Question: How can I control my moods?

Sri Chinmoy: Sometimes the weather is bright and sunny; sometimes it is all dark. In the spiritual life also, unless we have access to the inner sun, doubt can come and destroy our joy. Fear can come, lack of confidence can come, every undivine quality can come. What we need is inner happiness. Quite often I see you people laughing and joking, but that is not actually inner happiness. When you are inwardly happy, then you see that you are really making progress. Again, from inner happiness you can get outer happiness also. When outer happiness comes due to inner achievement, inner progress, then that outer happiness is real happiness. Otherwise, the so-called outer happiness is not genuine happiness.

In your case, what actually happens very often is that you feel inferior, which is absurd. You feel that so-and-so is superior to you. If I ask you how many people in the Centre are superior to you, then you will tell me that everybody, everybody is superior. Why do you have to think of them as superior and yourself as inferior? Just think of yourself as my spiritual child, as God's chosen child. Here we are all God's chosen children.

The inferiority complex creates a problem in your life. If somebody writes a poem or speaks to me, then immediately you feel inferior. I am so happy to tell you that in your case it is not jealousy that creates problems. In your case it is an inferior feeling, but that is also undivine. Please feel that it is not your problem whether somebody is superior or inferior to you. Your problem is to make progress for yourself. When you make real progress, at that time you will see that others are also making progress.

Please do not consciously cherish the feeling of inferiority. In God's family there are many persons. If one member of the family starts feeling that he is inferior, then he will always remain inferior in the mind, whether he is actually inferior or not. But if he thinks of himself always as a member of the family, then the question of superiority and inferiority does not arise.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Four intimate friends: insincerity, impurity, doubt and self-indulgence, Agni Press, 1977
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