Sri Chinmoy: If you did something wrong, would you ask for God's Compassion or God's Justice, and why?

Amanda: I would ask for God's Compassion, because if I asked for God's Justice then I would be totally ruined.

David: I would take God's Compassion because the Justice.... Uh, I don't know what to say.

Ashley: I would take God's Compassion, because God's Justice is too powerful. God's Compassion is sweeter and gentler.

Daniel: I would ask for God's Compassion, because I don't feel that I am ready to accept God's Justice all the time.

Heather: I would accept God's Compassion, because Justice seems too harsh. Compassion is more loving and kind.

Robert: I would choose God's Justice, because it would help me remember better my mistake and correct it in the future.

Stephanie: I would choose God's Compassion, because it wouldn't be so hard.

Brittany: I would ask for God's Compassion because I would hope that, even without His Justice, God could trust me enough that I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Megan: I would ask for God's Compassion, because if I knew I did something wrong, then I would have a chance to make whatever I did wrong right.

Nicole: I would choose God's Compassion, because I would know that the next time that I did it wrong I would get God's Justice, and I wouldn't want that.

James: I'd take God's Justice, because then I'd know not to do it again.

John: I would choose to take God's Compassion, because I'm sure if I did something really bad, I would know not to do it again. And if I did do it again, I would take God's Justice.

Matthew: I think I would take God's Compassion, to give myself a second chance. Only if I did the same thing wrong again would I ask for God's Justice.

Andrew: I would take God's Compassion, because God's Justice might make me bitter, and I don't think God's Compassion would have the same effect.

Justin: I would take God's Compassion, because His Justice might confuse me, or I might misunderstand what is happening. But with Compassion I'd have a second chance not to make the same mistake.

Jennifer: I prefer God's Compassion, because I'd want Him to forgive me. Justice would be too hard to handle.

Sarah: I would take God's Compassion, because I feel I am too weak to accept God's Justice.

Elizabeth: I would take God's Justice, because then He would make sure that I would never do the same thing twice.

Samantha: I would take God's Compassion, because then I would know that I would be forgiven. I think that the Justice would probably be too harsh for me.

Joseph: I would take God's Compassion, because if I did something wrong, I wouldn't want to feel God's Justice after my first chance. I'd rather take His Compassion, because then I would have another chance.

Ryan: If I did something wrong, I would immediately say to God, "Please forgive me!" So that would attract God's Compassion. But I know that God is all Compassion, so inwardly I would pray for God's Justice-Light so I could make more progress in whatever I do.

Joshua: I would ask for God's Justice, because even if it might sting at the moment, I know in the long run I would learn much more powerfully from God's Justice than from His Compassion.

Brandon: When I do something wrong, I immediately ask for God's Justice, but what I receive is God's Compassion. If I really received God's Justice, then I would be totally devastated. So I have to be all gratitude that I receive God's Compassion when I do something wrong, even though I ask for His Justice.

William: I've wasted God's Compassion countless times, but if I am brave and strong I can make the best progress with God's Justice.

Christopher: I would accept God's Justice, because I know that God's Justice is trying to make me into a more perfect instrument for God.

Sri Chinmoy: As Madal I would choose God's Compassion, and as Chinmoy I would choose God's Justice. If I get God's Compassion, then I will be forgiven. If God forgives me, then I will have another chance to become a good person. But I will have to exercise tremendous self-discipline and will power, because I will not be getting the strongest push from God to become perfect. But if God's Justice strikes me mercilessly, then I will remember what I did wrong, and never repeat my mistake. Then I will start doing all the right things, and become His perfect instrument. Only if God is strict with me will I have the golden opportunity to become perfect. If He is not strict, many times I may make mistakes, and He may forgive me, but I will remain imperfect. So, as Madal I want Compassion, and as Chinmoy I want Justice.

David, you have never done anything wrong? Fine! Then you are God. We want to be like you. David, since you say you have not done anything wrong in this lifetime, we have to ask your brother if he agrees.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Niagara Falls versus children's rise, Agni Press, 1987
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