The Golden Boat, part 17

1. You are an angel


You are an angel of the tongue.

I do not need you.

You are an angel of the heart.

I need you.

You are an angel of God.

I love you,

I need you,

I acknowledge you as my divine superior,

I claim you as my very own.


2. The cosmic task


A human life neglected,

A cosmic plan unfinished.

A human life regulated,

A cosmic task that has reached its

zenith goal.

He who neglects

Is a failure in God’s Eye.

He who leaves his task unfinished

Again and again must come

To the earthly shores to complete his task:

The task of earth-transformation

And his own body-perfection.


3. Vision does not die


Fear does not die with its possessor.

It dies long before.

Doubt does not die with its possessor.

It dies long before.

Jealousy does not die with its possessor.

It dies long before.

Hope dies with its possessor.

Promise dies with its possessor.

Achievement dies with its possessor.


There is another thing

That does not die with its possessor.

What is it?

Vision, God’s cosmic Vision. ```

4. You and I



You and I are two.

This is the eternal falsehood.


You and I are one.

This is the eternal Truth.


I am of You;


The divine in me

Is invoking You

And expecting Your express arrival. ```

5. Two reasons


God loves you

For two significant reasons:

Your voice is pure.

He loves purity.

Your choice is sure.

He loves surety. ```

6. Lost charms


You have lost all your physical charms;


You are no longer called a man of temptation.

You have lost all your vital charms;


You are no longer called a man of danger.

You have lost all your mental charms;


You are no longer called a man of awakening


You have lost all your psychic charms;


You are no longer called a man of enlightening

duty. ```

7. Messages of imagination and inspiration


Imagination tells me

I am of God.

Inspiration tells me

I am for God.

Imagination tells me

My nest is very far.

Inspiration tells me

No matter how far,

I can and shall

Fly to my nest. ```

8. He can be with me


Mine is a vision, a God-Vision.

Mine is a mission, a God-Mission.

Mine is a satisfaction, a God-Satisfaction.

Mine is a perfection, a God-Perfection.

He who has a simple heart

Can be with me in my vision.

He who has a sincere life

Can be with me in my mission.

He who has a dauntless soul

Can be with me in my God-Satisfaction.

He who has perfect beauty, inner and outer

Can be with me in my God-Perfection. ```

9. You deserve


Do you love God?

If you do not love God,

Then you deserve the eternal Death.

Do you love humanity?

If you love humanity,

Then you deserve the eternal Light.

Do you love the unreal in you?

If you love the unreal in you,

Then you deserve the eternal hell.

Do you love the real in you?

If you love the real in you,

Then you deserve the eternal Heaven.


10. The whisper


The whisper of temptation

Is dangerous.

Your vital knows it.

The whisper of aspiration

Is advantageous.

Your heart knows it.

The whisper of realisation

Is prosperous.

Your soul knows it.


11. Only one


Only one need:


Only one seed:


Only one deed:

Surrender-might. ```

12. No one can lose


God says:

No one must lose.

God says:

No one shall lose.

God says:

No one can lose.

No one must lose in the battlefield of life.

No one shall lose in the Heaven-winning race.

No one can lose in Eternity’s cosmic Game.


13. Son, you must win


He wants his victory’s crown,

He wants his victory’s throne,

For the searching mind of humanity,

For the crying heart of humanity,

For the self-giving life of humanity.


God says to him:

Son, you must win.

If not, your loss is My loss;

Your defeat is My defeat. ```

14. They shall listen


The outer world shall listen to you

If the inner world guides you.

The inner world shall listen to you

If the outer world loves you. ```

15. The hour


The hour came

When God blessed me

And sent me down to earth.

The hour has come

When I have to tell the world

What the world is,

And what the world will be.

What is the world?

A self-giving seed.

What will the world be?

A God-fulfilling tree. ```

16. God saw in me


God saw in me a soldier;


He allowed me to make friends

With His Mission’s Might.

God saw in me a poet;


He allowed me to make friends

With His Beauty’s Height.

God saw in me a lover;


He allowed me to make friends

With His Duty’s Right. ```

17. Three trains


Earth’s slow train

Is progress sure.

Heaven’s fast train

Is perfection sure.

God’s fastest train

Is Satisfaction sure.

Sweet is progress.

Divine is satisfaction.

