My sister's affection38

I wish to tell you a very sad story. Most of you already know it. When I was eighteen or nineteen, one evening I went to my sister’s place to eat. My eldest sister was making complaints about her eyes. Her eyes were not functioning well. She was losing her eyesight; it was all blurred.

I was young-the youngest and the proudest! My pride always touched the ceiling and beyond. Very powerfully I massaged her eyes. Then she became completely blind!

My other sister and the rest of my family — specially my aunt, who died at the age of 103 — scolded and insulted me so ruthlessly. But the sufferer, my eldest sister, was all kindness and compassion to me. She said, “He meant well, poor fellow. What can you do, what can you do?”

For three days she could not see anything. Then my family wanted to take her to the hospital. At that time my inner capacity I wanted to show. I said, "I will cure her.” Very, very gently for a few minutes I touched her eyes. Then she got back her vision completely. It was better than before!

When pride is involved, you get zero. But when you pray to the Supreme and bring forward your inner capacity, then you get extraordinary results.

Here is a cock-and-bull story. Two weeks ago I developed throat pain. I had a burning sensation in the throat, plus fever. From Heaven, everybody in my physical family came and saw me. It was not serious at all, but for two weeks my eldest sister’s soul did not leave me. She was all concern for my throat pain and my fever. The fever went and then it came back for three or four hours. Again it went away and again it came back. Finally the fever did not come back. The day before yesterday my eldest sister said goodbye to me. She said she did not have to worry anymore because my fever and sore throat were completely gone. This was the sister who suffered because of her eye problems. She still has the same kind of affection for me. For two weeks she did not leave me; she was only watching over me.

Nowadays also my family has such concern for me.

ITU 73. 13 April 2007, Aspiration-Ground, Jamaica, New York

From:Sri Chinmoy,I thank You, Agni Press, 2014
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