Flood From His Thought-Sea


A flood from his thought-sea

Has totally destroyed

The life-illumining music

Of his soul. ```

7743. When I Am In My Master's Heart


When I am in my Master’s heart,

I see everything

Save and except one thing:

Death-dart. ```

7744. Nothing Is More Illumining


Nothing is more illumining

Than my silver faith.

Nothing is more fulfilling

Than my golden surrender.

Nothing is more satisfying

Than my diamond gratitude. ```

7745. Showing Me The Way


My heart’s hope

And my soul’s promise

Are showing me the way

To God’s Omniscience-Light. ```

7746. The Outskirts Of Hope


To live on the outskirts of hope

Is not enough.

Cultivate a hope-life

Inside the very breath

Of your moment-to-moment existence.


7747. Eternity's Shortest Road


Eternity shows its shortest road

To him who does not want to wait

For ignorance-prince.


7748. A Better Name


There is a better name for earth:

Permanent hospital.

There is a better name for man:

Incurable patient. ```

7749. The Self-Proclamation-Game


Now that I am not playing any more

The self-proclamation-game,

My Lord Supreme is so happy with me

And so proud of me. ```

7750. To Cultivate A Diamond Heart


If you can have a clear awareness

Of what is happening

In your aspiration-life,

It is an easy task

To cultivate a diamond heart.


7751. Excellence


Excellence is the sweet permanence-life

Of self-transcendence

In God’s Beauty and Duty unknowable.


7752. Comparison


My Mother India commands me

To learn that comparison

Is not a nice game.


7753. Her Ancient Beauty


My Mother India commands me

To learn that her ancient beauty

Far transcends the capacity

Of Western curiosity. ```

7754. Her Body And Soul


My Mother India tells me

That her body may be meant

For a silence-life,

But her soul is definitely meant

For the direct manifestation

Of God the Sound. ```

7755. Honour Patience


My Mother India commands me

To unreservedly honour

One of her main virtues:

Patience. ```

7756. Life's Divinity


My Mother India commands me

To learn that life’s divinity

Is founded upon oneness-purity.


7757. Beyond The Soaring Imagination-Flight


My Mother India announces to me

That by virtue of my heart’s

Constant cries,

I can go beyond the soaring imagination-flight

Of the modern world.


7758. When Your Heart Returns To God


When your mind returns to God,

He may not even say hello

To your mind.

But when your heart returns to God,

The first thing He will do

Is embrace your heart. ```

7759. A Dance Of Hope


Unless your heart

Is a dance of hope,

How can your life

Be a song of peace? ```

7760. Ready To Lose Everything


My Lord Supreme,

I am ready to lose everything

Save and except two things:

My heart’s beautiful hope

And my soul’s powerful promise.


7761. I Try, Only To Fail


My Lord,

I try, only to fail.

“My child,

Do not give up.

Soon you will try,

Only to succeed.” ```

7762. I Just Want To Know


My Lord,

I do not want to know

When I will be able

To please You.

I just want to know

If ever I will be able

To please You.


7763. A Complicated Mind


A complicated mind wants to see

God’s Vision-Eye.

A simple heart wishes to feel

God’s Compassion-Heart. ```

7764. Your Perfection Immediate


O my mind,

I am for your

Perfection immediate.

But I am not with

And I shall never be with

Your imperfection. ```

7765. Those Who Will Save Humanity


There will always be

Some people on earth

Who will save humanity

From total insanity. ```

7766. The Mind That Enjoys


His is the mind that enjoys

Sleepless struggles.

His is the life that enjoys

Useless unrest. ```

7767. A Soulful Glimpse


A God-lover knows

That each pure thought

Is a soulful glimpse

Of beauty’s height. ```

7768. Destiny's Cancelled Injunctions


His ceaselessly and unfathomably

Happy heart

Has cancelled all the injunctions

Of his fateful destiny. ```

7769. Who Practises Truth?


Who practises truth?

Certainly not you,

Not he, not I,

Not earth, perhaps not even Heaven.

Only Eternity’s hope

Practises truth. ```

7770. My Only Treasure


Lord, since You have opened

My heart’s door,

I am now going to give You

My only treasure:

My life’s gratitude-smile.


7771. He Does Not Hide Anything


He does not hide anything,

Not even his shameless unwillingness

To surrender to God’s Will.


