From the Source to the Source


Right from my infancy my brother Chitta has inspired me, encouraged me and taught me lovingly and unreservedly how to devotedly and successfully enter into the poetry-world. Therefore today with my heart's boundless gratitude I am offering my seeker-poet's flower-gathering to him, the Source of my poetry-world.


7 January 1978

1. I need


I need

A new beginning-light.

I need

A new transcending height.

I need

A new fulfilling joy.

I need

A new God-loving Chinmoy. ```

2. I give, I live


I give,

With a sleepless smile I give.

I live,

With a breathless cry I live.

I sow,

The seed of peace I sow.

I row,

My golden boat I row. ```

3. That was the day of my golden dreams


That was the day

Of my golden dreams

When I firmly stood

Above human schemes,

Above earth-clay,

Above my cry,

Above my sigh,

Above world-snare,

God only my care.


4. I please my hunger stark


I please my hunger stark

And boldly enjoy my freedom-night.

I feed my climbing cry

And truly enjoy my freedom-light.

I know, no joy I know

Within, without, below, above.

Until I breathe and own

The life of my blue perfection-love. ```

5. My Lord in silence


My Lord in silence hears

My helpless cry.

My Lord in silence helps

My vision fly.

My Lord in silence kills

My human pride.

My Lord in silence gives

My heart a ride. ```

6. My heart-to-heart talk


My heart-to-heart

Talk with my Lord Supreme

Cancels my darkness-dream.

Am I not smart?

My heart-to-heart

Talk with my human souls

Takes me to eyeless goals;

Ere me death-dart. ```

7. I love


I love, O world,

No, not because I give.

I give because I love,

Because I live

In my Master's vision-sky

With my selfless glow.

Perfection now am I

In my breathless flow. ```

8. God loves my beauty's soul


God loves my beauty's soul,

Man loves my duty's role,

I love my mounting goal,

Long dead my sombre dole. ```

9. Anchor my roots have found


Anchor my roots have found

In my Lord's Compassion-Light.

I am on perfection-flight;

No more my life earth-bound. ```

10. I plumb my selfless life


I plumb my selfless life

To mirror God.

I brook no sleepless strife,

No terror-rod. ```

11. My love is free


My love is free,

A quick man-changer-light.

My peace is free,

A true God-tower-height. ```

12. A gift worth taking


A gift worth taking: joy.

A gift worth giving: poise.

A gift worth transcending: hope.

A gift worth breaking: noise. ```

13. Yours is the heart


Are you your own

Sublime self-styled boss?

Yours is the heart

Of breathless and godless loss.

Are you your own

Soulful devotion-slave?

Yours is the crown

Of matchless victory brave. ```

14. We deserve


One thing you,

Only you deserve: delight.

One thing he,

Only he deserves: soul-flight.

One thing I,

Only I deserve: God-choice.

One thing all,

Only all deserve: Truth-voice. ```

15. Although I brag


Although I brag and brag,

Nothing to brag about.

Although I drag and drag,

Nothing to drag around.

Although I cry and cry,

Nothing I truly need.

Although I search and search,

Nothing yet I have found. ```

16. A big mistake


A big mistake:

I love my face

Of black disgrace.

A big success:

I love my dream,

Sky-blue Supreme. ```

17. From death to life


From death to life

Promise, my friend supreme, beckons

My feeble sight.

From life to death

Failure, my giant foe, marshals

My human right. ```

18. Things are totally different now


Things are totally different now.

My Saviour-Friend forgets to smile.

I truly know not why and how.

Things are shockingly different now.

I forget my morning prayer-cry.

I truly know not why and how.


19. Don't fool yourself!


Don't fool yourself!

Day in, day out

You sport and shout.

You need my help.

Don't fool yourself!

Precious your life,

A venom-knife.

You need my help. ```

20. Your life a God-Dream


Watch your step!

Danger, keep off, I say.

Yours is the life

Not made of sordid clay;

Your life a God-Dream

Slowly shall blossom pure

And touch the sun

In all its brilliance sure. ```

21. O doubt, my tricky foe


O doubt, my tricky foe,

Away you needs must go.

My heart desires delight,

My life, perfection-light,

My soul, God and God-height,

My world, taut oneness-might.

O doubt, my tricky foe,

Away you needs must go. ```

22. Follow the leader great and good


Follow the leader great and good,


His beauty's boat is serving nectar-food.


Not in the mire of pleasure-sleep.


Awake and dive into your ecstasy deep.

Be wise! ```

23. Stop, O trouble-maker!


Stop, O trouble-maker!

My friend, trouble-shooter,

Is all ready

To end your eyeless play.

You and your wiles forced me

To climb life's nothingness-tree.

O trouble-maker, stop,

Stop your frontless hop. ```

24. Behold your life


Alas, an all-day sermon-food

Has ruined your child-heart's beauty-glow.

Behold your life and its nothingness-flow!

Dive deep within to see the face —

You be your friend and teacher good —

Of loving and guiding summit-grace. ```

25. Your little world God needs


Go pay high wages, sure,

My friends, only be pure.

Your little world God needs

Because its dream-boat feeds

Slowly His Hunger deep.

Awake, no comatose sleep! ```

26. He practises what he preached


He practises what he preached:


He purchases what he sold:

Surrender-toy. ```

27. I told you so


I told you so.

Your eyes shall see

The face of Light.

I told you so.

I told you so.

Your heart shall serve


I told you so.

I told you so.

Your soul shall give


I told you so. ```

28. You are not too late


You are too late, who says?

No, you are not.

Ignorance taut

In utter silence slays

Your journey's birth,

Your Godward mirth,

Your spirit's beauty-rays.

You are not too late.

Again begin your quest

For divinity-nest.

Resume your summit plays.


29. You are crazy


You are crazy, insane; you fool,

You miss often your inner school.

You are impure beyond measure;

You need a heavy, ruthless pressure.

You are jealous and insecure;

In you purity fails to smile and endure. ```

30. I sing


I sing,

No, not because

I have a superb voice;


Because I fulfil

God's unhorizoned Choice. ```

31. O tears of anguish dark


O tears of anguish dark,

Your lance has smashed my pride.

In vain I cry and sigh,

No hole for me to hide. ```

32. The wings of my black desire


The wings of my black desire

I shall now clip.

My ego-trip

I have cancelled to aspire,

Slowly to win the race

Of God's sweet Haven-Grace. ```

33. Some other time


Some other time,

Man, I shall love your aspiration-flame.

I hope it meets with your

Approval white.

Some other time,

God, I shall love Your Oneness-Game.

I hope it meets with Your

Approval-Light. ```

34. Dreamers of dreams


Dreamers of dreams,

You are the chosen servers pure

Of God-descending flames

To transform human frames

Into perfection-dawns secure,

Dreamers of dreams! ```

35. Laughers will be losers


Laughers will be losers,

Just wait and see.

Seekers will be winners

Of nectar-sea.

Doubters will be losers,

Just wait and see.

Lovers will be winners

Of freedom free. ```

36. Not fit


Not fit to live

A seeker's breath;

Therefore I die.

Not fit to die

A hero's death;

Therefore I live.

Not fit to perform

A soulful dance;

Therefore I sleep.

Not fit to sleep

A fruitful trance;

Therefore I weep. ```

37. Scoffers, beware!


Scoffers, beware!

A tiny thing,


Can torture your hearts.

Therefore, beware

And do not dare. ```

38. O magic sleep


O magic sleep,

You are so deep,

You are all love.

O magic sleep,

Do keep me, keep

As your purity-dove.

O magic sleep,

I sow and reap

Oneness above.


39. Don't be surprised


Don't be surprised at all;

I have measured my Lord's Perfection-Strength.

Although I am weak and small

I have travelled His Oneness-Length. ```

40. Oh now I know


Oh now I know

Why I always fail:

This world I blindly assail.

