Immortality's Dance

1. Desire-life, destruction-life


A desire-life is too young

To know what true life is.

A frustration-life is too ignorant

To know what true compassion is.

A destruction-life is too wild

To know what God-perfection is. ```

2. When I was in Heaven



I was in Heaven

I was told

That God did not need me.


I was on earth

I had the feeling

That God needed me constantly.

At least that is what I personally felt.


3. The robbers


Who has robbed my soul?


Who has robbed my heart?


Who has robbed my life?

Desire-thief. ```

4. Master and disciple


Risks he takes

For his Master's God-manifestation.

Ignorance-sea he drinks

For his disciple's God-realisation. ```

5. Conscience


Conscience is not a tender heart.

Conscience is the truth-bearer

Of a glowing heart


A fulfilling life.


6. Preparation


To escape from life

Is to prepare for death.

To conquer death

Is to prepare for God-satisfaction in Heaven

And God-manifestation on earth.


7. Divine conquerors


To love is to conquer

Without danger.

To serve is to conquer

Without pride.

To surrender is to conquer

Without error. ```

8. A common error


Temptation is a common error

In the life of a human being.

Suspicion is a common error

In the life of a human mind.

Fear is a common error

In the life of a human heart.

Indifference is a common error

In the life of a human soul. ```

9. Confusion


His desire to know

Who has created this world-suffering

Has confused his mind totally.

His desire to know

Who is not God-Light and God-Truth

Has confused his heart unmistakably.


10. I left the world


I left the world of darkness

Not because I was too wise

But because I was too weak

To transform it.

I left the world of light

Not because it was too powerful

But because I found its supreme necessity

Was to expand through me

To the wider world.


11. We are great


You neither reward nor punish;


You are great.

He neither examines nor rewards;


He is great.

I neither punish nor ignore;


I am great.


12. Outer voice, inner choice


His outer voice

Ruthlessly frightens him.

His inner voice

Unreservedly enlightens him.

His outer choice

Triumphantly binds him.

His inner choice

Unconditionally liberates him. ```

13. Don't you know that?


The animal in you

Is fond of destruction-night.

Don't you know that?

The human in you

Is fond of suspicion-might

Don't you know that?

The divine in you

Is fond of perfection-light.

Don't you know that?

The Supreme in you

Is fond of satisfaction height.

Don't you know that?


14. Inseparable friends


A man of leisure


A man of failure

Are inseparable friends.

A man of pleasure


A man of destruction

Are inseparable friends.

A heart of purity


A mind of clarity

Are inseparable friends.

A vital of determination


A body of dedication

Are inseparable friends. ```

15. Where is satisfaction?


Above is no satisfaction.

Below is no satisfaction.

Within is no satisfaction.

Without is no satisfaction.

Where then is satisfaction?

Satisfaction is in

Eternity's self-giving


Humanity's God-becoming.


16. His is the life


In God's Eye

His is the life of God-experience.

In man's eye

His is the life of utter failure.

In his own eyes

His is the heart of perfection-light,

His is the vital of frustration-night.


17. Time


Don't laugh at time!

Time will devour you.

Smile at time!

Time will bless you.

Cry for time!

Time will reward you.

Stay with time!

Time will treasure you.

Go beyond time!

Time will fulfil you. ```

18. Their great art


Dream is Heaven's great art.

Reality is earth's great art.

Compassion is God's great art.

Ingratitude is man's great art. ```

19. Not I, never!


Who wants to remember

His animal hunger?

Not I, never!

Who wants to remember

His human failure?

Not I, never!

Who wants to remember

His divine compassion?

Not I, never!

Who wants to remember

His absolute perfection?

Not I, never!


20. Three abodes


Live in your heart;

Opportunity will awaken you.

Live in your soul;

Capacity will reward you.

Live in your Goal;

Divinity will immortalise you. ```

21. The greatest favour


His deserters did him

The greatest favour.

Do you know who his deserters were?

They were

His doubt-knife,

His fear-fife


His frustration-life. ```

22. O watcher


O watcher of the skies,

Real vastness is in your mind.

O watcher of the moon,

Real beauty is in your heart.

O watcher of the sun,

Real glory is in your soul. ```

23. See and adore!


Who brought death into the world?

You alone and nobody else.

See and confess!

Who will bring immortality into the world?

He alone and nobody else.

See and admire!

Who will bring perfection into the world?

I alone and nobody else.

See and adore!


24. Beauty


Sometimes it is a blessing,

Sometimes it is a curse.

What is it?


Beauty of the

Life-illumining soul

Is a blessing.

