Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 92

9101. I Wish To Be A Burning Flame


My Lord,

I wish to be a burning flame

Climbing high, higher, highest

Inside the Temple of Your Heart. ```

9102. I Have Counted


I have counted

My soulful tears

And I have counted

God’s powerful Smiles.

The outer loser has won

The inner Winner. ```

9103. Since My Prayers Are Fulfilled


I pray, and my prayers are fulfilled.

Since my prayers are fulfilled,

I should offer the transcendental prayer

For God-Satisfaction

In God’s own Way.


9104. Emptiness And Readiness


If I can sincerely feel

That my heart is all emptiness and readiness,

Then my Lord Supreme will, without fail,

Make my life feel

The beauty and divinity of His Fulness.


9105. When I Live For God Alone


When I live for God’s Love alone,

I am divinely great and supremely good.

When I live for God alone,

I am absolutely perfect. ```

9106. There Is No Risk


There is no risk

In accepting the spiritual life

If you have a sincerity-mind,

A purity-heart

And an integrity-life.


9107. Who Is So Stupid?


Who is so stupid

As to waste time here on earth,

Knowing perfectly well

That his earth-hours are

Extremely limited?


9108. You Want To Advise God


You want to advise God

About how to change the world.

Do you think you can give Him

A few more years

And see if He is making

This world of His better?

In the meantime,

Can you not change your own life

For the better,

So that God can start

His World-Perfection-Life

In and through you? ```

9109. Do You Ever Care To Know?


You think that God

Cannot change this world

Because He has lost

Complete control of it.

But do you ever care to know

And do you ever care to feel

That God the Aspiration

Lived at the Vision-beginning

And God the Manifestation

Will live eternally

At the Reality-end?


9110. God Has Given Your Heart


Your doubting mind does not feel

At ease with God,

But your loving heart does.

Therefore, God has given your heart

The unparalleled capacity

To scale His own Transcendental Heights

With Him.


9111. In The Inner And Outer Race


In the inner and outer race

I will not say,

“God wants me to win”,


“Let God’s Will be done”.


9112. Unless My Lord Supreme Opens


Unless my Lord Supreme

Forcefully opens my heart-door,

I do not think my frustration-life

Will ever grow into

My satisfaction-heart.


9113. A Fool And An Opportunist


He is a fool.

He surrenders to God out of fear

That God or others will speak ill of him

If he does the wrong thing.

She is an opportunist.

She surrenders to God with the hope

That by pleasing Him today

She will be able to receive a special favour

From Him tomorrow.


9114. How Can The World Find Peace?


How can the world find peace

In its machine-mind?

How can the world find perfection

In its dissatisfaction-vital?

How can the world find satisfaction

In its oblivion-life? ```

9115. Will You Kindly Teach Me?


My Lord,

I have already taught myself

How to bend others

To my will.

Now will You kindly teach me

How to bend myself

To Your Will alone?


9116. Selfless Service


Selfless service

Is immediate progress.

Instead of working for our little self,

We serve our large Self,

The Supreme.

Selfless service helps us come out of

Our limited body-dimension

And our limited mind-boundary. ```

9117. His Adamantine Determination


Although he has touched rock bottom

In his aspiration-life,

Because of his adamantine determination

He will soon be making progress once again. ```

9118. Fault-Finders


Why make friends with fault-finders?

You are having enough trouble

Trying to conquer your own weaknesses

Without being constantly reminded

Of the weaknesses of others.


9119. America Means Speed


America means speed:

Speed to run the fastest.

America means victory:

Victory over ignorance. ```

9120. If You Want To Run The Fastest


If you want to run the fastest

In the inner world,

You have to do everything regularly,

Punctually and perfectly. ```

9121. Each Time You Enter A New Year


Each time you enter a new year,

Be determined not to bring

Your old self with you.


9122. Your Golden Opportunity


Why not take today

As your golden opportunity

To cast aside the undivine problems

Which you have been dragging,

Like dead elephants,

For so many years? ```

9123. No New Year For You


How can there be any such thing

As a new year for you

If you are still leading

Your old unbearable life? ```

9124. Examine Your Compassion


Examine your compassion

And see if it is true divine compassion

Or just your own attachment

In disguise. ```

9125. A True Truth-Seeker Knows


A true truth-seeker knows

That his Beloved Lord rebukes him

Only on the strength

Of His absolute Oneness. ```

9126. Your Master's Songs


Your Master’s aspiration

And your Master’s songs

Are inseparable.

