Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 95

9401. A Surrender-Prayer


A surrender-prayer is the only prayer

That God immediately answers.

Therefore, from today on

My life shall grow into

A surrender-prayer.


9402. A Supreme Truth


Out of His infinite Compassion,

My Beloved Supreme told me

A supreme truth:

If I bend my head constantly,

My heart can expand immeasurably.


9403. Sow The Seed Of Divine Longing


Sow the seed of divine longing

Inside your heart-garden.

Then your life will never be forced

To live in the unlit cave of nothingness. ```

9404. Inside Each Life-Breath


Inside each life-breath

God has His supreme Necessity,

Unknown to the human heart,

Unknowable to the human mind. ```

9405. Do Not Try To Bind God


Do not try to bind God

With the human in you,

For you will fail.

Bring to the fore the divine in you

And discover your oneness-reality with Him.

Then you will see and feel

A blossoming satisfaction-light

That will fulfil not only the divine

And human in you

But also, to your wide surprise,

The animal and stone-consciousness in you.


9406. Inside Each Heartbeat


Inside each heartbeat

There is always God the Quality.

Inside each life

There is always God the Quantity. ```

9407. I Am Divinely Happy


I am divinely happy

That my heart is now experiencing

Eternity’s hunger.

I am supremely happy

That my soul is always ready

With Immortality’s meal.


9408. God's Satisfaction-Hour


His mind is made

Of flaming faith.

His heart is made

Of illumining love.

His life is made

Of sacrificing breath.

Therefore, God’s Satisfaction-Hour

Is fast approaching him. ```

9409. The Unparalleled Light Of Liberation


The day his mind lost

Its suspicion-eye

And his heart lost

Its apprehension-breath,

He began to shine

With the unparalleled light

Of supreme liberation.


9410. Your Himalayan Achievements


Your mind is empty of pride.

Your heart is empty of despair.

Both Heaven and earth marvel at

Your Himalayan achievements. ```

9411. It Is Absolutely Unnecessary


It is absolutely unnecessary

To allow your mind

To be plagued by repentance.

Just ask your mind

To take shelter at the foot

Of your heart’s illumination-tree. ```

9412. Your Own Hidden Brutality


O suspicion-mind,

Do you ever want to know

Who you truly are?

You are your own hidden brutality. ```

9413. Prescribe And Proscribe


If you have the power

To prescribe newness

For your heart,

You can also have the power

To proscribe oldness

Inside your mind. ```

9414. Who Needs A Disobedient Mind?


Who needs a disobedient mind?

No one, especially not I!

Who needs a disheartened heart?

No one, especially not I!

Who needs a disturbing and disturbed life?

No one, especially not I! ```

9415. A Self-Employed Indulgence-Prince


As long as each human being

Remains a self-employed indulgence-prince,

The effulgence of self-perfection

Will always remain a far cry. ```

9416. My One Secret Letter To God


In my one secret letter to God

I have written:

“My Lord, if You really exist,

You are forgiving me,

And if I really exist,

I am somehow getting ready

To please You in Your own Way.”


9417. I Love Your Surrender-Flames


I admire your abstinence,

But I love your surrender-flames,

Which you have dedicated

To our Beloved Supreme-Sun. ```

9418. I May Not Love God


I may not love God,

But I shall never say

That I do not need Him.

God does not need me,

But He never says

That He does not love me.


9419. The Most Important Secret


The most important secret is

What God has told me today:

It is my bounden duty

To see Him soulfully

And serve Him carefully

In His creation vast. ```

9420. The Whirlwind Of Worldliness


No human being is forced to live

In the whirlwind of dark worldliness.

We are all invited to participate

In the newness and fulness

Of life-satisfying delight.


9421. God Was Astonishment-Struck


God was astonishment-struck

When He saw on earth

An endless mass of ignorance,

But He is definitely going

To do something about it,

I am sure. ```

9422. When God Interviews Man


When God interviews man,

Man’s helplessness breaks His Heart.

When man interviews God,

God’s Fulness overwhelms his mind. ```

9423. A Guest From Paradise


A good thought is indeed

A guest from paradise.