Oh now I know

Why I always fail:

I love my body-jail. ```

41. A sea of great confusion stark


A sea of great confusion stark

I know, I know, I certainly know

In my vital mind.

In it I find

No light; I bark frustration-bark.

Alas, I love this weakness-flow. ```

42. Daggers


Dagger of the heart: impurity.

Dagger of the vital: frustration.

Dagger of the mind: doubt.

Dagger of the body: conflagration. ```

43. In vain I try


To unmask falsehood

And its titan brood

In vain I try,

In vain I cry.

Yet hope-bud must bloom.

For me no doom. ```

44. A world I had


A world of fruitful days

I had, I had.


My heart was glad.

A world of soulful nights

I had, I had.

But now

Long lost; I am mad.


45. The touch of the stars


The touch of the stars

Awakens my inner cry.

To love the stars

I shall now soulfully try.

Each star grants me

A hope of perfection-morn;

Each star helps me,

Blesses me with God-Victory's Horn. ```

46. Peace is pure love


Peace is pure love,

Believe it or not.

Joy is pure life,

Believe it or not.

God is pure man,

Believe it or not. ```

47. Your silence


Your silence, secret as the grave,

Your smile, sacred as the shrine,

Your love, as pure as mine;

Ignorance-night we brave. ```

48. You are my ladder-height


You are my ladder-height,

O aspiration-song,

To reach the light

Of the skies ere long.

All worlds shall throng

To drink silence-delight. ```

49. Thy heart, my hiding place


Thy Heart, my hiding place;

My life is all disgrace.

Thy Smile, my hiding place;

I am my shameless face.

Thy Feet, my hiding place;

I shall stop my backward race. ```

50. Lift up your eyes


Lift up your eyes.

Beautiful they are

From near, afar.

Lift up your arms.

Powerful they are,

Duty's tower.

Lift up your head.

Watch Heaven's dance,

A oneness-trance.


51. O Master, hide my soul


O Master, hide my soul;

It is not doing its task.

It cares not to unmask

My heart's pure, crying role.

Therefore I have no goal,

A flood of increasing dole. ```

52. With you alone


With you alone

Is perfection-heart,

To you alone

Bows low death-dart.

In you alone

Is God's God-Pride,

For you alone

God's worlds abide. ```

53. Truth is alone


Truth is alone.

Go and converse

With it today.

Go, go and play.

You needs must go,

Not the reverse. ```

54. The burial hour


The burial hour

Of my black desire,

The cremating hour

Of my bondage-fire

I still remember

With boundless pride

In my seeking's ride.


55. An eternal note of sadness-night


An eternal note of sadness-night

Haunts me, my all, today.

No death of my bondage-clay,

No birth of my freedom-play,

No hope of my silence-ray;

I am all lost in frustration-flight. ```

56. I know, I know


I know, I know

Of human bondage-night.

I also know

Of sky-freedom-delight.

I know, I know

When feeble hope cries.

I also know

The land empty of sighs. ```

57. I was a chainless soul


I was a chainless soul

And now a fruitless life.

I was a vision-goal

And now a ceaseless strife. ```

58. Faith shines equal


Faith shines equal

To success-height.

Faith shines equal

To progress-light.

Faith shines equal

To perfection-sight.

Faith shines equal

To oneness-delight. ```

59. Helpless is my world within


Helpless is my world within,

Hopeless is my world without,

Soulless is my mind's desiring night,

Goalless is my body-vital fight. ```

60. Your magic life


Your magic life,

White aspiration and black desire,

I fail to enjoy.

I shall employ

Blue realisation and gold manifestation

In one boundless sea of God-fire.


61. Strengthen me


Strengthen me, my heart-faith.

Enlighten me, my mind-choice.

Awaken me, my body-sleep.

Quicken me, my vital-voice. ```

62. Futility, my body's life


Futility, my body's life,

Ability, my soul's eye,

Necessity, my heart's cry;

Behold, perfection-sky! ```

63. No harm is meant


No harm is meant.

You are not good,

You eat no soul-food.

No harm is meant.

No harm is meant.

Everyone you fear

Both far and near.

No harm is meant. ```

64. Frail thoughts shall fail


Frail thoughts shall fail.


Their right room is jail.

Strong will will fly,


Its right place, the sky. ```

65. Look where I am


Look where I am.

Earth, weep no more;

I am all for you

At your heart's door. ```

66. I saw my Source


With ecstasy pure

I saw my Source,

With surrender sure

I shall take His Course. ```

67. To serve my Maker-Lord


To serve my Maker-Lord

I saw the light of day,

To love my Beloved Friend

I began our oneness-play. ```

68. Worlds not realised


Worlds not realised

Cannot be divinised.

Truth not manifested

Cannot be perfected.

Vision not achieved

Cannot be perceived. ```

69. I am always on my Maker's side


I am always on my Maker's side;

No, not because

Daily He gives my heart a ride,

Oh, but because

I am allowed in His Heart to hide.


70. I love your Thunder-Sound


My Lord, I love Your Thunder-Sound.

In it Your Vision-Eye is found.

My Lord, I love Your Silence-Sky.

It loves my life and helps me fly. ```

71. Faults to hide


Faults to hide,

Pardon to ride.

Life to cry,

Love to fly.

Light to see,

Truth to be. ```

72. Freedom is my hope


Freedom is my hope,

Bondage is my scope.

Plenty is my fun,

Scanty is my sun. ```

73. My heart has heard the Call


My heart has heard the Call;

My life never shall fall.

My soul has seen the Face;

For me, nothing but Grace. ```

74. Man's ways to God


Man's ways to God:

Conceal and deceive.

God's ways to man:

Just claim and receive. ```

75. My Lord is mine


My Lord is mine.

To Him I pray,

With Him I play.

We both are fine.

My Lord is mine.

For Him I sing,

To Him I bring

My selfless shrine. ```

76. Where is the goal?


O pioneer-soul

Of my heart-life,

Where is the goal?

All-where death-knife.

Where is God-Love

And where is He?

Below, above

I, a barren tree. ```

77. My Lord Supreme


My Lord Supreme

I know, I know

Each heart-endeavour

Awakens ere long

A living splendour,

My Lord Supreme. ```

78. I cannot hope


I cannot hope,

I cannot sing;

Around me a rope,

A temptation-ring.

No hope, no hope,

No joy, no joy;

I shall just grope,

A feeble toy. ```

79. I am really sorry


Sorry, sorry, I am really sorry,

O man,

You are falling from my remembrance-tree.

Delight, delight, all-where ceaseless delight.


Your Bounty high has sealed the face of night. ```

80. You do not care


You do not care

For truth.

You do not care

For light.

You do not care

For peace.

You care only for

"I"-ness-might. ```

81. I am in touch


I am in touch

With God.

I am in touch

With God's Vision-Light.

I am in touch

With man.

I am in touch

With man's feeble sight. ```

82. Although I am made of clay


Although I am made of clay

Dauntless I shall stay

To be a perfect slave

Of God's nightless Day. ```

83. O circus-delight of horizon-light


O circus-delight

Of horizon-light,

You have invited me.

Alas, just see


Has caught me taut.

Alas, totally unsought.


84. Easy


Easy to cry,

Easy to fly.

Easy to fear,

Easy to spear.

Easy to sow,

Easy to grow.

Easy to think,

Easy to sink. ```

85. O hope


O hope, you are my treasure dear

Of a long century.

Because of you I see not the fear

Of stark penury. ```

86. The night is darkening


The night is darkening

Around my mind.

The day is breaking

Within my heart.

God-Truth is dawning

Inside my life.

God-Light is clearing

My journey's start. ```

87. O beginningless beginning


O beginningless beginning,

My soul embodies your meaning.

O ceaseless end, O ceaseless end,

In me you will find your only friend. ```

88. Yours are the untold crimes


Yours are the untold crimes

Beyond all pardon-light.