When you sing his songs soulfully,

You become the pristine purity

Of his aspiration

And the supernal beauty

Of his songs. ```

9127. To Sing One Song Soulfully


To sing even one song


Is to have a profound meditation

Unmistakably. ```

9128. Because He Enjoys Wrong Forces


Because he consciously or unconsciously

Enjoys wrong forces,

There is every possibility

That he will be strangled

In the inner world.


9129. Be Extremely Sincere!


Be extremely sincere

And extremely brave!

You will undoubtedly make

The fastest progress. ```

9130. My Prayer And My Promise


Let me renew each day

My prayer and my promise

To be a perfect instrument

Of my Beloved Supreme. ```

9131. To Conquer Your Heart


My Lord Supreme,

Since I do not have

A pure enough heart

To conquer Your Heart,

Do give me the capacity to sit

Soulfully and unconditionally

At Your Feet.


9132. How To Feel Always Secure?


How to feel always secure?

Each one has an answer,

But the only answer

That will satisfy man’s heart

Is the perfect oneness-answer.


9133. You Will Be Routed


You will be routed

At the very beginning

Of your spiritual journey

If you do not have a simple life

And a loving heart.


9134. Your Self-Giving Heart


Your dreams cannot be

As beautiful and powerful

As the purity and divinity

Of your self-giving heart. ```

9135. A Well-Protected Harbour


What is humility

If not a well-protected harbour

In your expanding life-sea?


9136. Automatic


God’s Compassion-Height

Is automatic.

Can we not have a gratitude-heart

That is equally automatic? ```

9137. Your Hopes Are Shattered


All your hopes are shattered

Because your vital is afraid

To challenge ignorance-night

And your mind is afraid

To challenge ignorance-frown.


9138. Two Ancient Desires


Two most ancient desires:

To enjoy ignorance-night

Without the inevitable repercussions

And to dine with wisdom-day

Without the necessary qualifications.


9139. Only One Breath


Between desire and faith

There is only one

Sweet and life-illumining breath.

When the mind desires

Something from God,

The heart feels

More faith in God.


9140. The Prayer Of Self-Offering


The only prayer that God appreciates

Is the prayer of self-offering

Founded upon God’s

Life-illumining Vision-Light. ```

9141. I Cannot Reject Anything


I cannot reject anything,

Not even my suspicion-mind,

For my existence-cry and my existence-smile

Are an integral reality. ```

9142. A Secret Player


Don’t try to please God the creation.

It is an almost impossible task.

Do try to please God the Creator.

You will succeed,

For you yourself are a secret player

In God’s Vision-Game. ```

9143. If You Want Perfection


If you want perfection,

Then do one thing:

Stretch your self-giving arms

Towards the perfection-harbour alone. ```

9144. My Life Is Soulful And Fruitful


My life is soulful and fruitful

When I see that my Lord

Smilingly drinks in my gratitude-drops

Every moment of my life. ```

9145. A Self-Giving Performance


There can be no trouble-free performance.

There can be no anxiety-free performance.

There can be no rivalry-free performance.

But there can be

An unconditionally self-giving performance

By a seeker whose life

Is all surrender-satisfaction.


9146. Natural, Not Theatrical


If you are really spiritual,

Then no part of your being

Will be unnecessarily theatrical,

For a spiritual life

Is nothing other than a natural life.


9147. Quantity-Advice And Quality-Advice



Foolishly and wilfully

My mind gives to my heart.


Lovingly and unconditionally

My heart gives to my mind.


9148. A Useless Weakness


Doubt is a useless weakness,

Yet it has the capacity

To cleverly and convincingly

Don the robe of wise judgement. ```

9149. When We Strike The Truth-Bell


When we strike

The truth-bell,

Man quite often

Does not want to hear it,

For he thinks it is hurtful

Instead of blissful. ```

9150. If You Do Not Run Every Day


If you do not run every day

In the outer world,

The human in you may forgive you.

