God's most treasured gift116

It is said that there is nothing new under the sun. The same sunrise and the same sunset human souls have been observing from time immemorial. This is the message that human beings receive from their outer eyes. But from our inner vision, we see the reality a little bit differently. Each sunrise and sunset, according to our inner vision, is not the same; there is a noticeable difference.

As history repeats itself, even so, everything in our outer life to a great extent also repeats itself. But in the process of human evolution, Eternity itself is changing. Eternity is always in the process of transcending its own existence-reality. It is flowing along the river of the Beyond, the river that is carrying the message of the Eternal Beyond. This life-river is well-known by the seekers of the infinite Truth, for they have been asked by the Absolute Himself to discover the new in the Eternal.

Peace is something new. Right from the dawn of civilisation, humanity has been offering many things to the world at large, but it has not been able to offer peace. The seekers of the Absolute Truth are trying to discover peace within themselves, and then reveal it and offer it to mankind.

This peace is not to be found in the mind. The mind’s doubt cannot offer us peace. It is the heart’s faith that can offer us peace. The mind of separativity, which separates one reality from another, cannot give us the message of peace. It is the heart of unity, which unites everything, that can give us peace.

The mind that tells us, “God is elsewhere; Truth is elsewhere,” cannot grant us peace. The heart that knows and, at the same time, makes us feel that God is here and also everywhere else is the only thing that can give us peace. Peace is an inner reality that can be found only inside the aspiring heart.

This inner reality the heart does not want to keep for itself. It wants to share it with the other members of its family: the mind, the vital and the physical existence-reality. Therefore, whoever has the sincere need for peace of mind first has to dive deep within and discover the peace which is in the inmost recesses of his heart. Then he has to gather this peace and offer it to his doubting and unreceptive mind.

God-lovers and Truth-seekers have discovered this supreme secret. They know that they have to dive deep within to feel God’s most treasured Gift to mankind. The Inner Pilot offers this Gift to His choice children who establish their loving oneness with Him. Then soulfully, devotedly and unconditionally, they have to bring this Peace-Gift into the mind, vital and body so that peace becomes an integral part of their human existence.

Since we are all God-lovers and Truth-seekers, let us try to discover peace in the depths of our oneness-heart—not in our mind of separativity, doubt and confusion. This inner peace has the capacity to transform the doubting and unreceptive mind of humanity. Once we discover inner peace in the depths of our satisfaction-heart and bring it to the fore, our unlit mind will also become fully illumined. Let us pray and meditate that the hour of our peace-discovery will soon dawn.

116. University of Connecticut at Storrs; Storrs, Connecticut, USA, , 19 April 1986

From:Sri Chinmoy,The oneness of the Eastern heart and the Western mind, part 3, Agni Press, 2004
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/oeh_3