Yours is the foolish pride,

Just-arrived destruction-night. ```

89. A single human cry


A single human cry

Can easily bring down God the Grace.

A single smile divine

Can swiftly transform mortal face. ```

90. Lord, I cannot live with you


Lord, I cannot live with You

Because You are too great.

Lord, I cannot live without You

Because You are the net.

Lord, I cannot think of You

Because You are too high.

Lord, I can think of You

Because You hear my cry. ```

91. To be a cosmic god


To be a cosmic god

I soulfully pray

And tearfully cry.

To be another God

I smilingly play

And sleeplessly fly. ```

92. Although he brags


Although he brags,

His present life,

Nothing to show.

Although he drags

His previous life,

Nothing to glow.


93. O greedy hands


O greedy hands,

Never to grasp

The world and its achievements great.

O greedy eyes,

Never to clasp

And capture the world with your lurid net.


94. This is my sermon-time


This is my sermon-time.

O brother-world, your silence I need.

This is my sermon-time.

O mother-earth, your cries I shall feed. ```

95. I shall inspire once more


I shall inspire once more the world

Before I leave,

And then a sigh of pure relief

My life shall heave. ```

96. I dearly love my India


I dearly love my India

And its age-old silence-peace.

I dearly love my America

And its child-heart's beauty increase. ```

97. In silence-love I cry


In silence-love I cry,

In silence-joy I fly,

In silence-song I give,

In silence-dance I live. ```

98. New floor of silence-height


New floor of silence-height,

New sky of vision-light,

I shall reach by tonight.


99. You and your unfaltering trust


You and your unfaltering trust

Shall win the Godward race.

You and your unconditional dove

Shall win God's God-Embrace. ```

100. Who asked you to remain unrealised?


Who asked you to remain unrealised?

It was your own stupid mistake.

Who asked you to remain imperfect?

Now cure yourself from your Eternity's ache! ```

101. One soulful hope


Although in despair-night it gropes,

One soulful hope forever hopes

To muster my Lord's binding ropes.


102. All shrines are oneness-one


All shrines are oneness-one,

But not the seeker's mind unripe.

He plays his soulless division-pipe;

God-touch remains undone. ```

103. A single Heaven-flame


A single Heaven-flame

Gave his life boundless fame,

A single Heaven-flame.

A single Heaven-flame

In silence taught him God-game,

A single Heaven-flame.


104. O matchless beauty's smiling sky


O matchless beauty's smiling sky,

Once more my heart shall cry,

Once more my mind shall try

For a vastness-shower to you to fly. ```

105. The fount of life


The fount of life quickens

My heart,

The fount of life.

The round of life weakens

My mind,

The round of life.

The love of life strengthens

My all,

The love of life.


106. O sunlit silence-life


O sunlit silence-life,

I need your strength

To cover the length

Of breathless human strife.

O sunlit silence-soul,

I need your love

To be your dove

To clasp my longing's goal. ```

107. My song


My song, my song,

My song is my heart-offering-joy.

My song, my song,

My song is my God-cherished toy. ```

108. Earth is crying for a new birth


Earth is crying for a new birth;

O Lord, give her another chance.

I pray to You to give her mirth

And free her heart from titan-lance. ```

109. A garland of soul-victory


A garland of soul-victory

Has made him dance.

A smile of silence-sky

Has granted him trance. ```

110. A human voice of the divine


A human voice of the divine

Taught his heart how to cry.

A voice divine of a human soul

Taught his life how to fly. ```

111. Peace smiles


Peace smiles in acceptance-joy,

Nothing on earth to annoy.

Love triumphs in oneness-play,

Oneness with man's deathless day. ```

112. I fly from sky to sky


I fly from sky to sky,

I run from clime to clime

Soulfully to do God's Will

And play with His Vision-Time. ```

113. All I had


My Lord, although quite thick, not thin,

All I had was an ego-skin.

I danced with breathless bravado-din.

My Lord, now all I have is Thine

And all I have is Thee; I shine

In Thy Nectar-Love, Compassion divine.


114. My sound campaigns


My sound campaigns,

My silence contains,

My vital entertains,

My mind complains,

My heart maintains,

My life attains,

My body remains,

My soul retains. ```

115. A place of mystic grace


My heart a place

Of mystic grace,

My soulful smile

Knows no decay.

Each day I join

The inner race,

Each day my Lord's

Beauty I portray. ```

116. I always begin my day


I always begin my day

In my Lord Pilot Supreme.

I always end my day

Fulfilling His Nectar-Dream. ```

117. Aflame with faith


Aflame with faith

I touched the feet

Of divinity-man.

Aflame with love

I breathed the heart

Of humanity-plan.


118. No iota of pride


Love has no iota of pride.


It has nothing to hide.

Joy has no iota of fear.


All soulfully dear.


119. My heart-cry ascends


My heart-cry

Ascends with prayer-might.

My life-smile

Ascends in meditation-light. ```

120. Friends big and small


They all love me,

Friends big and small.

I love them all


They need my will,

I need their arms.

They need my charms,

I need their skill. ```

121. My love shall chant God's Name


My love shall chant

God's Name.

My joy shall dote

On God's Fame.

My life shall invoke

God's Grace.

My death shall see

God's Face. ```

122. Nothing more illumining


Nothing more illumining

Than silence-cry.

Nothing more fulfilling

Than vision-sky. ```

123. When I take shelter


When I take shelter

In my Master's eye

I see star-twinkling sky.

When I take shelter

In my Master's heart,

I devour death-dart.

When I take shelter

At my Master's feet

Ignorance-dream I quit.


124. Your dauntless will


Use your dauntless will.

Floods from thought-sea

You can easily kill.


125. Silence-tears I weep


Silence-tears I weep,

Silence-smiles I smile,

Silence-man I adore,

Silence-God opens my door. ```

126. For love you find one thing


For love you bind,

For love you blind,

For love you find

One thing: oneness —

Earth-bound oneness-night,

Heaven-free oneness-light. ```

127. One gleam of faith


One gleam of faith

Can end ignorance-play.

One streak of ray

Can usher in timeless day. ```

128. A great man is my pride


A great man is my pride,

A good man is my ideal,

A God-man is really real.


129. A ring of hallowed flame


A ring of hallowed flame

Protected his life, his all.

He is God-flame's cherished doll.


130. The challenger


He challenged man only to annoy,

He challenged earth only to enjoy,

He challenged Heaven only to dare,

He challenged God only to share. ```

131. No aspiration?


No aspiration?

Then death is fast approaching you.

No dedication?

Then failure-beggar is demanding you. ```

132. Flowers that will never bloom


Flowers that will never bloom:




Flowers that will always bloom:



Insecurity-course. ```

133. My sad sorrow


My sad sorrow

Creates your ecstasy-height.

My glad delight

Removes your demise-night. ```

134. When a man seems to care for me


When a man seems to care for me

I fly.

When my God seems to care for me

I cry.

And when I seem to care for me

I die. ```

135. Life is my philosophy-sight


Life is my philosophy-sight,

Heart is my religion pure,

Yoga is my preparation-light,

God is my only Friend-Love sure. ```

136. I think, I think


I think, I think

Only to sink.

I pray, I pray

Only to decay.

I meditate, I meditate

Only to mediate


Perfection-life. ```

137. That Dreamer divine


That Dreamer divine who was in you

Is fulfilled now.

Tell me, do you know, do you know,

Friend, why and how?

Precisely because

Your heart treasures the dreamland-hue. ```

138. The clasp of peace


The clasp of peace,

The grasp of power,

The wasp of fear,

Build my breath-tower. ```

139. The blossom of a second life


The blossom of a second life

Brings me a sea of hope.

The demise of a second life

Envelops my august scope. ```

140. Each man is a new dream of God


Each man is a new dream of God,

Each man is a new life of truth,

Each man is a new soul of love,

Each man is a new flood of ruth. ```

141.The cries of my heart


The cries of my heart

Have made me a divinity-flame.

