Eggnog for the Mother

For four or five years after I left the Ashram, the Mother did not ask me for anything. She thought that I had become a multimillionaire! But my sponsors said, “The Mother does want you to send her things.” Sixteen letters I received from her assistant, Dyuman.

Dyuman came to the Ashram with his wife. He was nineteen years old and his wife was sixteen or seventeen years old. They came to enjoy their honeymoon at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. That was the right place! They thought that they would come there and become spiritual. Dyuman wanted to stay in the Ashram. Sri Aurobindo said, "I will accept you, but not your wife.” The wife cried and cried and she became so upset with Sri Aurobindo. Dyuman did not want to go back to Gujarat. He stayed at the Ashram and became dearer than the dearest. He was the one who used to write to me on the Mother’s behalf. He was very nice.

Six or seven items I used to send to the Mother from America. Dyuman told me that, three hours before she left the body, the Mother took eggnog that I had sent. The eggnog powder was a yellowish colour. In the container there was some powder left. Dyuman said to me, “You take it.” I said, “No, no, I know your devotion to the Mother and your love for the Mother. Please take it.” He kept that eggnog powder.

Pranab wrote a book about what the Mother ate. Pranab said that the last thing the Mother took from him was a kind of soup. Again, Dyuman, who was the Mother’s food minister, said to me that the last thing the Mother took was my eggnog powder. Whom to believe? One said that the Mother took eggnog and the other said that she took soup.

From:Sri Chinmoy,I thank You, Agni Press, 2014
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