Immortal is perfection.


18. Go to him


Although your desire-friend

Is staying all alone,

Don’t go to him.

He will spoil you;

He will ruin you.

He will spoil your character;

He will ruin your life.

Although your aspiration-friend

Is weak and not helping you,

Go to him and stay with him.

One day he will become strong;

One day he will become rich;

One day he will become immortal.

When he becomes strong

All his power will be yours.

When he becomes rich

All his wealth will be yours.

When he becomes immortal

All his Immortality will be yours. ```

19. I do not mix with you


I do not mix with you,

Not because

You are past correction.

No, that is not true.

I do not mix with you


Perfection is not your goal.

I do not mix with you,

Not because

You are ignorant of God-Light.

No, that is not true.

I do not mix with you


You are not for God-Light.

I do not mix with you,

Not because

Of what you are.

No, that is not true.

I do not mix with you


You do not want to be

What I want you to be.

What do I want you to be?

Another God.

That’s all.


20. Exemptions


True sincerity

Is exempt from earth-fear.

True purity

Is exempt from world-imperfection.

True humility

Is exempt from ignorance-embrace.

True luminosity

Is exempt from failure-cry. ```

21. When I look at him


When I look at him

With my eyes open,

I see nothing but

His frightening eyes.

When I look at him

With my eyes closed,

I see nothing but

His compassionate heart. ```

22. The difference


The difference between God and me is this:

I defend my body’s destructive might.

God defends my soul’s illumining light.

The difference between Heaven and me is this:

I bark at Heaven.

Heaven smiles at me.

The difference between earth and me is this:

I see earth as a hopeless case.

Earth sees me as a God-manifested face.


23. My two realisations


You speak, and yet you say nothing

When I see the human in you.

This is my earth-realisation.

You speak not, and yet you say everything

When I see the Divine in you.

This is my Heaven-realisation.


24. God-touch


Earth-touch makes me patient;


I am grateful to earth.

Heaven-touch makes me compassionate;


I am grateful to Heaven.

God-touch makes me complete, perfect

and absolute;


I am grateful to God. ```

25. Earth-pleasures, earth-joys


O man, don’t be a fool!

Your earth-pleasures are perishing like


You can’t hoard them.

O man, don’t be a fool!

Your earth-joys will never leave you.

Just deserve them and use them.


26. Very old friends


God and I are two very old acquaintances.

You may call us even friends,

Two very old friends.

But we two friends can never fulfil each other

Although we consider ourselves as friends.

God gives me His Conviction-power

And I give Him my contradiction-power.

Indeed, this way we sing the song

Of perpetual mutual wisdom-sacrifice. ```

27. Command and obey


God has commanded me;


I love God.

Indeed, His Command

Is my perfection-seed.

I have obeyed God;


God is pleased with me.

He knows my obedience

Is His Satisfaction-tree.


28. Earth-feast and Heaven-feast


He descended to earth

To feast his eyes.

He has fulfilled his task.

Earth-beauty his eyes have enjoyed.

He shall ascend to Heaven

To feed his heart-hunger.

He knows Heaven is generous;

He knows Heaven is compassionate;

He knows Heaven is all-giving.


29. I love you


Although I quarrel with you

I love you.

Although I fight with you

I love you.

Although I speak ill of you

I love you.

Although at times I hate you

I love you.

Why do I love you?

I love you because

I cannot live without you.


30. Another instrument


The moment you displease me

I think of another instrument:

A good instrument,

A divine instrument,

A perfect instrument.

But God tells me that another instrument,

A good instrument,

A divine instrument,

A perfect instrument

Is only a dream.

Not only my dream


The dream of God’s Patience-Sky.


31. My vital and my heart


My vital tells me:

Love me or I will go away

Never to return.

My heart tells me:

Whether you love me or not

I shall stay in you, for you.

I shall never return

To the Heaven-Delight

Without you. ```

32. I see Him


Months passed by;

Years too.

Alas, where is my Lord, my Beloved Supreme?

Ah, I see Him in His Beauty’s Face!

He is in my crying minute

And in my surrendering second —

In my heart’s crying minute

And in my life’s surrendering second. ```

33. My companions


Hope, my hope,

You are my conscious companion;


I always like you.

Patience, my patience,

You are my conscious and constant companion;


I always love you.