The sighs of my life

Have helped me play with God, God's Game. ```

142. My heart is ready


My heart is ready.

You may feed it

With your cosmic ray.

You may break it

In your own way.

My heart is ready. ```

143. This simple answer


"I do not know."

This simple answer

Has saved me,

My smooth life-flow,

Time and again

From complication-chain,


Stark falsehood gain. ```

144. Deep Compassion of Your Face


Deep Compassion of Your Face

Saves me, my life, my all.

I shall obey Your Call.

With me start a new race. ```

145. O friends of God-love


O pure and sweet friends of God-love

Within, without, below, above,

I sing a soulful prayer

In the morning,

I dance a fruitful meditation

In the evening. ```

146. Why do I cry?


Why do I cry?

Why do I sigh?

My Lord I love,

I am His dove. ```

147. The vision of your tears


The vision of your tears pure

Has made you a God-lover,

A high realisation-tower,

A perfect oneness-power. ```

148. A world of true aspiration


A world of true aspiration

Empty of frustration,

A world of true dedication

Empty of isolation. ```

149. My heart is open to all


My heart is open to all.

I shall be their friend and slave.

I shall love them, their hearts,

I shall serve them, their lives.

A new road I shall pave

For their new journey's new start. ```

150. I have found


In my God-love I have found

What I once sadly lost:

My selfless love for all —

Weak, strong, big, small. ```

151. How many blessings?


How many blessings

I really enjoy?

Two, only two:

I daily destroy


Constantly I vote

For the Supreme.


152. The song of freedom divine


The song of freedom divine

Smashes the pride of death.

The song of human freedom,

Lo, loses precious breath. ```

153. A temple inside your longing body


A temple inside your longing body;


You are so divinely pure.

A living God within your heart;


You are so supremely sure.


154. My prayer ascends


Slowly and steadily

My prayer ascends,

Like a blue bird.

Softly and divinely

My service descends,

Like a heavy rain. ```

155. My heart's sore need


My heart's sore need:

Delight, only delight,

Inside purity-height

To feed my Master, feed. ```

156. My dream has now come true


My dream has now come true.

I am seeing my beauty's flower.

I am scanning my duty's tower.

I am smiling with divinity-hour.

I am enjoying perfection-shower.


157. Love spreads its wings


Love spreads its wings

Measurelessly, all-where.

Joy opens its heart

With its perfect care. ```

158. Beyond the welkin-rim


Are you dying for a dream?

Then quickly come to me.

Beyond the welkin-rim

I shall set your vision free. ```

159. Your childlike faith


Your childlike faith

I love, I enjoy, I treasure.

Your saintlike heart

I worship beyond measure. ```

160. I fear no more


I fear no more;

I am now completely free.

I doubt no more;

My mind a sheltering tree. ```

161. Two are the duties of the soul


Two are the duties of the soul:

To shower God's Grace

On earth's crying night,

To preserve God's Face

In Heaven's smiling light.


162. Two favourite things


I have just two favourite things:

I cry and smile,

I smile and cry.

To cry for God's Beauty's Length,

I smile at man's duty's strength.


163. Your smile falls sweet


Your smile falls sweet

At your great compassion-hour;

Therein my psychic heart-flower,



My life is neat. ```

164. A sudden thought of God


A sudden thought of God

Has freed his human life

From the world of clamour-din.

He tastes God-freedom within. ```

165. To see my Pilot Supreme


To see my Pilot Supreme

In vain I tried,

In vain I cried,

In vain I sighed,

In vain I died.

My dream remains the dream. ```

166. Star-like you soar


Star-like you soar,

Lion-like you roar.

Child-like you stay,

God-like you play. ```

167. Lost in stormy vision


Lost in stormy vision,

Caught in murky mission,

Dead in ignorance-dream;

Yet he loves his Supreme. ```

168. Comfort is but pain


Comfort is but pain;

Pleasure is but chain.

Love is God-joy;

Surrender is God-toy. ```

169. You rise in perfect light


You rise in perfect light,

You dive in perfect poise,

You run in perfect speed,

You sing in perfect voice. ```

170. Earth's bleeding heart I own


Earth's bleeding heart,

I own.

Heaven's smiling face,

I sow.

Man's doubting mind,

I condone.

God's forgiving Eye,

I know. ```

171. One lightning hope


One lightning hope

And he became


One surrendered thought

And he became

Perfection-goal. ```

172. United in hallowed love


United in hallowed love

My life, my soul, my heart

Are dreaming now in me

Where I see death-dart. ```

173. Depths of a God-hungry heart


Depths of a God-hungry heart

Every day I employ.

Delight of a God-nourished meal

Every day I enjoy. ```

174. Hope is Heaven-glow


Hope is Heaven-glow,

Fear is a titan-blow.

Doubt is death-dart,

Faith is God-start. ```

175. Your flaming will


Your flaming will

I admire and I adore.

Your surrendered will

Is perfection's God-Door. ```

176. In the smile of man


In the smile of man

I see my blossoming future-soul.

In the Smile of God

I see my own Eternity's Goal. ```

177. My sweet Lord loves my hope


My sweet Lord loves my hope.


Smiling I soar.

My sweet Lord feeds my faith.


Dancing I roar.


178. A path of silence-light


A path of silence-light

Before my longing sight.

A path of God-delight

Cancels my age-old night. ```

179. A Heaven-hungry man


A Heaven-hungry man

Is fed by a blossoming ken.

An earth-hungry God

Is blessed by a roaring den. ```

180. Hope is Heaven's feet


Hope is Heaven's feet,

Work is Heaven's eye,

Love is Heaven's pride,

Joy is Heaven's sky. ```

181. Your blossoming heart


Your blossoming heart

The world adores.

Your doubting mind

The world abhors.

Your sleeping body

The world forgives.

Your challenging vital

The world achieves. ```

182. Earth's tears, Heaven's smiles


Earth's tears,

Heaven's smiles

Have made

Me really good.

Their love,

Their joy:

My choice,

My only food. ```

183. Although I tried


Although I tried

Time and again

To raise your life

From sorrow's pain,

I failed to succeed.

Yet I shall proceed. ```

184. The summit of human task


The summit of human task:

Love, serve and wait.

The summit of task divine:

Enter earth-heart's closed gate. ```

185. In rapture of service-dance


In rapture of service-dance

My boat and I sail.

An ancient cosmic mask

I shall unveil. ```

186. I sing through my heart-tears


I sing through my heart-tears,

I smile through my soul-flame,

I love with my service-life,

I cherish surrender-game. ```

187. Vaster than the sky


Vaster than the sky,

Deeper than the sea,

Purer than the moon,

Man's God-Oneness-Tree. ```

188. Give me your soulful heart


Give me your soulful heart

To take my fruitful soul.

Give me your service-role

To own my summit-goal. ```

189. Truth is a shield


Truth is a shield,

Love is a field.

Man is a song,

God is a gong. ```

190. Offering


To each loving and smiling heart

I offer my gratitude-heart.

To each serving and surrendering heart

I offer my God-Vision heart. ```

191. The story of my doleful heart


The story of my doleful heart

Nobody wants to hear.

The story of my dying life:

For this even God does not care. ```

192. A white flame


A white flame slakes

My quenchless thirst.

A blue flame in me

Shall play and last. ```

193. My tears are serving God


My tears are serving God,

My smiles are serving me,

My heart is serving man,

This is my life history. ```

194. Into the world I came


Into the world I came

No, not for earthly fame,

No, not for Heavenly gain,

But to be the love-fountain. ```

195. I love my earth


I love my earth.

I shall always love

Around me, above




196. I shall spread garlands at Your Feet


Lord, I shall spread

Garlands at Your Feet

To make me happy and good.