But if you do not run every day

In the inner world,

The divine in you will not forgive you,

For the destined goal

Will always remain a far cry. ```

9151. Just Keep Your Heart's Door Open


Just keep your heart’s door open.

At every moment

You are bound to receive

Something special

From your Beloved Supreme.


9152. They Simply Had No Idea


He simply had no idea

What would happen to him

When he took the side of ignorance.

She simply had no idea

What would happen to her

When she took the side of God.


9153. A True Truth-Seeker


Only if you throw your heart and soul

Into your aspiration-dedication-life

Can you claim to be

A true truth-seeker. ```

9154. You Must Be Ready To Please God


Do you really care for God?

Then you must be ready to please Him

In His own divine Way.


9155. Because He Did Not Have Faith


Alas, because he did not have implicit faith

In his Master

And did not love him soulfully,

The longer he stayed in his Master’s presence,

The greater became his insecurity

And jealousy. ```

9156. Those Who Have Faith In God


Those who have faith in God

And love for God

Will discover the unimaginable things

God’s Power can do

In and through them.


9157. You Must Accept More Of The Blame


O truth-seekers,

Since you are consciously awake,

You must accept more of the blame

For the problems of the world

Than those who are not yet awakened.


9158. Your Prayer Indirectly Helps


Even he who does not pray and meditate

Knows that your prayer and meditation

Indirectly give him peace.

In the heart of his heart

He knows that you really love him

And he loves you. ```

9159. You Need The Broad Heart


You do not need to participate

In every divine task,

But you do need to have the broad heart

To appreciate those

Who have the enthusiasm and inspiration

To do the needful. ```

9160. Be Something For God


You are finding it difficult

To achieve something for God.

But God wants you to go

Even one step further.

He wants you

To be something for Him. ```

9161. Work Soulfully


Work soulfully.

Lo, you will not be able

To find any difference

Between Heaven and earth. ```

9162. His Soulful Music


His soulful music expressed

His aspiration,

His realisation

And his oneness

With the Universal Consciousness.


9163. If You Sail In Your Master's Boat


If you sail in your Master’s boat

To the Supreme,

Then you and your Master will sing together

Eternity’s Oneness-Song. ```

9164. Just For This One Day


Always think of your life

As only one day,


And just for this one day

Be truly spiritual.


9165. Your Heaven


Wherever your Lord Supreme

Asks you to work,

That particular place

Should be Heaven to you. ```

9166. True Progress


True progress

Belongs to those who,

With their aspiration and dedication,

Soulfully manifest the Supreme. ```

9167. Maintain Your Inner Freshness


Maintain your inner freshness.

You will be able to sail always

In the Boat of the Supreme,

And He will always have

Boundless confidence

In your heart and soul. ```

9168. Just Purify Your Mind


My Lord,

Why have I not achieved

All the things I wanted to achieve?

“My child,

Just purify your mind.

Lo, all your problems are solved.” ```

9169. Never Allow Your Pure Heart


Never allow your pure heart

To become insecure,

Not even for a second!


9170. I Can Never Be Insecure


Because I am

What my Father has and is,

I can never be insecure.


9171. If Your Whole Heart Cries


If your whole heart

Cries for God,

Then God’s whole Heart

Will come to you. ```

9172. Your Master Will Be Miserable


Do not ask your Master to come down

From his Himalayan heights

Just to give you an outer smile.

You may be satisfied with only a smile,

But your Master will be miserable

That he has not been able to give you

His inner height.


9173. If We Doubt Ourselves


If we doubt God

Today or tomorrow,

God will forgive us.

But if we doubt ourselves,

Then there is nothing God can do

To save us. ```

9174. Self-Doubt Is Your Own Creation


You say,

“I am an ordinary human being;

I can never realise God.”

God says,

“Your self-doubt is your own creation.

Now you take care of your creation.” ```

9175. If You Are Truly Spiritual


If you are truly spiritual,

God’s Compassion, Love

And Blessings

Will act directly in and through you. ```

9176. Some Are Trying Consciously


Spirituality is inside everyone.

But while some are trying consciously

To bring it to the fore,

Others are still fast asleep. ```

9177. God's Unconscious Representative


Because he was not receptive,

God tried to work through him

In an indirect way.

