Sri Chinmoy's inscription in the visitors' register

Yesterday’s punishment-cell becomes today humanity’s Enlightenment-Shrine.

Beloved President Mandela, to you my aspiration-heart and my dedication-life bow and bow.

— C.K. Ghose Sri Chinmoy, Student of Peace.

After leaving the cell, Sri Chinmoy offered his deepest gratitude to Commander Jones:

I am so grateful to you for allowing me to visit this shrine. This is humanity’s aspiring shrine. To some, this place symbolises brutal torture from some ignorance-lords.

To me, it is the living presence of humanity’s hope and humanity’s promise, embodied in the aspiration-heights of Africa’s beloved leader, Nelson Mandela.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Nelson Mandela: the Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth, Agni Press, 1998
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