Beauty of the

Life-binding body

Is a curse. ```

25. I am grateful


Earth conceals my impurity;


I am grateful to earth.

Heaven conceals my insecurity;


I am grateful to Heaven.

God conceals my worthlessness;


I am grateful to God.

I conceal my desire-night;


I am grateful to myself.


26. The cause of his death


Days spent without hope

Are one cause

Of his fast-approaching death.

Days spent without promise

Are the cause

Of his immediate death.


27. My journey's end



Wild self-love was my journey's end.


Blind man-love is my journey's end.


Kind God-love will be my journey's end. ```

28. The deceivers


You are a deceiver.

You have deceived

God in man.

He is a deceiver.

He has deceived

Man in God.

I am a deceiver.

I have deceived

Both God and man.


Ask God the Compassion.

Ask man the innocence. ```

29. Enemy and friend to none


Enemy to none.

Friend to none.

Who is he?

A man in the Himalayan cave.

A man in the self-immolation cave.


30. I need him


I do not need him

Whose God is Honour.

I do not need him

Whose God is Success.

I need him

Whose God is Dream-Reality.

I need him

Whose God is Progress-Delight. ```

31. A mutual relationship


Doubt and I


A mutual dislike;


We are really happy.

Faith and I


A mutual liking;


We are truly happy.

Impurity and I


A mutual unawareness;


We are really and truly happy.


32. Let me decide


Who shall decide,

You or I?

If you decide

You will suffer


If I decide

You will prosper



For your own good

Let me decide.


33. Immortality's dance


Acquired superiority

Is stupidity's dance.

Accepted inferiority

Is stupidity's dance.

Accepted equality


Acquired divinity

Is Immortality's dance. ```

34. Mix with God


Don't mix with him.

He will end in frustration.

Don't mix with her.

She will end in suspicion.

Don't mix with me.

I shall end in destruction.

Mix with God.

He will begin with Compassion;

He will end with Satisfaction.


35. He has returned


From doubt to denial

He went.

From denial to doubt

He has returned.

From God-aspiration to man-realisation

He went.

From man-realisation to God-aspiration

He has returned. ```

36. His honest doubt


He has surrendered his honest doubt;


God is loving him and embracing him.

What was his honest doubt?

How could he be another God?


37. His dreams


His Heaven-dream was starving.

He knew it,

But he was helpless.

His earth-dream is crying.

He knows it,

But he is helpless.

His heart-dream will be flying.

He shall know it;


He shall be thoughtless. ```

38. Death and life enjoyers


The death of ignorance-sleep

A God-lover enjoys.

The life of silence-transcendence

A God-knower enjoys. ```

39. His days


His earth-days

Are giant-lances.

His Heaven-days

Are God-trances.

His immortal days

Are Perfection-glances. ```

40. The lover eternally is


The sleeper dies.

The dreamer beholds.

The seeker becomes.

The lover is,

Eternally is.


41. My visions of light


Beauty's depth

Was my first vision of light.

Duty's height

Was my second vision of light.

Immortality's life

Was my third and last vision of light. ```

42. A mortal loss, an immortal gain


I do not have a mind,

And I consider it a mortal loss.

I do have a heart,

And I consider it an immortal gain. ```

43. What do you do?


Father, O Father, what do You do

Here in my heart?

"I dream My cosmic Dream."

"Daughter, O daughter, what do you do

Here in My Mind?"

I plead with You again and again

To keep me always in mind. ```

44. A God-lover and God-server


To become

A God-lover is to love

The real in oneself unreservedly.

To become

A God-server is to serve

The immortal in oneself unconditionally.


45. Two fools


You are a living fool;


Your hopeless fate has brought you

To me

To be my disciple.

I am an undying fool;


My helpless fate has brought me

To you

To be your Master.


46. Before and after


Before I read the book of death

I was happy.

After I read the book of life

I was happy.

Before I read the book of doubt-poison

I was happy.

After I read the book of faith-nectar

I was happy. ```

47. We love each other


Lord, I love You;

I need Your earth-visiting Feet.

Lord, You love me;

You love my heaven-visiting eye. ```

48. They have gone back


You have gone back

To your mind again

To shake hands with confusion-night.

He has gone back

To his heart again

To be blessed by illumination-height. ```

49. The doubter


Secretly he doubts God in man.

Openly he doubts man in God.

Unreservedly he doubts

Man's aspiration-bud


God's Compassion-Flood. ```

50. Our earth-life and Heaven-life



Our earth-life has.


Our Heaven-life is. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Immortality's Dance, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from