My Lord Supreme,

You are so kind,

So sweet, such Nectar-Food. ```

197. The treasures of my tears


The treasures of my tears:

Not only priceless,

Birthless and deathless too.

Always they will triumph

And never meet a Waterloo.


198. Your beauty hides unseen


Your beauty hides unseen,

Your song remains unheard,

Your duty drives unloved;

Nothing for you unbarred. ```

199. Where beauty and duty shine


Where beauty and duty shine

I dance my cosmic dance,

I stab the pride of death-lance

With my Father-Friend

To dine.


200. I invoke the flaming dawn


I invoke the flaming dawn.

Someday, someday,

This life of clay,

This vital display

Surely shall die;

I shall own bliss-sky. ```

201. Too great for haste


Too great for haste,

Your mind.

Too good for hate,

Your heart.

Too divine for insecurity-night,

Your vital.

Too kind for strangling fight,

Your body. ```

202. Oh where is hell?


Oh where is hell?


Who can tell?

I know quite well.

Try your mind-cave.


203. Although I am not deep


Although I am not deep,

My sleep is deep.

Although I am not vast,

My ignorance is vast.

Although I do not weep,

My hot tears weep.

Although I do not fast,

My children fast. ```

204. I had a dream


I had a dream,

I had a dream:

God will make me

His Compassion-Stream.

I had a dream,

I had a dream:

God needs my smile

To support His Team. ```

205. I see in him no more a beast


I see in him no more a beast.

His human life is released,

His divine life has increased;

He will ere long enjoy God-feast. ```

206. What shall I do?


What shall I do?

The world is so unkind.

What shall I do?

The world is totally blind.

What shall I do?

Mine is a doubt-cherished mind.

What shall I do?

My Lord I never find. ```

207. I do not sing


I do not sing,

I cannot sing.

But I love and serve,

I cry and sigh;

God-pride I bring.


208. No haste


No haste, no haste;

Just slowly taste

The beauty of your core —

More, ever more. ```

209. You will have my bosom-key


You will have my bosom-key

I can easily forsee.

You will have my blessing-pride

And my own chariot-ride. ```

210. I have no skill


I have no skill,

I have no scheme,

I have no dream,

I have no will.

I have but one thing:

God-Compassion-Ring. ```

211. My mind shall not complain


My mind shall not complain,

My heart shall not explain,

My vital shall abstain,

My body shall attain. ```

212. You teach


You teach

The world how to reach


I tell

The world to enjoy


You teach

The world how to be


I tell

The world to drink

Ignorance-sea. ```

213. No one



Who can feed

My greed?

No one.


Who can lead

My speed?

No one. ```

214. I shall sow the seed of love


I shall sow the seed

Of love.

I shall not mislead


My heart shall accede

To truth.

My soul shall precede

My march. ```

215. Here is the key


Here is the key

To open my heart.

Here is the smile

To remove world-dirt.

Here is the sea

Of oneness-glee. ```

216. Your love has heard your plea


O devotee,

Can you not ever foresee

Your realisation-tree?

O devotee,

Your love has heard your plea.

Lo, the world-perfection-key. ```

217. Mine is the heart


Mine is the heart

That knows

How to cry.

Mine is the soul

That knows

How to fly.

Mine is the mind

That knows

How to lie.

Mine is the vital

That knows

How to tie.

Mine is the body

That knows

How to die.


218. This is my fate


This is my fate.


This is my fate:

I have forgotten

To open

My own heart-gate.

This is my fate.


This is my fate:

I have forgotten

My last

God-interview date. ```

219. My soul shall always share


My soul shall always share,

My heart shall always care,

My life shall always dare,

I shall give God-Oneness rare. ```

220. What you truly need


What you truly need

Is a listening ear.

What you truly need

Is a comrade dear.

What you truly need

Is a perfect earth.

What you truly need

Is God's new birth. ```

221. This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way:


To win God-Day,

With God to play,

To transform earth-clay.


This is the way.


222. I love the beauty of sleeping flowers


I love the beauty

Of sleeping flowers.

I love the purity

Of dying mortals.

I love the divinity

Of seeking souls. ```

223. To be a friend divine


To be a friend divine

I must be a supreme friend.

Indeed, this is the way

My stupid life I end. ```

224. One thing I know


One thing I know:

Heaven is unkind.

One thing I see:

This world is slow.

One thing I sow:

Sincerity. ```

225. Heaven's will leads me


Heaven's will leads me, my mind,

Earth's will feeds me, my heart,

God's Will removes destruction-dart,

My will desires nothing to find. ```

226. I love because I must


I love

Because I must.

I serve

Because I love,

I pray

Because I need.

I smile

Because I feed. ```

227. How can I forget you?


How can I forget you?

You are so kind.

Am I so blind?

How can I forget you?

You are so true

In all you do.

How can I forget you?

You are God's Choice,

You are man's voice.


228. I think of God


I think of God


He is so kind.

I think of man


He is so sad.

I think of me


I am so blind.

I think of you


You are so mad. ```

229. O deaf Heaven


O deaf Heaven

I have two ears.

You can have one.

Gladly I shall share.

O eyeless earth

I have two eyes.

You can have one.

Sincerely I care. ```

230. Never shall I be a quitter


Never shall I be a quitter.

Am I not a life-lover?

Never shall I be a quitter.

Am I not a man-server?

Never shall I be a quitter.

Am I not for God the Creation?

Never shall I be a quitter.

Am I not for God the Satisfaction? ```

231. Two distant friends


Two distant friends meet:

The finite cry


The infinite smile.

Soulfully I love the two,

Equally I greet. ```

232. God-thought has taught me



Has taught


My cry,

How to smile.




Have become

My oneness-tree. ```

233. His dying hopes he left behind


His dying hopes

He left behind.

In mankind God will see

His Fruit-Vision-Tree. ```

234. He sang his swan song


He sang his swan song:

"Man is great,

God is good,

Life is hunger,

Death is food."


235. What I cannot do


What I cannot do:

I cannot love ignorance-shower,

I cannot live with frustration-tower.

What I can do:

I can see God face-to-face,

I can love God more than I do,

I always can serve God

To become a competitor

In the pioneer-race.


236. Your service-tree is blossoming now


Your service-tree

Is blossoming now.

Your surrender-fruits

Have kept your vow. ```

237. Indeed, this is the end



This is the end.

My mind

And I

Shall not try.

My heart

And I

Shall not cry.

My vital

And I

Shall not sigh.

My body

And I

Shall just die. ```

238. You always keep your poise


You always keep

Your poise

No matter what happens.


Sits at your feet.

For you, for you alone,



239. The beckoning sky


The beckoning sky:

I love your role.

The loving moon:

I love your soul.

The illumining sun:

You are my goal. ```

240. I love my task


I love my task:

Daily I unmask

My inner flame,

Daily I invite



241. I demand nothing


O Heaven-Light

Although you are so kind

I demand nothing

From you.

O earth-delight

Since you are truly blind

I demand nothing

From you. ```

242. Fatherhood of God


Fatherhood of God

Is when we envision

Our duty's height.

Brotherhood of God

Is when we spread

Our beauty's life. ```

243. I am not ready


I am not ready

To feel the heart of man.

I am not ready

To see the Face of God.


I am all ready

To give my soulful ken

To man.


I am all ready

To give my crying face

To God. ```

244. Great is he


Great is he

Who lives

In Heaven's charming beauty.

Good is he

Who dies for

Earth's fulfilling liberty. ```

245. On my way back to life


On my way back to life,

Life offered me its blossoming soul.

On my way back to death

Death offered me its resting goal. ```

246. Your need and love are one


Your need and love are one;

You see their oneness white.

In them you see and feel

Your satisfaction-light. ```

247. Four important failures


Four important failures:

Earth has lost its sincerity,

Heaven has lost its beauty,

Man has lost his divinity,

Truth has lost its purity.


