Stopping the rain18

There was a time when I used a little bit of occult power and I was able to stop the rain. As far as I remember, the very first time I stopped the rain was right before the performance of our play Harish Chandra outdoors in Connecticut. It started raining very heavily. I faced one particular tree and stopped the rain.

The second or third time it was during our play about the Lord Buddha, Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, when the third UN Secretary-General, U Thant, was our guest of honour.

Another time, I was about to start painting a big, big canvas. The rain was descending, but I looked up into the sky and stopped it. The main assistant of one of my dearest friends was watching. At times he became my real critic. On this occasion I said to him, “God is so kind! There was no rain after all. It was about to rain heavily.”

He looked at me and said, "I know you had something to do with it. You did have something to do with it — I know!”

Like that, many, many times I have stopped the rain.

During the last few weeks I had to use occult power on various occasions. They were all serious, serious, serious.

If you misuse occult power, you lose everything. Do not misuse occult power.

ITU 17. 3 June 2006, Aspiration-Ground, Jamaica, New York

From:Sri Chinmoy,I thank You, Agni Press, 2014
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