My soul is free



My soul is free to smile at

The beautiful God-dreamers.

My life is free to serve

The faithful God-servers.

My heart is free to love

The unconditional God-lovers.

And I am free to admire

The conscious God-owners. ```



My Lord does not want

My surrender-life

From my suffering heart-tears,

But He wants

My surrender-life

From my flying heart-smiles. ```



The rising sun says:

"O stupid seeker, wake up!

You have a long way to go,

Although the Goal is yours."

The setting sun says:

"O stupid seeker, can you not see

That you have badly

And sadly failed?

Perhaps my rising brother-sun

Will give you another chance


To reach your destination.

If you fail this time,

Who knows?

He may not give you

Another chance

In this God-realisation-promise-incarnation

Of yours." ```



For the prominence-cherishing

And gratification-nourishing


Unprecedented inner failures! ```



Each time I lose a pound,

I fly a mile higher.

Each time I fly a mile higher,

I come nearer than the nearest

To God the Smiler.




The clever mind

Can and does give

Many things to the world

Without loving.

The pure heart

Will never and can never give

Even one thing to the world

Without loving. ```



Each and every

Self-giving God-lover

Is an absolutely perfect

Peace-discoverer on earth. ```



Man can satisfy God the Eternal,

God the Infinite

And God the Immortal.

But God cannot fully satisfy

Even one single desire-man

On earth. ```



My prayers

Are the ascending stairs

To God's transcendental


My meditations

Are God's descending Stairs

To His universal

Manifestation-Delight. ```




The victory of my humility-mind

Was announced by the trumpets

Of the vastness-sky.


The victory of my purity-heart

Will be announced by the organs

Of the fulness-sun. ```



When I offer my heart's


To my Beloved Supreme,

He tells me that I am His only





This morning I declared war

On my doubting mind.

Therefore, my Beloved Supreme

Is blessing me

With His unprecedented Dance

Inside my fully-blossomed





Each pure and soulful thought

Inside my mind

Is a series of my life's

Bondage-free successes. ```



Surrender is always mutual.

To God

I soulfully surrender

The darkness of my ignorance-life.

To me

God blessingfully surrenders

The Light and Delight

Of His Compassion-Heart. ```



The first God-Call awakens us

From centuries' ignorance-sleep.

The second God-Call illumines

Our unlit human nature.

The third God-Call inspires

The divine in us

To sing the God-manifestation-song

In God's own Way

Here on earth.




It is not an impossible task

To forgive and forget

One's failure-past

If one starts to live

For God and God alone.




My seeker-friend,

You want to know

Who gave me

God's Home Address.

My seeker-friend,

It is my spiritual heart

And not my intellectual mind

That has given me

God's Home Address.




Do you want to get close,

Very close, to God?

Then never for a second

Must you worry

About your earthly


And your Heavenly

Accomplishments. ```



I must never forget

That each impure thought

In my mind

Is supported by troops

Of ignorance-night.




The moment I surrendered

My sadness-vital

To my Lord Supreme,

He immediately increased

My heart-hunger immensely

And placed His own


On my head. ```



"My sweet child, My sweeter child,

My sweetest child,

When you come to see Me,

I never ask you to tell Me

What others are doing wrong.

I do not ask you to tell Me

Even what you are doing wrong.

I immediately ask you to tell Me

What you are doing right,

And in how many ways

You are trying to please Me.

My sweet child, My sweeter child,

My sweetest child,

It does not become you

To see others'

Teeming imperfections.

I am constantly dreaming

In and through you

To make you My Eternity's

Absolutely perfect instrument.

Please fulfil My Dream,

My long-cherished Dream,

My only Dream!"




"My child, My child,

Do not disappoint Me,

Do not fail Me!

If you disappoint Me,

If you fail Me,

Then I shall lose

A very precious Dream

Of My ever-transcending





This morning my Lord Supreme,

Out of His infinite


Has given me the power

Of receptivity

To make a permanent contract

With gratitude-delight.




Today's headline:

My heart has made

Its unconditional surrender

To God's Will.

Tomorrow's footnote:

My mind is all ready

To welcome God soulfully.





