Netaji — Man of Steel: by Ananda Guruge


To me, a child of twelve in the hills of Lanka,

The friendly captain of the nearby camp, Sengupta

Hailing from Sonar Bangla of poetic dreams,

Spoke of its heroes of science and letters,

And gallant fighters for India's liberty:

Bose the scientist, Bankim the novelist,

Tagore the poet of infinite wisdom.

But the hero of his heroes — and thus, indeed, mine too —

Was none other than that man of steel,

NETAJI who urged action while others chose words.


— From Ma Väni Bilińda, an autobiographical poem

written in Sinhala, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1988.

Note: H.E. Ananda Guruge is a devout Buddhist who hails from Sri Lanka.

He is a supreme authority on the world's major religions.

He has served his country in various capacities abroad and is also a Senior Special Advisor, Culture of Peace Programme, UNESCO.

Ananda Guruge has a mind of integrity, a heart of profundity, a life of simplicity and abundantly more. — Sri Chinmoy

From:Sri Chinmoy,Mother, Your 50th Independence-Anniversary! I am come. Ever in Your Eternity's Cries and Your Infinity's Smiles, Subhas, Agni Press, 1997
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