7772. Life Has Denied Me


Life has denied me

My Lord’s Face,

But I am sure death

Will never do that. ```

7773. Practical Fears


Practical fears

Are very rare experiences.

Theoretical fears

Are daily occurrences. ```

7774. The Blue Bird Inside My Heart


Alas, the blue bird

Inside my heart

Instead of singing Heaven-free songs

Is hearing earth-bound sighs. ```

7775. The Gulf Of My Incomprehension


Each time I speak

To my foolish mind,

I enlarge the gulf

Of my incomprehension. ```

7776. A Hallowed Dawn


With my heart’s obedience-flames

I have created a hallowed dawn

To welcome God, the Beautiful One.


7777. My Lord Wants


From my life my Lord wants

One service-tree.

From my heart my Lord wants

Seven gratitude-fruits

And nothing more, nothing more.


7778. Always Misunderstood


My heart,

You do not often misunderstand

But you are always misunderstood.

I feel simply miserable

That I can be of no help to you

In spite of my soulful intention. ```

7779. My Constant Longing For Peace


My constant longing for peace

Is bravely captured

By strong despair.


7780. Unless We Purify The Mind


Unless we daily and faithfully

Purify the mind,

We will be forced to live

Inside the thick jungle

Of ignorance-night.


7781. Your Unlimited Patience


Your unlimited patience

Will earn for you

The unlimited Joy of God.


7782. Unless My Heart Takes Care


Unless my heart takes care

Of my conscience,

How can my conscience take care

Of my complicated life? ```

7783. My Heart's Deathless Hope


My heart’s deathless hope

Is that someday

In this lifetime

I shall please my Lord Supreme

In His own Way

At least for a fleeting second. ```

7784. Farther And Nearer


The farther away you are

From inner light,

The nearer you are

To your spiritual death. ```

7785. To Please God


O my mind,

Cry to please God.

O my heart,

Dream to please God.

O my life,

Smile to please God.

O my soul,

Do not leave my body.

I have yet to please God.


7786. His Final Decision


He has made his final decision:

No more world-deception;

Only a self-giving life of dedication.


7787. My Vital Never Learns


My vital never learns.

It is so stupid!

My mind never unlearns.

It is equally stupid! ```

7788. To Gain The Comradeship


To gain the comradeship

Of God the Transcendental

Is to claim the ownership

Of God the Universal. ```

7789. The Capacity To Whisper


God has given my aspiration-flames

The capacity to whisper secret truths

Into His sacred Ears.


7790. Only One Ideal Fragrance


There is only one ideal fragrance

That can come to the seeker’s rescue,

And that is the Fragrance

Of the yet-unknown God-Flower. ```

7791. High Above There Is A Voice


High above there is a voice

That commands him to love

God the Transcendental Beauty.

Deep within there is a voice

That commands him to serve

God the Universal Purity.


7792. Every Day My Lord Asks Me


Every day my Lord asks me

Not to hide His Vision-Beauty

But to carry it and spread it all-where

Soulfully and sleeplessly. ```

7793. Progress-Light


The human mind does not know

Where progress-light abides.

The divine heart knows

That there is no place on earth

Where progress-light

Cannot be seen and manifested. ```

7794. God Tells Us


God tells us

That there are limitless opportunities

For us to love Him

And become His perfect instruments.

He also tells us

That the cosmic gods are descending

To show us the only way

That leads to His supreme Vision-Height. ```

7795. The Inner Sun


The outer sun makes him feel

How insignificant he is.

The inner sun makes him see and feel

That for aeons he has been admiring

And adoring

Its divine vision

And supreme perfection.


7796. God Will Not Disappoint You


You do not have to know

About tomorrow.

You do not have to know

Even about today.

You only have to know one thing:

God will not disappoint you. ```

7797. The Best Short-cut


In the inner world

The best short-cut

Is to soulfully give

And unconditionally become. ```

7798. A Sea Of Love


Your heart must become

A sea of love.

Your mind must become

A river of detachment. ```

7799. The Future Holds For You


The future holds for you

Only one thing:

Your complete satisfaction

Within and without

In God’s own Way.


7800. The Capacity To Remember You


My Lord Supreme,

I am not asking You to receive me.

I am praying to You only to give me

The capacity to remember You

And feel You are my Eternity’s All

In both the world of earthly hope

And the world of Heavenly promise.


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the seventy-eighth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy meets with tennis star Pancho Segura in California in June 1979. The two played tennis and discussed the sport.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 78, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_78