Question: How does our aspiration affect the earth-environment?

Sri Chinmoy: Definitely our aspiration helps the environment. Again, it is also a question of how much receptivity the environment has.

Some political figures speak about the environment twenty-four hours a day. Forgive me to say, how much conviction do they have in their own pronouncements? They say the world will be destroyed, or various places will be destroyed. Many years ago some religious figures said the world would be destroyed. We see darkness. It is very easy to see darkness, but where is the light? How shall we bring down light?

We talk about the environment, but where is the light? If I see darkness, then I must show the light also. If I only see darkness and I tell the world, “Bring light, bring light,” am I going to achieve anything? If I have the capacity to see darkness, then I should also have the vision to bring down light. Otherwise, what shall I offer to the world? You are saying that the world will be destroyed, and let us say that your vision is absolutely true. But what are you doing about it, inwardly, outwardly, self-givingly? You see darkness and you tell the world, “My house is being destroyed.” Are you taking care of it, or are you just depending on your neighbours to come and take care of your house?

The environment is like that. How much conviction do we have when we talk about the environment? And how much receptivity do we have to bring light from Above and offer it to the environment? If we can improve the condition of the environment, it will be our own enlightenment. But unfortunately we see things, we talk about things, but we do not have the remedy. We do not have the answer. We tell others to provide the medicine. We ourselves see the disease and the forthcoming result, but we do not have the medicine.

Again, some people do not even see the disease. The environment, for them, is perfect. If they do not see the disease, why should they care for a remedy? If I see the disease, then I should come forward with a cure. I cannot say that the remedy has to be provided by somebody else, somebody else, somebody else. No! If I see the disease, I should also come forward with the medicine.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Only gratitude-tears, Agni Press, 2012
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