The court jester and the eggplants

A king and his court jester were walking through the kingdom. The king wanted to enjoy the scenery in the countryside around the palace. That day the king saw many places. He saw all kinds of mango trees and fields. He was so pleased that his kingdom was so beautiful and that there were so many trees and flowers.

At one spot he saw a green field with brinjals or eggplants. When he saw the brinjals he said to his court jester, “Look, such huge and beautiful brinjals! I have never seen such big and beautiful brinjals in my life.”

The court jester said, “You are right, you are right. They are so beautiful. I can see that they are also very good, very tasty.”

The king said, “Brinjals have countless seeds. Because of the seeds, I hate brinjals.”

The servant immediately said, “I too hate brinjals. Because of the seeds I never liked them. The taste is horrible.”

The king turned to the court jester and said, “A moment ago you said that they were so nice, good and tasty. Now you are saying that they are not tasty. Why are you changing your mind?”

The court jester said, “King, you have to know that I am your servant, not the servant of a brinjal. If you say ‘good’, then I say ‘better and best’. If you say ‘bad’, then I say ‘worse and worst’. I am your perfect slave. Whatever you say, I just add to it. I want to be your perfect servant. I don’t want to become a servant of a brinjal. Who wants it, who needs it? I need only my Master, not an eggplant!”

From:Sri Chinmoy,Is your mind ready to cry? Is your heart ready to smile? part 7, Agni Press, 1981
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