No retirement for you, my child!

The conclusion of Twenty-seven thousand aspiration-plants

On this trip, in spite of my physical illness and so many inner and outer problems, we have accomplished two most significant things. We have completed our Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants and two million bird drawings. From the literary and artistic point of view, this trip will be our most significant offering to the Absolute Supreme. To complete Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants is something in our aspiration-life that is greater than the greatest and better than the best.


Poem 27,000

My Twenty-Seven Thousand


My Lord Beloved Absolute Supreme

Has given me to give you

The Sun-Smile-Blossoms

Of His Heart.

My Twenty-Seven Thousand


You have given humanity

A sleepless God-thirst


A breathless God-hunger.2


My Supreme’s absolute Command

In the small hours of this morning, my soul was in my transcendental consciousness and my heart was in my universal consciousness.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme stood in front of me and said to me, “No retirement, no retirement, no retirement for you, My child!”

I said to my Supreme, “What more do You want from me, what more?”

He said to me, “Seventy-seven thousand.”

Immediately I said to Him, “Is it Your Wish, is it Your Request, is it Your Will or is it Your absolute Command?”

He said, “It is My absolute Command.”

Then I said to Him, “I do not think I am going to live on earth that long.”

He said to me, “My child, I command you to start. I command you to start. You know and I know how long you are going to be on earth, but I want you to start. This is My absolute Command.”

“My Supreme, my Supreme, I shall obey Your Command, I shall.”

About Seventy-seven thousand service-trees

My problem is only to start. By the time I stop, how many new disciples will come and join our boat, and how many will disappear out of our boat? Only the Supreme knows how many will come and how many will go, and how many will reach Heaven. That only the Supreme knows. But before I complete 77,000, I will reach Heaven.

LEN 9,2. Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 270, poem 27,000. New York: Agni Press, 1998.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Live in the eternal Now, Agni Press, 2011
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