Question: What quality most needs developing in us at this time?

Sri Chinmoy: There are two qualities that we need most. One quality is purity and the other is oneness. Of course, purity and oneness are inseparable. Purity is on the outer plane of consciousness and oneness is on the inner plane of consciousness. If we want to go from the outer plane of consciousness to the inner plane, then first we will develop purity and from purity we will enter into oneness. But if we want to come from the inside to the outside, which is also correct, then we start with oneness; and when there is oneness, purity is already there. Oneness cannot separate itself from purity. For mental purity we need tremendous aspiration. Purity is on the outer plane, but once it is established, then we can establish oneness with the inner being. Then we will be perfect. When we have oneness in the inner being and purity in the outer life, automatically we get the capacity for manifestation and become a perfect instrument of the Supreme. At that time, we are not only with the Supreme and for the Supreme, but we are the Supreme. That is what oneness can and will tell us.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Perfection in the Head-World, Agni Press, 1979
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