248. I feed a flame within


I feed a flame within,

I feed a smile without.

Around I play God-Game,

My animal kingdom I tame. ```

249. Do not neglect


Heart, for my sake

Do not neglect.

Heaven, for my sake

Do not reject.

Man, for my sake

Do not project.

Accept, do accept.


250. Use not your tyrant-temper


Use not your tyrant-temper

To devour the world.

Use your oneness-treasure

To become earth's perfection-soul

And God's Satisfaction-Goal.


251. Thoughts


Your loving heart's thought

You certainly can share.

Your searching mind's thought

You certainly can declare.

Your strangling vital's thought

You certainly can hide.

Your rising body's thought

You certainly can guide. ```

252. You jumped to glory


You jumped to glory




Your life's end

Has a tragic story. ```

253. The love of day


The love of day

Your heart shall feed,


A day of love

Is all you need.


254. Pure love's first gift


Pure love's first gift:

Beauty's newness-source.

Pure love's last gift:

Duty's oneness-course. ```

255. One star-vast hope


One star-vast hope:

I shall not fail.

One God-sure fact:




My boat shall sail.


256. I see no foe


I see no foe, no foe.

No matter where I go

I see a oneness-glow,

An endless newness-flow. ```

257. Pure as prayer-cry


Pure as prayer-cry,

Sure as service-sky,

Rare as surrender-height,

You are empty of night. ```

258. Faith is its own redeemer


Faith is its own redeemer.

Confidence is its own fulfiller.

Joy is its own expounder.

Doubt is its own destroyer.

Love is its own protector.

Oneness is its own saviour. ```

259. A foolish prayer-night


A foolish prayer-night:

"My Lord, give me."

A wisdom-prayer-light:

"My Lord, take me." ```

260. Life-flower quickly fades


Life-flower quickly fades.

Friend-bond quickly breaks.

God-Love quickly dawns.

Ecstasy all-where pervades. ```

261. You have given



You have given him

Your Pen.

You have given her

Your Ball.


What about poor me?

"My son, just wait

At My Heart-Gate.

I shall give you My All." ```

262. Beyond the reach of Heaven


Beyond the reach of Heaven:

The human cry.

Beyond the reach of earth:

A smile divine.

Beyond the reach of fame:


Beyond the reach of effort:

Oneness-shrine. ```

263. I hope to learn


I hope to learn

The gratitude-song.

I hope to break

My self-announcement gong. ```

264. What can I do?


What can I do?

With God I can converse.

What can I do?

In peace I can immerse.

What can I do?

I can beckon the Soul of feeble dole.

What can I do?

I can produce God-soul


Pave the way to perfection-goal. ```

265. One promise


One promise to my Heaven-height:

My heart shall always fly.

One promise to my earth-failure:

My soul shall always cry. ```

266. For higher things


For higher things, aspire.

For lower things, desire.

For greater things, run.

For deeper things, shun. ```

267. When my song is sung


Lord, when my song is sung

What shall I do?

"My child, do not delay.

Cry for your new dawn-dew." ```

268. Do not give up


Do not give up.

Tomorrow you will pluck

Love-stars from above.

You will become within, God-dove.

You will be the connection-tie

Between humanity's sigh

And divinity's sky.


269. I love


O sun of my soul,

I devotedly love your deity.

O moon of my heart,

I soulfully love your beauty.

O star of my life,

I surprisingly love your purity.

O sky of my search,

I amazingly love your generosity. ```

270. As a seeker-soul


As a seeker-soul

You will always win and gain.

As a lover-soul

You will be the hyphen

Between freedom and chain.


271. O Saviour


O Saviour dear,

You are so near.

O Lover kind,

Bind my heart, bind.

O Father pure,

I am all Yours, sure. ```

272. Am I too late?


O Maker of my fate

O Lover of my birthdate,

O Opener of the cosmic gate,

Am I, am I too late

In loving and pleasing You

With my fire-pure change-hue? ```

273. O winning speed


O winning speed

You are our treasure-doll.

O losing speed,

You sadden us all. ```

274. My tiny boat I row


My tiny boat I row.

My little body I drag.

All-where my dark thoughts blow.


Yet I brag.


275. I prepare my faith-hunger


I prepare my faith-hunger.

I declare my hunger-meal.

I open my self-giving door.

Destruction's dark eyes I seal. ```

276. I love my duty's flow


Believe it or not,

I love my duty's flow.

Believe it or not,

It spreads far and wide

Beauty's glow.


277. My peace I treasure


My peace I treasure

Beyond all measure.

My surrender I cherish,

My "I"-ness I tarnish. ```

278. What we need


In your case

What you need

Is a life of self-control.

In his case

What he needs

Is a life-denial role.

In my case

What I need

Is a perfection-goal.


279. Now you are caught


Man's darkening thought

Has blighted your purity-heart.

Now you are caught

By ruthless destruction-dart. ```

280. Everything that a man needs


Everything that a man needs

He surely cares

To have.

Everything that a cosmic god has

He surely dares

To have. ```

281. You have won



Of your own life's

Tremendous faith-treasure,

God's Pride

In you is beyond measure.


Of your own life's

Stupendous surrender-light,

You have won

Both God and His God-Delight. ```

282. If you love God


If you love God

You will remain

Your unburied name.

If you love yourself

You will be part and parcel

Of your deceased fame. ```

283. How to know the singer from the song?


How to know the singer

From the song?


The singer is God's unparalleled


The song is God's unprecedented



284. They love your compassion-heart


They love your compassion-heart,

You love their blossoming souls.

They love your God-manifesting role,

You love their God-realising Goals. ```

285. Let me direct you


Let me direct you.

You will breathe the fragrance

Of your beauty's soul.

Let me lead you.

You will embrace

The unhorizoned, imponderable goal. ```

286. Nothing I do can satisfy you


Nothing I do

Can satisfy you.

What shall I do?

I shall love you more


Keep your body-soul

Closer to my heart-door.


287. Keep your mind-poise


Keep your mind-poise;

You will ascend.

Feed your heart-voice;

You will transcend. ```

288. They reward


My joy rewards

My faith.

My faith rewards

My peace.

My peace rewards

My quest.

My quest rewards

My God-Bliss. ```

289. Experience


Half experience:

Man is man-night.

Full experience:

Man is God-Light.


Man is God-Eternity's other God. ```

290. Wisdom is realisation


For a knowledge-teacher he did not care.

He had a wisdom-tutor rare.

Knowledge is preparation, uncertain and slow.

Wisdom is realisation and perfection-glow. ```

291. Man is dear to God


Man is dear to man


Of his failure-cry.

God is dear to God


Of His failure-success-

Oneness-experience-sky .


292. Light is a heavenly thing


Light is a heavenly thing;

We immortalise it through love-light.

Surrender is an earthly thing;

We immortalise it through service-delight. ```

293. I build my hope-tower


I build my hope-tower

Inside the smile

Of Heaven high.

I bury my frustration-shower

Inside the tears

Of earth's bound cry. ```

294. Too great, too good


You are too great;

Your life shall succeed.

You are too good;

Your soul shall proceed. ```

295. Your stupendous glory



Your stupendous glory

Adds to your unhorizoned story.

God with His Palace-Gate,

And with His timeless Date

Awaits your journey's arrival-triumph. ```

296. I must retire


My Lord, if You want to fire me, fire;

I must retire.

I must enjoy some rest

In Your sleep-nourishing Nest.

I shall not be mad,

I shall not feel sad.

Fire me, my Lord, fire.

I needs must retire. ```

297. The power of snow-white joy


The power of snow-white joy,

How to express?

The power of purity-love,

Why to surpass? ```

298. Why do I fail?


Why do I fail?

No, not because

I am impotent,

No, not because

I am unimportant,

No, not because I am a fool

Who had no Gnostic school.

Oh, but because

It was not God-ordained.