Therefore, he was God’s

Unconscious representative.


9178. Because God Loves You


Because God loves you,

First He will try with Love

To make you do the right thing.

If that fails,

Then He will use Force,

Which is just another form

Of His Love.


9179. Your Flame Of Aspiration


Ignorance-forces may try to extinguish

Your flame of aspiration,

But they will never succeed.

Your aspiration-flame will continue to burn

Bright, brighter, brightest.


9180. Every Day I Tell My Beloved Supreme


Every day I tell my Beloved Supreme

That I can be absolutely perfect.

Every day my Beloved Supreme tells me

That I am His chosen child. ```

9181. If You Feel


If you feel

You have reached the abysmal abyss,

You can use your determination

To again climb up.

If you feel

You are making satisfactory progress,

You can use your aspiration

To do better. ```

9182. You Can Transcend



Every day,

During each meditation,

You can transcend your past heights. ```

9183. The Supreme Necessity Of Serving


You say you have

Neither the time nor the inclination

To do selfless service,

But one day you will realise

The supreme necessity of serving

Humanity and divinity

Sleeplessly and unconditionally.


9184. Again And Again I Strive


Although I try and fail,

Again and again I strive

To become a good runner

In my inner life. ```

9185. Be Always Aware


Be always aware of your aspiration,

Your dedication and your goal.

Do not throw away

Your great, greater, greatest opportunities

To make the fastest progress.


9186. All Are Bound To Reach


All your fellow seeker-servers

Are sailing in the same boat

Towards the same goal.

Individually there may be differences,

But collectively you are all bound to reach

The Golden Shore. ```

9187. When You Serve


When you serve your Beloved Supreme,

Outwardly you may not become

Richer than the richest,

But inwardly you become

A true millionaire

From His soulful and bountiful Blessings. ```

9188. God No Longer Wanted Him


Because he did not avail himself

Of his God-given opportunities,

God no longer wanted him

As His choice instrument. ```

9189. Your Conscious Unwillingness


What prevents you

From manifesting the Supreme?

Not your helpless inability,

But your conscious unwillingness. ```

9190. More Than The Necessary Capacity


God has already given you

More than the necessary capacity

To do everything He has asked you to do.

Just dive deep within.

An inexhaustible source

Of energy and capacity

Is waiting there for you

Not only to receive

But also to become.


9191. If Today's Chosen Instruments Fail


Whatever is destined

Will one day be accomplished

In the manifestation of the Supreme.

If today’s chosen instruments fail,

New instruments will come to the stage

To play the necessary roles. ```

9192. He Discovered Compassion


A narrow escape from death

Made him wiser.

He discovered compassion

Inside his newly-increased gratitude-power. ```

9193. His Folded Hands


During his devoted prayer

His folded hands

Increased his soulful intensity

And, like a magnet,

Drew the Blessings of the Supreme.


9194. Every Opportunity


Avail yourself of every opportunity

That the new day brings,

For every day may not have

Equal possibilities. ```

9195. He Is Now Devotedly Walking


He is now devotedly walking

In the footsteps

Of his glorious predecessors

Who have worked very hard

For the Vision and Mission of the Supreme.


9196. Celestial Light From Above


When the Supreme brings down

Celestial Light from Above,

Your receptivity gives Him

Immense Joy. ```

9197. The Supreme Inside Him


It is not the spiritual Master,

But the Supreme inside him,

Who deserves and receives

The seeker’s devotion. ```

9198. No Credit To God


He gave credit to his own aspiration

For his outer success and inner progress,

But he did not want to give poor God

Credit for anything. ```

9199. He Embodies Divinity


He embodies divinity

Not only when he is in

Deep meditation-trance,

But also when he is in

The midst of his life-dance.


9200. Your Pure Heart


In your pure heart

The Supreme is alive

At every moment.

Through your pure heart

The Supreme is working

At every moment.


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the ninety-second volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State Juan Albors meditates with Sri Chinmoy at the Master’s Jharna-Kala Gallery in New York on 25 April 1976. Following the function, Mr Albors commented, “The peace and happiness that our meeting provided me with will be remembered forever.”

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 92, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_92