Surrender, my surrender,

You are my conscious, constant and

illumining companion;


I always need you.


34. When I cry


When I cry,

I am my futility-strife.

When I try,

I am Heaven’s liberty-soul.

When I surrender,

I am God’s Satisfaction-sun. ```

35. Please accept me


Father, please accept me

As Your surrendering son.

Son, please accept Me

As your surrendered Father

Who was once upon a time

A rejected and discarded Father.

Father, let us enjoy

The beauty of mutual acceptance.

Son, indeed,

That is an extraordinary suggestion.

Today you deserve My Gratitude-sea.


36. The story of my poor time


When I spend my time

Underestimating myself

I am, indeed, a great fool.

God, I do not want my body-man

To remain a great fool.

When I spend my time

Overestimating myself

I am, indeed, a greater fool.

God, I do not want my vital-man

To remain a greater fool.

When I spend my time

Hating myself

I am, indeed, the greatest fool.

God, I do not want my mind-man

To remain the greatest fool.


37. How do I forget?


How do I forget

My mental pains?

I forget my mental pains

By treasuring my psychic gains.

How do I forget

My earth-failures?

I forget my earth-failures

By remembering my Heaven-dreams


My Heaven-promises. ```

38. Fate and faith



Is the slave-surrender

Of the beggar in me.


Is the God-Light-acceptance

Of the Prince in me.


39. God will bless you


You wanted name.

God has given it to you.

You wanted fame.

God has given it to you.

God wanted you

To give Him a smile.

Still you have not played your role.

God will bless you

Since I cannot.

God wanted you

To serve Him in humanity.

Still you have not played your role.

God will love you

Since I cannot.


40. Past, present, future


My mind

Is busy with my unpardonable past.

My heart

Is busy with my deplorable present.

My soul

Is busy with my profitable future. ```

41. Not wise enough


I am wise enough

To tell the world

That God is my might.

I am not wise enough

To feel that what I do

Is nothing but a constant manifestation

Of God-Light

In me,

For me. ```

42. My secret sorrow


Lord, finally today

I am giving You

My secret sorrow.

Son, secret sorrow is sacred.

Ah, since You are my only Lord,

I must confess to You


Confide in You.

Why am I not another God?


43. Do not worry


Heart, do not worry;

Mind will love you.

Give it another chance.

God, do not worry;

I do need You.

Give me another chance.


44. The hour of need


I helped God

In His Hour of need;


God is now able to sing and dance.

God helped me

In my hour of need;


In Heaven I am complete


On earth I am perfect. ```

45. Our promises


I have just remembered

My promise to God:

I shall work for


On earth.

God has just remembered

His Promise to me:

He will give me

His infinity’s Strength

And His Eternity’s Patience.


46. Love


The human in me says

Love is blind.

The divine in me says

Love is wisdom.

The Supreme in me says

Love is His Eternity’s Height,

Infinity’s Might


Immortality’s Light.


47. An extra soul


It is an extra eye

That sees God’s Beauty,


That eye is my heart.

It is an extra heart

That feels God’s Satisfaction,


That heart is my soul.

It is an extra soul

That becomes God’s Perfection,


That soul is God. ```

48. Eternity is at my disposal


God, I must leave You


You are not pleasing me.

Son, please, please

Give Me another chance.

From now on

I shall be more loving;

I shall be more compassionate.

From now on

I shall try to please you

In your own way.

I have to prove

That Eternity

Is at My disposal.


49. My doubt-child and my faith-child


My doubt-child will not live with me

For a long time.

He has a very short life;


I am treasuring him and cherishing him.

My faith-child will not only have

A long life,

But an eternal life;


I am not so fond of him right now.

Once my doubt-child dies,

The joy that I now give to my doubt-child

Will all be given to my faith-child

In addition to what I now give to my


When I am left with only my faith-child,

My faith-child will have everything

That I have and that I am.

What I have is sacrifice


What I am is smile.


50. A temporary experience


“Doubt, my life is bound up in you;


I am imperfect.”

“Man, your life is bound up in me?

No, your life is bound up

In the pleasure-life;

And that pleasure-life is your ego-life.

And that ego-life is your ignorance-life.

And that ignorance-life is something

That God wants you to have

For the time being.” ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,The Golden Boat, part 17, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from