Welcome it, so your life will become

A wave of ecstasy. ```

9424. If You Are Satisfied


If you are satisfied

With a superficial experience

Of God’s Compassion-Light,

Then the divine satisfaction

Of realisation in infinite measure

Will always remain a far cry. ```

9425. My Silver Obedience-Flames


My Lord Supreme is

His golden Will-Sun

And I am

My silver obedience-flames. ```

9426. When The Soul Compromises


When the soul compromises

With earth,

It ruins its inner vision-light

And its Heaven-free delight. ```

9427. My Transcendence Enlightens


My incapacity saddens my mind.

My capacity gladdens my heart.

My transcendence enlightens

Not only me

But also the aspiration-loving world.


9428. When Are You Going To Learn?


O my heart’s insecurity,

When are you going to learn

The art of confidence-life?

O my mind’s impurity,

When are you going to learn

The art of purity-manifestation?


9429. God's Attention-Smile


Human insecurity wants security.

Human security wants nothing else

But God’s special Attention-Smile.


9430. Manager Of The Universal Market


My greedy mind wants to be the manager

Of the universal market.

My loving heart longs to be the caretaker

Of the transcendental garden. ```

9431. A Falsehood-Loving Man


A falsehood-loving man

Is helplessly attached

To his unfulfilled desires.

A truth-loving man

Is sleeplessly devoted

To his unmanifested dreams.


9432. The Blossoming Delight Of Love


The outer life of man

Is the strangling love of ignorance.

The inner life of man

Is the blossoming delight of love. ```

9433. My Lord's Feet


When I tell my mind

That my Lord’s Face

Is extremely beautiful,

My heart immediately tells me

That my Lord’s Feet

Are infinitely more beautiful. ```

9434. When I Can Joke


When I can joke

With my mind’s tension-world,

God will give me

The needed competence

To become His choice instrument.


9435. Your Loyalty


Sincerity is your loyalty

To yourself.

Sympathy is your loyalty

To others.

Surrender is your loyalty

To your Beloved Supreme. ```

9436. His Life Is A Temple


His life is a temple

In God’s Compassion-Field.

His heart is a shrine

In God’s Illumination-Home. ```

9437. Looking For Asylum


His intellectual mind

Was so badly defeated and humiliated

In the inner world

That now he is looking for asylum

Where the utterly helpless

Human souls reside. ```

9438. An Expert In Sleeping


You are an expert

In sleeping long hours

In the night of forgetfulness.

Can you not become an expert

In singing and dancing constantly

In the bright dawn of wakefulness? ```

9439. The Mind Wants To Invent


The mind wants to invent

A new God.

The heart wants to discover

The ancient and eternal God. ```

9440. The First Thing I Did


The first and foremost thing I did

To receive God’s Blessing-Light

Was to tell God

That I love humanity, His creation,

Sincerely, soulfully and unreservedly.


9441. Each Soulful Thought


Each soulful thought

Is a powerful prayer.

Each powerful prayer

Is a fruitful vision of man

That is trying to grow into

The very image of God. ```

9442. Your Mind Is Not At All Ready


Your mind is looking

For a short-cut.

Your mind is looking

For an easy way to realisation.

Alas, alas, your mind is not at all ready

For God-realisation. ```

9443. O My Heart, Go Deeper


O my heart, go deeper

If you want to last longer.

O my life, look farther

If you want to last longer.

O my heart and life,

Do you not know that

The soul is supremely immortal

Precisely because it sees the Infinite

And is one with the Infinite?


9444. The Flame Of Fire-Pure Aspiration


Unless you have the flame

Of fire-pure aspiration,

How can you transform your nature?

How can you love the Divine in you

And fulfil the Real in you?


9445. My Soul's Tears Of Delight


My Lord Supreme,

I wish to place my heart-flower

At Your Compassion-Feet

So that I can become

My soul’s tears of delight.


9446. A Song Of The Unknown


What is life

If not a jungle of teeming desires?

What is death

If not a song of the unknown? ```

9447. For Centuries


My Lord,

I am sure that my life

Has been at Your Feet

For centuries.

My Lord,

I am sure that my heart

Has been inside Your Eye

For centuries.

My Lord,

I am sure that my soul

Has been carrying Your supreme Message

All over the world

For centuries.

Alas, how and why is it

That ruthless oblivion

Is still torturing me?


9448. You Are Your Suspicion-Mind


Since you are your suspicion-mind,

How can the current of ecstasy

Flow through you,

And how can God the eternal Satisfaction

Sing and dance before you?