Therefore I fail. ```

299. The fever of the world


The fever of the world:


The heartache of the world:

Consciousness-starvation. ```

300. Behold your foe


O fruitless life,

O helpless hope,

O hopeless man,

Behold your foe

Once and for all:

Ignorance-rope. ```

301. Simple am I


Simple am I

In my faith-sea.

Sincere am I

In my practice-role.

Purity am I,

My gratitude-tree.

Divinity am I,

My surrender-soul. ```

302. One man-like God


One man-like God,

One God-like man,

Can only slake

My longing ken. ```

303. In body and soul I know


In body and soul

I know.

In life and death

I grow.

In man and God

I glow.

In thought and deed

I flow. ```

304. Faith cures my sorrows


Faith cures my sorrows,

Love feeds my morrows.

Peace fulfils my life,

Bliss cancels death-knife. ```

305. Death, be not ruthless


Death, be not ruthless.

Life, be not helpless.

Man, be not soulless.

Journey, be not godless. ```

306. My silence speaks


My silence speaks,

My sound is mute.

I sing God-song,

God plays my flute. ```

307. My feet have wings


My feet have wings.

They fly.

My hands have eyes.

They cry.

My thought has God.

It shines.

With God-Delight

It dines. ```

308. Your rising glory


Your rising glory:

A beauty-game.

Your setting glory:

A purity-flame. ```

309. Child-like innocence


Child-like innocence,

Saint-like purity

Are divinely one

In reality-sea,

In vision-sun

And cosmic-run. ```

310. Their only friends


My heart's only friend:

The humble grass.

My mind's only friend:

The crystal glass. ```

311. Some are born to ecstasy's light


Some are born to ecstasy's light,

But I am not.

Some are born to freedom-height,

But I am not.

Some are born to perfection-right,

But I am not.

Some are born to satisfaction-flight,

But I am not. ```

312. Candidates


Since you are a candidate

For Power, you will succeed.

Since I am a candidate

For Light, I shall not only succeed

But also proceed.


313. God opens His morning Eye


God opens His morning Eye

And it is all duty.

God closes His evening Eye

And it is all beauty. ```

314. A new friend


O endless night,

I have a new friend,

A new leader bright:

Satisfaction-delight. ```

315. One aspiration-drop


One aspiration-drop

Fills the vast immensity.

One dedication-flame

Kindles the unlit mortality. ```

316. No difference-night


No difference-night,

All oneness-light.

You are a thinking reality,

I am a sinking divinity. ```

317. Some men were destined to fly


Some men were destined to fly.

I am not one of those

Who flew.

Some gods were meant for knowledge-sun.

I am not one of those

Who knew. ```

318. I loved


I loved

Yesterday's unconditional Grace.

I love

Today's winning race.

I shall love

Tomorrow's perfection-face. ```

319. Yesterday I loved


Yesterday I loved


Today I love

Aspiration white.

Tomorrow I shall love

Realisation-light. ```

320. They are but one thing






Are but one thing:

A venom-ring. ```

321. Be brave!


This hour, a slave;

The next, a faultless cosmic god divine.

Be brave, be brave!

Throughout Eternity you needs must shine. ```

322. I longed to give my heart and soul


I longed to give my heart and soul

To the animal world.

My ex-friends were confused.

I longed to give my heart and soul

To the human world.

My human fellows were not enthused.

I longed to give my heart and soul

To the worlds divine.

My divine friends were quite amused.


323. Yet I love you


You are your unaspiring heart,

You are your untutored mind.

Yet I love you; in you I find

A dauntless death-challenging dart. ```

324. You are one of those


God gives Delight

Only to those

Who love Delight.

Indeed, you are one of those

In whom His Satisfaction-Plant

Slowly and steadily grows. ```

325. I shall obey You


I shall obey You.

I shall be at Your Feet

Constantly loving and serving You.

In You perfection I shall meet. ```

326. Insincerity fails to cry



Fails to cry.


Fails to try. ```

327. A new world of peace


A new world of peace,

A new world of light,

A new world of height,

Can alone give me



328. The future of the world


The future of the world,

In whose hand?

In your hand, brother, in your hand!

But do not mistreat the world.

Deal with it as your best friend,

As your only friend. ```

329. I know the secret desires of your heart


I know

The secret desires of your heart.

You want to bind,

You want to blind

This world of beauty's glow.

Good luck!

Indeed, you are so smart.


330. Arise to victory


Arise to victory unknown.

Your life will dine

With a lofty height.

Devour the surrender-fruits


God will come to you Himself

With His infinite Delight.


331. Power influences my life


Power influences my life.

Light inspires my soul.

God loves my seeker's role.

Man augments my strife. ```

332. My faith is a secret way


My faith is a secret way

To go and see God's Face,

My surrender, an open way

To win my Godward race. ```

333. Heavenly time and earthly space


Heavenly time


Earthly space

We must measure,

We must treasure.

Meaningful is time,

A beautiful clime.


334. He has breathlessly drunk


He has breathlessly drunk

All the milk of Heaven-sky.

He now gladly drinks

All the venom of earth-sigh. ```

335. Salute


Ancient night,

I salute your soulful cry.

Ancient light,

I salute your fruitful sky. ```

336. Speak, silence, speak!


Speak, silence, speak!

Teach me how to seek.

Stop, sound, stop!

You are soulless,

You are fruitless;

You are weaker,

You are poorer

Than a tiny drop. ```

337. O piercing ray


O piercing ray,

Do pierce this body of clay.

O illumining light,

Do illumine this life of night. ```

338. Breathless with adoration


Breathless with adoration,

Sleepless with aspiration,

Thoughtless in meditation

You are.

Therefore, not far

From liberation-strength

And realisation-length.


339. Invisible and visible


Invisible in earth-night,

Invisible to mortal sight,

Visible in human heart,

Visible in human cry:

God's Compassion-Light.


340. Death-fire, life-water


Death-fire, now sing and dance

I shall enjoy your play.

Life-water, now sing and dance

In my God-given eternal Day. ```

341. Blissful solitude


Blissful solitude,

Peaceful plenitude,

Truthful beatitude,

To you three


Soulful gratitude. ```

342. The surrender-song


Every day Your Compassion-Eye teaches me

The surrender-song.

Every day I strike at Your Lotus-Feet

My gratitude-gong. ```

343. Esctasy of my psychic fire


Ecstasy of my psychic fire,

No soul can endure.

It is so sweet and dire,

So soulful and pure. ```

344. The hour of goodness


The hour of greatness flickers.

The hour of goodness

Remains always bright.

For it there is no darkening night,

For it there is only light,

Abundant light,

Infinite light.


345. Sleeplessly I shall pray



To be inside

The heart of life,

Sleeplessly I shall pray.

Someday a cosmic ray

Shall embrace my selfless way. ```

346. I take the endless way


I take the endless way,

I play the endless game,

I cry the endless cry,

To see God's Compassion-Flame. ```

347. There is a star


There is a star

Not far, not far.

My silence-heart


Its beauty's reign

Redeems my pain,

An express train

Of love its domain. ```

348. Cease not fighting


Cease not fighting

The inner fight.


Must kiss the dust

And God-hunger forever

On earth must last. ```

349. Life, what is it?


Life, what is it?

A soulful prayer.

Love, what is it?

A fruitful power.

Death, what is it?

A journey to the silence-clime

In the heart of vision-time.


350. O what I have


O what I have

Is the voice of tears

And what I shall have

Is the heart of joy.

O what I am

Is a soulless display

And what I shall become

Is God's deathless Day. ```

351. My eyes behold


My eyes behold

God-Beauty's Eye.

My ear hears man-beauty's

Frustration-sigh. ```

352. God-Beauty's own Face


God-Beauty's own Face

Awakens the length and breadth

Of the world.

God-Duty's own Heart

Illumines the beginningless past,

Illumines the endless end,

Illumines the meaningless dust.


