Greet the morning with your heart's aspiration-cry

Greet the Morning


Greet the morning

With your heart’s aspiration-cry.

Greet the evening

With your life’s gratitude-smile.

At night, God will grant you His Eternity’s Love

and His Infinity’s Peace.


The Inner Battle


The inner battle will definitely end

The day I turn my entire life

Into a God-surrendered song. ```

God Will Choose Your Life


God will choose your life

Blessingfully and proudly

If you just choose your soul

Cheerfully and unmistakably.


The Outer Success-Road


The outer success-road

Is short and full of apprehension.

The inner progress-road

Is long and full of illumination.


Only One Song to Sing


Only one song to sing:

My heart’s oneness-song.

Only one dance to dance:

My mind’s surrender-dance.


Success Is Measured


Success is measured

By the outer joy.

Progress is measured

By the inner peace.


Each Time I Pray, I See Inside My Heart


Each time I pray,

I see inside my heart

A peace-tree growing.

Each time I pray,

I see inside my heart

A peace-flower blossoming.


My Lord Supreme Asks Me


My Lord Supreme asks me to be happy

In my inner life of aspiration

And my outer life of dedication.

He tells me that I do not have to strive

To prove to Him that I love Him and need Him. ```

God the Powerful


The mind is fond of

God the Powerful.

The heart is fond of

God the Merciful.

The soul is fond of

God the Peaceful.


The Heart That Loves God


The heart that loves God unconditionally

Is the heart that radiates eternally,

Both in Heaven and on earth. ```

God's Pride Knows No Bounds


God’s Pride knows no bounds

When my heart sings

A fountain-sweetness-song.


The Beauty of the Morning


The beauty of the morning inspires us.

The beauty of the evening purifies us.


What I Need Is Indomitable Strength


What I need is indomitable strength

In my mind.

What I need is inimitable surrender-joy

In my heart.


There Are Many Boats That Sail Fast


There are many boats

That sail fast, very fast,

But the heart’s surrender-boat

Always sails the fastest.


God Wants From Us


God wants from us only


And not countless



Where Is My Mind's Freedom?


Where is my mind’s freedom?

It is inside my heart’s peace.

It is inside my life’s surrender.


I Have Come to Learn


I have come to learn

That my Lord’s Forgiveness-Song

Has no final note. ```

A Surrender-Life


A surrender-life ascends.

A gratitude-heart expands.


My Mind Wants Success-Procession


My mind wants success-procession.

My heart wants progress-acceleration.


No Mind-Power, No Success


No mind-power, no success.

No heart-power, no progress.


The Aspiration-Heart Began


The aspiration-heart began.

The dedication-life has to complete.


In the Morning I Pray


In the morning

I pray to God’s Compassion-Eye.

In the evening

I meditate on God’s Forgiveness-Heart.


You May Not Be Thinking of God


You may not be thinking of God

For His Satisfaction-Heart,

But God is thinking of you

For your perfection-life.


Prayer Is My Heart-Song


Prayer is my heart-song.

Meditation is my soul-dance.


No Love-Devotion-Surrender-Stride


No love-devotion-surrender-stride

Along the path of spirituality

Can ever be too short. ```

A Dance of Hope


Unless your heart is a dance of hope,

How can your life be a song of peace?


Each Prayer Goes Up


Each prayer goes up to

God the Power.

Each meditation brings down

God the Peace.


As Every Day My LIfe Grows Shorter


As every day my life grows shorter,

Even so, every day

My gratitude-heart becomes longer. ```

My Soul Every Day Teaches My Heart


My soul every day teaches my heart

A new and soulful tolerance-song.


Once God Becomes Real to You


Once God becomes real to you,

Yours should be every day

A God-preoccupied heart. ```

The Success-Trumpet


God does not want us

To sound the success-trumpet,

But to play the progress-flute. ```

Do You Want To Be Happy?


Do you want to be happy?

Then offer to God your heart’s

Permanent invitation. ```

Do You Want To Make God Really Happy?


Do you want to make God

Really happy?

Then never give up your hope

Of becoming absolutely perfect.


Two Instruments I Practise Every Morning


Two instruments I practise every morning:

Mind-inspiration-piano and heart-aspiration-flute.


My Lord, May My Life Begin Every Day


My Lord, may my life begin every day

With an aspiration-song

And a dedication-dance. ```

God Smiles at My Readiness


God smiles at my readiness.

God sings for my willingness.

God dances in my eagerness. ```

No Speed Limits


God Himself has told me

That there are no speed limits

On my self-transcendence-road. ```

God Sings for Me


God sings for me many, many songs,

But He enjoys His Compassion-Songs the most.





Each and every seeker

Will run along the road

Of unconditional surrender.


My Lord, Do Show Me


My Lord, do show me every morning

My sincerity’s gratitude-heart-sunrise.


The Mind's Obedience-Smile


The mind’s obedience-smile is beautiful.

The heart’s oneness-dance is perfect. ```

May My Soul's Dance Be Heaven's Gift (2)


May my soul’s dance be

Heaven’s gift to earth.

May my heart’s song be

Earth’s gift to Heaven. ```

May My Heart Never Stop Dreaming


May my heart never stop dreaming

Every night

My life-transformation-dream. ```

My Prayer-Hands


My prayer-hands

Touch God’s Feet.

My meditation-eyes

Feel God’s Heart.


Today I Have Danced


Today I have danced

My final suspicion-mind-dance.

Today I have danced

My final hesitation-heart-dance.

Today I have danced

My final unwillingness-life-dance.


My Life's Transformation-Deadline


God tells me that He will definitely

Be successful with me;

Therefore, He has been extending

And extending

My life’s transformation-deadline.


When I Pray


When I pray,

God gives me the Joy of His Eye.

When I meditate,

God gives me the Love of His Heart.


In the Morning, God and I Meet Together


In the morning,

God and I meet together

To exchange our compassion and aspiration.

In the evening,

God and I meet together

To exchange our forgiveness and gratitude.


A Success-Story of God


May my mind become

A success-story of God.

May my heart become

A progress-song of God.


You Are Beautiful


You are beautiful, more beautiful,

Most beautiful

Only when you join your soul

In dancing in God’s Heart-Garden.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Greet the morning with your heart's aspiration-cry, Agni Press, 1995
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