9449. Your Victory's Trumpet-Voice


God is not interested in hearing

Your victory’s trumpet-voice.

God is only interested in seeing

Your thunder-will’s determination-volcano. ```

9450. Why Are You Forgetful?


Why are you forgetful

Of your soul’s inner promise?

Why are you forgetful

Of your heart’s inner peace?

Why are you forgetful

Of your life’s inner love? ```

9451. The Sun-Flooded Room


If your life loves God

Only unconsciously,

How will you ever see

The sun-flooded room of your soul? ```

9452. You Have No Idea


You have no idea

How much pressure

Still remains inside my mind.

You have no idea

How much pleasure

Still remains inside my life.


9453. Our Unforgivable Crime


We do not appreciate God:

This is our first crime.

We do not trust God:

This is our second crime.

Finally, we betray God:

This is our third, last and

Unforgivable crime.


9454. Your Inner Will Cannot Succeed


Your inner will cannot succeed

Because your outer mind

Has no receptivity

Or sense of responsibility

And has not yet welcomed

Your gratitude-heart. ```

9455. If You Are Negligent


If you are negligent in your duty,

God is not going to knock

At your heart’s door

Nor grant you the capacity

To see His Beauty’s all-illumining Sun.


9456. Two Hearts


A God-loving man has two hearts.

One heart suffers

With humanity;

The other enjoys Nectar-Delight

With Divinity.


9457. An Incessant Self-Giver


We cannot appreciate

An incessant talker,

But we do appreciate, admire and love

An incessant self-giver. ```

9458. When Each Day Dawns


When each day dawns,

The opportunity is again granted

For you to be a perfect instrument

Of your Beloved Supreme. ```

9459. How To Cure Falsehood?


How to cure falsehood?

Ask your mind to learn

The formula of

Oneness-love-truth. ```

9460. I Have Every Right


Because I am God’s chosen child,

I have every right to disown

The unreal in me, ignorance,

And the unreal around me, darkness. ```

9461. Only A Heart Of Love


No sermon can convince his mind.

No logic can convince his heart.

Only a heart of love

Can convince his mind, his heart

And his entire life.


9462. The Mind Of My Sound-Life


The mind of my sound-life

I have all along seen.

Now it is time for me to see,

Appreciate and admire

The heart of my silence-soul.


9463. The Foolish Way Of Life


At long last he has escaped

From the foolish way of life

That shamelessly and ceaselessly

Has tried to exhibit itself

In and through him.


9464. The Distributor Of Goodwill


O my mind,

You are telling me

That you have no work to do.

Can you not cheerfully be

The distributor of God’s Goodwill

To each and every human life? ```

9465. I Shall Build And Become


I shall show my love for God

By doing two things:

I shall build a temple

In each human heart,

And I shall become the sacrificial fire

On the altar of each human life. ```

9466. No Such Thing


There is no such thing

As the mind’s worthy desire.

There is no such thing

As the heart’s unworthy aspiration.

There is no such thing

As the soul’s useless realisation. ```

9467. Burials


Yesterday I buried

My dark disappointments.

Today I am burying

My proud unwillingness.

Tomorrow I shall bury

My earth-suspicion-ugliness. ```

9468. My Silver Dreams


My silver dreams

Are extremely powerful and beautiful,

For they are creating

My fruitful realities. ```

9469. Your Unwillingness To Accept Light


Your failure-life

Will never be punished.

It is your unwillingness

To accept light in God’s own Way

That will be severely punished.


9470. In My Sweet Dream-Life


In my sweet dream-life

I walk with God

The Compassion-Sea.

In my harsh reality-life

I follow God

The Justice-Sun.


9471. Not An Impossible Task


It may be a difficult task,

But not an impossible one,

For a seeker’s aspiration-light

To grow into an unconditional



9472. No Cloud Passes


No cloud passes

Between my aspiring heart

And my illumining soul.

No sunlight passes

Between my doubting mind

And my strangling vital.


9473. Can We Not Share?


My Lord Supreme,

Can we not share our responsibilities?

I shall deal with

The flood of quantity,

And You will take care of

The sea of quality. ```

9474. I Am So Happy


I am so happy

That I have altogether forgotten

My doubtful mind

And have accepted my inner light

Cheerfully, totally and unconditionally.