353. My mind shall love again


My mind shall love again

My soul-song's cosmic reign.

My vital shall love again

My heart-beauty's silence-rain. ```

354. My heart-cry is your throne


My heart-cry is your throne,

My soul-smile is your crown.

Devoured, ignorance-frown;

Surrender-light in me is grown. ```

355. Never indulge in prediction-dance


Be not a fool!

Never indulge

In prediction-dance.

Stark failure-lance

Can easily and speedily

Smash your feeble pride-strength.

Remain always

In your silence-soul's

Sun-vision's unhorizoned length.


356. Is the beginningless past nothing?


Is the beginningless past nothing?

No, it is flooded with God's


Is the endless end nothing?

No, it is the ever-transcending

Fruitful manifestation-fulfilment

Of God's God-Height.


357. An Exchange



Wait, let us today

Be on perfect terms.

You give me what you have:


I shall give you what I am:

God-Eternity's Perfection-cry.


358. Generations


Generations feed me, my aspiration-cry.

Generations illumine me, my frustration-sigh. ```

359. I shall tell you


Give me a little time.

I shall tell you, my friend,

Where our Lord Supreme is.

He is at the very end

Of your desire-train


Before your bondage-chain.


360. My beloved Supreme


Enough, enough, enough!

Speak not ill of my beloved Supreme.

He is my Eternity's only friend,

My Divinity's Reality-fulfilled dream.

He is also my Immortality's

Beginningless beginning

And my Infinity's ever-transcending end.


361. Every thought flounders


Every thought flounders,

Every man blunders,

Every cry awakens,

Every smile enlightens. ```

362. My heart shall die


My heart shall die

In your silence-long,

My life shall fly

With your compassion-song. ```

363. Let your doubt-foe go home


Let your doubt-foe go home

And sleep.

Let your faith-friend go abroad

And leap. ```

364. Sincerity will always smile



Will always smile

Its fragrant smile,



Will always fly

Its triumphant wings,

Humility. ```

365. I seize the descending man


I seize the descending man,

Poor and small.

I seize the ignoring God,

Stout and tall. ```

366. O blue-gold eyes of love


O blue-gold eyes of love,

O pink-rose-heart of joy:

You two are divinely great,

You two are supremely good.

I need your service-light

To scale ecstasy-height. ```

367. A heavy sigh



A weighty cry,

A heavy sigh.

A failure-night


My soul shall fight. ```

368. Arise to victory unknown


Arise to victory unknown.

Your life will dine

With a lofty height.

Devour the surrender-fruits


God will come to you Himself

With His infinite Delight.


369. Nature's daily face


Nature's daily face



Man's daily face



Heaven's daily face



God's daily Face



My daily face,

Fast-aging. ```

370. Meditation and evolution


Within meditation,

Without evolution;




Perfection-height. ```

371. Confidence in Heaven-light



In Heaven-light,


Of infernal night.


In human soul,


On animal goal. ```

372. Life is for oneness-power


Why are you blooming alone, why?

Why so nervous in your mental sky?

Life is for oneness-power,

Life is for ecstasy-tower. ```

373. A soul beyond venom-doubt


You are a soul

Beyond venom-doubt.

Lo, faith seeds sprout.

In you is the goal. ```

374. Self-adoring, you live alone


Self-adoring, you live alone.

The outer world you never need.

Before long you will moan and groan

For you are not a humility-seed. ```

375. My dislocated life


My dislocated life,

Will it ever heal?

Certainly it will;

You need faith-skill. ```

376. Hopeless passion


Hopeless passion,

Shameless emotion,

Useless desire,

All-blazing fire. ```

377. I shall help you cry


Too weak to unlock your heart-door?

Then wait for me.

I shall help you cry.

I shall tell you why.

I know, I know

You will reach the golden Shore. ```

378. Time and again


Time and again

You desired to fell

Your weak life-tree.

Time and again

You failed to succeed.

Your great Captain

Would fain

Ring departure-bell

When the hour strikes.

Until then proceed

With God-Beauty

In your body's cell. ```

379. Yet I shall try


Blind uncertainty:

This is the greatest gift

So far I have received

From this eyeless world.

Yet I shall try,

Yet I shall die

To give this world

A lofty consciousness-lift. ```

380. The river of time flows


The river of time flows,

The sea of time glows;

The moon of life sleeps,

The sun of life peeps. ```

381. Hark to the inner song!


Hark to the inner song!

It illumines so fast,

It fulfils so vast;

Each song is a God-gong. ```

382. I seek for joy


I seek for joy.

I seek for Grace.

I seek for God

And God-embrace. ```

383. Vision was strong in him


Vision was strong in him.

Mission was weak in him.

Love and concern he revealed.

Unfed his dream remained. ```

384. Your thoughts belong to Heaven-smile


Your thoughts belong to Heaven-smile,

His thoughts belong to earth-cry,

God's thoughts belong to God-Peace,

My thoughts belong to death-eye. ```

385. Happiness is swiftness


Happiness is swiftness,

Swiftness is victory.

Victory is the God-lover's

Partial experience-story. ```

386. Renew the gust


Renew the gust.

This time you shall succeed.


Shall feed your supreme need. ```

387. Empty of God-Grace


The face of earth

Empty of God-Grace.

Disgrace, disgrace,

A totally lost race! ```

388. My former heart


My former heart

Of wild desires

Long lost have I.

My present heart

Denies, denies



389. You half create


You half create

In chain,

You half create

In gain;

You full create when

You feed,

You full create when

You proceed. ```

390. Sneers of unlit men


Sneers of unlit men,

Frowns of ignorant men

Are new to earth —

Foes of its mirth. ```

391. Your silence is my death


Your silence is my death,

Your voice is my breath,

You are my only choice

In life's fulfilment-poise. ```

392. God-Beauty's own Face


God-Beauty's own Face,

God-Duty's own Grace,

Man-unity's own smile,

My longing flames embrace. ```

393. O heart, cry!


O heart, cry, cry!

O mind, die, die!

O vital, sigh!

O body, try! ```

394. Your heart deserves something more


My special thanks

To you I offer.

Your heart deserves something more:

A oneness-tower

And an unlocked,

Beckoning satisfaction-door. ```

395. Joy comes and goes


Joy comes and goes,

Peace comes and goes,

Truth lives and dies,

God grows and grows. ```

396. Your joy the cosmos needs


Your joy the cosmos needs.

You are so great,

Yet your heart, so pure,

Your selfless life feeds. ```

397. Hope flows and ebbs


Hope flows and ebbs.

Life smiles and cries.

Sincerity tries

To pay earth-debts. ```

398. A few sad smiles


A few sad smiles

Have made your life

Strong and pure.

One happy smile

Has made your life

Fruitful and sure. ```

399. I wrap you in my song


I wrap you in my song.

You are so sweet,

You are so strong.


Before you, around you

Always lovingly throng. ```

400. A happy day


A happy day:

The day I love man

And his innocence-eye,

The day I serve God

And His vastness-sky.

A happy day. ```

401. A baby man, a baby God


A baby man

Is God in His inevitable bloom.

A baby God

Is man in his ecstasy-flooded room. ```

I have inherited

(Sri Chinmoy wrote this soulful tribute to the members of his family in 1973 as part of a 20-volume poetry series entitled The Dance of Life.)


My sister Lily's love and determination

I have inherited.

My sister Arpita's concern and service

I have inherited.

My brother Chitta's poetry and sacrifice

I have inherited.

My brother Hriday's philosophy and wisdom

I have inherited.

My brother Mantu's patience and detachment

I have inherited.

My sister Ahana's music and immensity

I have inherited.

My mother Yogamaya's psychic tears and surrender

I have inherited.

My father Shashi Kumar's inner confidence and outer triumph

I have inherited. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,From the Source to the Source, Agni Press, 1978
Sourced from