Not the annihilation of the mind

But the illumination of the mind;


Not the renunciation of life

But the acceptance of life;


Not the hesitation of the heart

But the expansion of the heart

We need in order to sign

A permanent contract

With world peace. ```



If God is your favourite subject,

Then who can object

To your immediate


And your ultimate

God-manifestation? ```



If your heart's aspiration

Is immense

And your life's dedication

Is intense,

Then your outer life

Is bound to succeed


And your inner life

Is bound to proceed

Dauntlessly. ```



What is unlit

And what is sunlit?

Unlit is when I say

That I can do it.

Sunlit is when I say

That my Lord Supreme

Has already done it for me.




The favourite question

Of a useless seeker is:

"My Lord God,

Do tell me when and how soon

I will be able to realise You."

The favourite statement

Of a faithful and soulful seeker is:

"My Lord Supreme,

I know that at Your choice Hour

You will make me realise You.


I am not at all in a hurry."




My spirituality is not

My timidity's turtle-pace.

My spirituality is

My purity's deer-speed. ```



Perfection is the freedom

From desire.

Satisfaction is the freedom

Of oneness. ```



Everything else in life

You may keep a supreme secret,

But not your love of God,

For your love of God alone

Will give you salvation from sin,

Illumination from darkness,

Liberation from bondage,

Realisation from imperfection

And Immortality from death.




My God-obedience is the seed

That I am offering

To God the man.

My God-discovery is the fruit

That I shall offer

To man the God. ```



I am now concentrating.

I know that

My Lord Beloved Supreme

Is right above my head. ```



I am now meditating.

I can feel

The blessingful Presence

Of my Lord Beloved Supreme

Right inside my heart.




I am now contemplating.

I can vividly see

My Lord Beloved Supreme

Right in front of my vision-eye,

And He is telling me

That He is eager to play

Hide-and-seek with me.




I must immediately shake off

My God-disappointment-past

So that my Lord Beloved Supreme

Can smilingly and proudly

Grow, glow, sing and dance

Inside my today's

Silver dreams

And my tomorrow's

Golden realities.




My inner Pilot is extremely pleased

With me,

For I no longer allow


To cling to my mind-walls.




My inner Pilot is extremely proud

Of me,

For I have finally caught

And defeated

My life's cleverest






My Inner Pilot is extremely fond

Of me,

For every morning I employ

His supremely choice


To fly me in my own


To His Immortality's

Nectar-flooded Land.




Today I am inviting

The whole world

To come and see

My Lord Supreme

While He is illumining

The affection-flooded village-home

Of my heart's aspiration-cry.




My Lord Supreme,

Out of His infinite Compassion,

Affection, Love and Fondness,

Has given me a sleepless


Alas, what have I done?

I have given my poor life

An obstinate unwillingness-mind! ```



Outwardly God may never

Expose and arrest

My false and insincere aspiration.

But inwardly every day

He detects and rejects

My false and insincere aspiration. ```



God's Sweetness-Eye

Inspires the soulful beginning

Of my life's journey.

God's Fulness-Heart

Immortalises the fruitful perfection

Of my self-transcendence-life. ```



The fragrance of my heart's purity

Goes far beyond

My mind's impurity-territory.




When I am in my desiring mind,

I offer a very painful prayer

To my Lord Supreme.

When I am in my aspiring heart,

My Beloved Supreme blesses me

Not only with a soulful meditation

But also with a fruitful satisfaction.




My self-searching mind

Is by far the best investment.

My self-giving heart

Is absolutely

The highest enlightenment.




My God-manifestation-promise

Will never be broken by me.

My God-satisfaction-hope

Will ever be spoken by me. ```



I call it

My cheerful willingness,

But God calls it

His complete Satisfaction

In my perfect aspiration.




When I tell Him

That He is my Father Supreme,

He loves me sleeplessly.

When I tell Him

That He is my only Friend,

He loves me sleeplessly,

Plus He even loves

My imperfections.

When I tell Him

That He is my All,

He immediately tells me

That He will immortalise

My outer dedication-life

On earth

And my inner aspiration-life

In Heaven. ```

Editor's introduction

The poems in this volume were offered by Sri Chinmoy during meetings and meditation sessions held in 1988.

From:Sri Chinmoy,My soul is free, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from