9475. If You Have Faith


If you have faith

In your love-power,

Then you can easily expedite

God’s choice Hour. ```

9476. To Accomplish Anything


If you want to accomplish anything

Divine and supreme

In your inner life,

Then destroy your train of fear.

If you want to accomplish anything

Divine and supreme

In your outer life,

Then destroy your chain of doubt. ```

9477. My Mind Is Evolving


My mind is evolving

By virtue of its self-conquest.

My heart is evolving

By virtue of its self-offering. ```

9478. My Heart's Humility-Nest


I love my heart’s tiny humility-nest

Infinitely more than

My mind’s huge arrogance-palace.


9479. Each Hope-Flame On Earth


Each hope-flame on earth

Awakens the seeker in man

And directs him towards

God-Light in Heaven. ```

9480. God The Compassion-Height


True, God the Justice-Light

And God the Compassion-Height

Are inseparably one,

But we all long for

Only God the Compassion-Height.


9481. Only A Heart Of Surrender


Only a heart of surrender

And a life of gratitude

Are proudly treasured

By our Beloved Supreme. ```

9482. Even God Is Employed


You are sad

That you are employed by someone

And are not your own master.

But do you not realise

That even God is employed

By His Compassion-Eye

And Forgiveness-Heart?


9483. To Determine God's Capacities


My aspiration-cries

And God’s Ecstasy-Skies

God created to determine

His own finite and infinite Capacities. ```

9484. Your Vital-Life Has Caused


Your vital-life has caused

Tremendous curiosity

In the world.

Your mind-life has caused

Tremendous confusion

In the world.

Your heart-life has spread

Tremendous luminosity

All around the world.


9485. You Will Be Perfect


You will be happy

If you turn your heart

Into a desireless God-seeker.

You will be perfect

If you turn your life

Into a sleepless God-lover.


9486. God Has Already Decreed It


Even a mind

Darker than a starless night

Will one day become as bright

As the sunlit day.

God has already decreed it.


9487. My Mind's Tension-World


My mind’s tension-world

Is crying and dying

To see the face

Of my soul’s earth-transforming light. ```

9488. Sincerity Is Not Dead


Sincerity is not dead.

It is the mind

That longs for sincerity

Which is long dead.

Purity is not dead.

It is the heart

That longs for purity

Which is long dead.

God is not dead.

It is the life

That longs for God

Which is long dead. ```

9489. God Believes In Progress


God believes in progress.

Therefore, there is always self-transcendence

Both in His Universal Life

And in His Transcendental Life.

Can we not imitate God?

Can we not make constant progress

And constantly transcend ourselves

The way God eternally does? ```

9490. In Vain My Heart Is Looking


In vain my heart is looking

For a smile to borrow

In this ill-fated world.


9491. A Beautiful Answer


God the Justice

Prompts a powerful question.

God the Compassion

Provides a beautiful answer. ```

9492. We Can Destroy The Destroyer


Misunderstanding is

The destroyer of love.

We can destroy the destroyer

By transcending the barriers

Of our own self-love.


9493. Your Heart's Compassion-Net


My Lord,

If I am supposed to catch

The ignorance of the world,

Then do give me Your Heart’s


If I am supposed to love

The beauty of the world,

Then do give me Your Heart’s



9494. My Mind Wants


My mind wants

Only to acquire.

My heart wants

Only to become.

My soul wants

Only to please the Supreme

In His own Way.


9495. The Human Life Is A Bridge


The human life is a bridge

Between man’s mortal hope

And God’s immortal Promise.


9496. You Are Also The Soul



You are not only the body,

You are not only the vital,

You are not only the mind,

You are not only the heart,

But you are also the soul,

Especially the soul.


9497. Your Master's Ocean


Once you enter into

Your Master’s ocean of oneness-love,

You will feel miserable for those

Who have not yet entered. ```

9498. Only One Message


Even if you are truly pleasing God,

He still has only one message for you:

“My child,

Your capacities have no limit.

You can aspire and achieve infinitely more.”


9499. God Knocked At Your Door


God came and knocked at your door

To tell you that you are

His supremely chosen instrument.

Alas, you left His knock unanswered. ```

9500. My Payment


My Lord,

You have granted me

A flood of enlightenment.

May I give You my payment

In endless gratitude?


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the ninety-fifth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy presents a bouquet to Mrs Coretta Scott King at a programme honouring her husband, the late Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, at the United Nations on 29 November 1977.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 95, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_95